

The chairs are empty...King, Queen and Court Jester!

Finally, the event that all of you have been waiting for!  The day has arrived and it is time to crown our newest King and Queen.  Our reigning King and Queen are not defending their title so the field is wide open.  This is by far, the most exciting event that is held each year and the coaches could not be more excited.  The King and Queen of Prussia will give many an opportunity to compete for the first time, it will give others a chance to see where they stack up, it will push all athletes to a new level, it will provide an atmosphere or camaraderie and friendship that defines what CrossFit King of Prussia is all about.  If you are not competing, we strongly encourage you to stop by and cheer on your friends and support them during the day.  At the end of the event, we will celebrate in true CrossFit fashion with a "stink and drink" and catered lunch.  Please feel free to bring some pot-luck fare and drinks too! See you there!

There is NO regular class today only the competition,  regular class resumes on Sunday.

WOD 1:"Raise the Drawbridge"
For time complete:
Run 400 Meters
Hang Power Clean 55/75#
Front Squat 55/75#
Push Press 55/75#
Row 500 Meters

Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

WOD 2: "Fight The Power"
Dumbbell Snatch Ladder
Ladies 20# 25# 35# 40# 45# 50# 55# 60# 65# 70#
Lords 45# 55# 65# 70# 75# 80# 85# 90# 95# 100#
Competitors will have 20 seconds to complete a Dumbbell Snatch on the Right and Left arm and 10 seconds to rotate. On the final weight athletes can complete max reps alternating in 20 seconds.

WOD 3: "The Crown Jewel"
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
1 Box Jump, 1 KettleBell Swing 35#/55#, 1 Burpee
2 Box Jumps, 2 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 2 Burpees
3 Box Jumps, 3 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 3 Burpees...
...follow this sequence increasing repetitions until  8 minutes has elapsed.

WOD 4: "Dance with Dragon"
announced the day of....

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” 


  1. I'll be honest. I'm a little disappointed none of the events were called "Watch the Throne".

  2. Aimee and Jason, great time at the box today. Thank you for putting on such a well run event and for your time. We had a blast!!

    P, great job as Boz!
