

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
20 Pistols (10R/10L)
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Teams of TWO with ONE person working at a time

Coaches Note: 
The workout can be broken up in any way.  Athletes can alternate rounds or break up each individual round as they see fit.  If a three person team needs to be created, the rep scheme should be 15, 30, 45 with two people working at a time.

Food Prep by L. Pappas

Community Question:
What is the largest amount of American currency one can hold without having change for a dollar?

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
--Lao Tzu

Team Manellie: Manisha & Ellie - 5
Team Teach: Alexis & Joy - 6
Team Turtle Pistols: Jay E, Wax & Tidmore - 8
Team Turtle Doves: Gina & Kim G - 5
Team Confused: Peter, Sam B & Laura - 8
Team Hayoob: Chip & Cline - 7
Team Booyah: Lauren & Lam - 7
O-My: Olan & Matt O- 6
CF Crushers: Barb, Graeme, Hannah - 6
Due in August: Jonathan & Nick - 7
Team International- Dan & Chris (NZ) -9
Team Warriors - Kara & Chris T. -6
Irish Pols - JNa & Meg B 7
Walking Wounded - Mike & Sarah W- 4
Team Tear it Up- Keith Aimee & John C. -7
Shut the front door - Cate, John Sch, Jess C - 8
OMGG- Susan Becky Jess S - 6
JTT- Mel, Gabe - 6
Grilled Cheese - Bre, Arin - 6
Awesome - King, Mike P - 10
N and M - Nate, Mike F - 5
Goon Squad - Josh F, Payne - 5
I Feel Like Shit - Steve, Justin - 7
Don't Need Bands - Lisa, Ying - 5
Team TGIFF (DeeDee & Katie Fin): 6
Team Awesome (Oleg, Sandy, Nathan): 7
Team Tapeworm (MikeP & The Nina): 8
Team Twins (Vinny & K): 6
Team Nova (Paul & Faby): 8 in vests
Team Menage A Trois (Jen S, Kim C, Heather): 5
Team Conn Artist (Conn, Mark B) 6
Team Rx (Sarah J & Alanna) 6
Team 817 Hotties (Rebecca & KT) 8
Team Pistol Whipped (Melissa L & Pam G): 7


  1. When Jason gets his MU, we should program Jason. It's like it was meant to be.

  2. I'm assuming only coins are allowed, since an infinite number of bills would of course not have change for a dollar, and there would be no upper limit...

    So, we try to maximize the amount of each coin in order of highest value to lowest. Obviously can't have 4 quarters...3 is the max amount without having change. You cannot have 5 dimes since that would be like having two more quarters (3 quarters + 2 quarters = adequate change for dollar). So you can have 4 dimes at most. If you have only 1 nickel, that combined with 2 of the four dimes is like having a 4th quarter, so you cannot have any. And having 5 pennies would be like having a nickel which isn't allowed so you can only have 4 of them.

    Ok. So (3 x $0.25) + (4 x $0.10) + (0 x $0.05) + (4 x $0.01) = $0.75 + $0.40 + $0.00 + $0.04 = $1.19

    Anybody agree?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If its just coins - 3 quarters, 9 dimes and 4 pennies = $1.69

  5. Agreeing with Shoeless... Sorry Wax... I'll give you a dollar and you can give me 2 of your quarters and five of your dimes.

  6. Great call, you're right... Nice job Shoeless!

  7. You could have up to $1.19 in change and still not have change for a dollar: 9 dimes, 4 pennies, and 1 quarter. An alternative would be 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies.

    Of course, you could have any number of $1 coins, and still not have change for a dollar...

  8. Ben, make that WOD with OHS and I could see that for Jason.

  9. Ben, we did "Jason" almost exactly a year ago...brutal


  10. It I could ever do 50 mu in a workout in less than a day, I would be thrilled!!!!

  11. Grant James Zuckerman was born today at 1:02pm, weighing in at 7lbs. 14oz. Mommy, daddy, and baby are doing great!

  12. 6am
    Team Manellie: Manisha & Ellie - 5
    Team Teach: Alexis & Joy - 6
    Team Turtle Pistols: Jay E, Wax & Tidmore - 8
    Team Turtle Doves: Gina & Kim G - 5

    Team Confused: Peter, Sam B & Laura - 8
    Team Hayoob: Chip & Cline - 7
    Team Booyah: Lauren & Lam - 7

    Nice work everyone. Way to stick through the whole 20 minutes.

    Congrats JZ & Jaime!

  13. 530

    Team TGIFF (DeeDee & Katie Fin): 6
    Team Awesome (Oleg, Sandy, Nathan): 7
    Team Tapeworm (MikeP & The Nina): 8


    Team Twins (Vinny & K): 6
    Team Nova (Paul & Faby): 8 in vests
    Team Menage A Trois (Jen S, Kim C, Heather): 5
    Team Conn Artist (Conn, Mark B) 6
    Team Rx (Sarah J & Alanna) 6
    Team 817 Hotties (Rebecca & KT) 8
    Team Pistol Whipped (Melissa L & Pam G): 7

    AND, there were 11 badasses at Westside tonight. Wheee!

  14. Stephanie VincentJune 1, 2012 at 8:52 PM

    Yeah Becky!! Now that's chest to bar! :)

  15. Shoeless was right!

    Do you guys like the questions? No one seems to care...

  16. Each C2B Becky did was like a bar muscle up....lots of extra work done!
