

London 2012  - The Olympics have begun...

Join Steph for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Football seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience.  This is a FREE class for members only.

Community Notes:
Good luck to everyone competing at the Summer Slam at CrossFit Generation today!! Bring home the win!

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
~Winston Churchill


  1. Who else is much more interested in watching the power lifting in the Olympics than ever before?

  2. Class kicked off this morning with a scenic run to norristown. That was followed by a WOD we will call Sweaty Balls.

    Partners Complete 3 Rounds
    with a 14# Med Ball*

    Loop Run (The partner with the ball may not move)
    50 Overhead Walking Lundges
    75 Snatches
    100 Around the Worlds (partners stand back to back and pass the ball around, 1 rep= one full rotation)

    *if the ball drops each partner must do 5 burpees before continuing!

    Matt/Kenny: 42:21
    Rinat/PaulF: 32:47
    King/Peterson: 27:45
    Dawn/Arin: 31:00 (2R)
    JessS/Ann: 29:55 (2R/10#)
    Dawn/JessS: 16:37 (1R/10#)

    Everyone did awesome...this was a long one on a very hot day. I saw some amazing team work from all!

    some pics!
