
W.O.D. 5.29.12

"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
135/95 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps

Nasty Girls [wmv][mov]

"The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate 'apparently ordinary' people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people."
-K. Patricia Cross

Roni 10:35 transitions
Cris A 12:38 jumping mu
Jay E 10:14 jumping mu
Nina 13:54 jumping mu
Pat P 14:56 trans
Mike S 14:50 105#,trans
Mark C 12:12 trans
Brett 10:56, jumping mu
Bob 14:27 jumping mu
Tori: 10:55 MUT/63
Gina: 10:47 MUT/70
Mike W: 14:07 JMU/135
Barb: 11:40 MUT/70
Ciera: MUT/85 16:08
Susan: 11: 32 MUT/95
John C: 13:53 Rx
Kim C: 17:47 JMU/85
Lauren: 15:32 MUT/80
Kelly W: 14:18 MUT/53
Chris T: 11:00 65/MUT
Nick Z: 9:33 95/JMU
Kara: 11:17 65/MUT
Jessie S: 11:14 MUT/53
Renee: 11:37 JMU/73
Megs: 11:40 JMU
Chris NZ: 14:08 MUT
Bombar: 19:35 45
Ross 9:30 Rx
McKeever: 8:18 Rx
Aimee: 9:45 Rx
Olan: 21:10 Rx
Cate K: 11:21 MUA
AK 47: 11:47 MUT
John Sch: 15:35 MUT
Becky: 18:38 JMU/83
Jason: 21:50 (0/21)
Ben: 13:41 (7/21) 95#
Dan L: 16:04 (16/21)
PH: 13:00 (bands)
Wax: 10:37 (JMU)
Travis: 16:51 (JMU)
Amy: 13:00 (45# bands)
Brian R: 15:24 (jump)
WW: 12:47 (95# bands)
Stacey: 13:25 (bands ?)
Brynsie: 18:07 (Rx)
Dig: 16:21 (9/21)
Roman: 14:33 (JMU)
Gabe: 14:41 (JMU)
Mike F: 13:19 (band)
Josh F: 16:11 (band ?)
Sam B. 10:12 Rx
Kyle B. 15:53 (RP, paralette dips, 15# DB)
Faby 12:19 JMU
Akeem 16:49 PU/RD/95#
Erika 16:49 MUT/63#
Kate F. 14:17 RP/RD/63#
Rachael 12:07 ?
Matt G. 17:23 JMU/115#
Will 16:11 PU/RD/125#
Melissa "I forgot to do ring dips" 12:47 PU/75#
Paul 9:38 JMU
Ying 9:39 RP/RD/15# with wooden plates
Liz 13:47 MUT/55#
Denise 15:37 strict PU/RD/85#
Chip 11:41 JMU
Matt O. 16:19 JMU/125#
Josh 12:23 JMU
Kate K. 12:28 strict PU/RD/95#
Leslie RP/RD/53#
Kathy G. RP/paralette dips/45#
Knabb 14:20 JMU
Shawn 13:23 rpu/rd
Jess S. 16:01 73#/pu/rd
Jim C. 17:08 JMU
Steve 14:01 95/pu/rd
Ryan 15:46 115/pu/rd
Ags 13:26 100/pu/rd
Oleg 14:16 115/pu/rd
Patrick P. 13:02 scale mu
Joe P. 16:03 105, full mu's
Kate C. 15:59 Rx
Mel 13:19 85/bands
Jenn Sch. 10:55 53/bands
Lady Sam B aka "Bicky" from now on 12:52 53/pu/rd 


  1. 6am

    Roni 10:35 transitions
    Cris A 12:38 jumping mu
    Jay E 10:14 jumping mu
    Nina 13:54 jumping mu
    Pat P 14:56 trans
    Mike S 14:50 105#,trans
    Mark C 12:12 trans
    Brett 10:56, jumping mu
    Bob 14:27 jumping mu

  2. Tori: 10:55 MUT/63
    Gina: 10:47 MUT/70
    Mike W: 14:07 JMU/135
    Barb: 11:40 MUT/70
    Ciera: MUT/85 16:08
    Susan: 11: 32 MUT/95
    John C: 13:53 Rx
    Kim C: 17:47 JMU/85
    Lauren: 15:32 MUT/80
    Kelly W: 14:18 MUT/53
    Chris T: 11:00 65/MUT
    Nick Z: 9:33 95/JMU
    Kara: 11:17 65/MUT
    Jessie S: 11:14 MUT/53
    Renee: 11:37 JMU/73

  3. Nooner!

    Megs: 11:40 JMU
    Chris NZ: 14:08 MUT
    Bombar: 19:35 45
    Ross 9:30 Rx
    McKeever: 8:18 Rx
    Aimee: 9:45 Rx
    Olan: 21:10 Rx
    Cate K: 11:21 MUA
    AK 47: 11:47 MUT
    John Sch: 15:35 MUT
    Becky: 18:38 JMU/83

  4. . . . today is a rest day (sigh) . . . but I desparately want to get a MU . . . instead of doign something painful and unnecessary at the next open gym, I want to work on my MUs . . . will anyone be around to help?

  5. Hi,
    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?

  6. Mike P: I can be if you want. I think you have the strength to get a strict MU.

  7. 6:30 Nasty, sweaty girls and guys

    Sam B. 10:12 Rx
    Kyle B. 15:53 (RP, paralette dips, 15# DB)
    Faby 12:19 JMU
    Akeem 16:49 PU/RD/95#
    Erika 16:49 MUT/63#
    Kate F. 14:17 RP/RD/63#
    Rachael 12:07 ?? (you rode out before the storm hit)
    Matt G. 17:23 JMU/115#
    Will 16:11 PU/RD/125#
    Melissa "I forgot to do ring dips" 12:47 PU/75#
    Paul 9:38 JMU
    Ying 9:39 RP/RD/15# with wooden plates
    Liz 13:47 MUT/55#
    Denise 15:37 strict PU/RD/85#
    Chip 11:41 JMU

    Welcome back Akeem!!! Welcome to Ying and her first class, great job!

    7:30 results

    Matt O. 16:19 JMU/125#
    Josh 12:23 JMU
    Kate K. 12:28 strict PU/RD/95#
    Leslie RP/RD/53#
    Kathy G. RP/paralette dips/45#

  8. 5:30 Nasty Boys and Girls

    (pu/rd = pull ups/ring dips)
    (jmu = jumping muscle ups)

    Knabb 14:20 JMU
    Shawn 13:23 rpu/rd
    Jess S. 16:01 73#/pu/rd
    Jim C. 17:08 JMU
    Steve 14:01 95/pu/rd
    Ryan 15:46 115/pu/rd
    Ags 13:26 100/pu/rd
    Oleg 14:16 115/pu/rd
    Patrick P. 13:02 scale mu
    Joe P. 16:03 105, full mu's
    Kate C. 15:59 Rx
    Mel 13:19 85/bands
    Jenn Sch. 10:55 53/bands
    Lady Sam B aka "Bicky" from now on 12:52 53/pu/rd

  9. I actually did pull-ups (kipping)and ring dips (with a band). Strict pull-ups were not in the cards for me after Monday's WOD.
