

Competitive Division: 
40 KB Swings 55#/35#
30 Burpees
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Front Squats 135#/95#

Social Division: 
40 KB Swings (scale weight to ability)
30 Burpees
20 Jumping Pull ups
10 Air Squats

All reps of one exercise must be done before moving to the next exercise. One person working at a time. One person is allowed to do all the reps of a given exercise, if so desired. Score is total number of reps in 10 min. Prescribed for Teens = Women's weights

Proceeds will go directly to Steve's Club King of Prussia. More information about the program can be found at Stevesclub.org

The WOD will be a Partner workout. Come with a partner in mind, or just come and we'll set you up. Partners can be mixed gender or same sex. Participation can occur in either the competitive division or social division. The social division would be a great opportunity to introduce a friend or young person to CrossFit and to our Non-profit Steve's Club program! The Team who takes top spot in the competitive division will get there very own Steve's Club T-Shirts! Suggested donation to participate is $25, but whatever you can give to support the program is appreciated.

Even if you cannot participate in the workout, please consider making a donation to support our kids. You can make your donation online by clicking HERE or at the box anytime.

Registration will start at 8:45AM, with heats kicking off at 9:15am, running through 11am. Spectators and volunteer judges are needed and welcome!

"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength."
-Michael Jordan



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