
W.O.D. 5.11.12

Mike takes it back to his boyscout days for a new buddy carry!

Looks like the buddy on the back has all the fun!

Teams of 4 (two men/two women) work to complete the following for time:

40 Pull-ups
While partner holds 225 pounds loaded on a barbell

60 Wall ball shots (20lbs to a 10 ' target)
While partner holds chin over bar

100' Buddy and 100lb Dumbbell carry

40 Box jumps, alternating on a 24" box

100' Buddy and 100lb Dumbbell carry 

2 Burpees

40 Pull-ups
While partner holds 135 pounds loaded on a barbell

60 Wall ball shots (14lbs to a 10 ' target)
While partner holds chin over bar

100' Buddy and 70lb Dumbbell carry

40 Box jumps, alternating on a 20" box

100' Buddy and 70lb Dumbbell carry

2 Burpees

Coaches notes:
Men work first to complete the first portion of the WOD then ladies work second to complete the remaining. Group teams based on level and ability but scale as necessary.  This is a version of the Team event 6 from Regionals.

Buddy Carry- 6AM and 7 AM

"Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all."
-Norman Vincent Peale

RX Results:
The Clap 17:02
Chris (NZ)/MikeT./Dorothy/Jess C

Scale Results:
Team Winton- 20:24

Team Tranny-27:47

Team Ninja Turtle-19:37

Team Just the 2 of Us-8:45

Team Lucky7-20:29

Team Epic-15:57
Sy/Jessie/Mike W

The Moms- 13:55
Rhonda/Chris T/Kara

The Mick's-14:01
Meg/Megs/Kim C

All in - 22:26
Joe L/Vinnie/Jim C/Kate C/Rachael

Team Sausage Fest - 10:22
Vinny, Cline

Team Double D! - 28:30
Faby, Shoeless, Ditty, Deedee

Team Vinny's B*tches - 26:50
Erika, Sarah J, Derreck, Patrick P.

Team 50 Shades of CrossFit/Beaver Snatch - 20:22
Peterson, Mark B., JNa, Alison

Team Mel^2 - 13:59
Mel, Mel S.

Team Bros Before Hoes - 23:31
Justin K, Tyler, Melissa L, Pam

Team Fearless Four - 26:40
Steph B, Tracy, Paul S, Kyle

Lil Boys - 16:41
Becky, Aimee, Josh, Travis

3 Guys & a Girl - 25:57
Arin, Diego, Brian R, Ph

2 1/2 Men - 18:50
Nathan, Dan F, Roman


  1. Wow, Awesome WOD... Let's Get It!!

  2. Team WOD= Good times, loved the energy in the gym this morning!

    Coaches notes- the length of one mat is 6ft.
    One scale that worked for the chin hold, was hanging from the bar with knees raised. Also some teams scaled the dumbbell/partner carry- by picking the dumbbell off of the box instead of the floor.

    6am cashed out with a 3min max distance farmers carry. Shout out to Tidmore for really pushing his limits with the weight. 7am choose a weakness and did a 5min AMRAP of whatever that was.

    Team Winton- 20:24

    Team Tranny-27:47

    Team Ninja Turtle-19:37

    Team Just the 2 of Us-8:45

    Team Lucky7-20:29

  3. Awesome WOD this morning! What a great way to start a Friday :)

  4. Team WOD's are great! Did my best Richard Simmons with the cash out. Will try harder next time.

    Funniest moment at Crossfit - watching Mike "attempt" a cartwheel...

  5. So much fun this morning!! Awesome Friday AM WOD :)

  6. curious as to why the team name of Winton? That is the name of the town I grew up in!

  7. It was actually supposed to be "Nguyton"...combination of Nguyen and Anton...but Roni got too creative I suppose and got "Winton"

    BTW...Mike's cartwheels made my day!!!

  8. Lots of highlights this am - I would rank them

    #1 Mike S's Cartwheels

    #2 Tidmore running around the gym with 12 pound weights in a cross between a mummer and Richard Simmons (really bad visual etched in my brain)

    #3 Tidmore dropping me from his shoulders

    #4 Tidmore dropping me again

  9. note to self ... learn how to get upside down

  10. Loved this morning, highlighted by Mike S's cartwheel.. brilliant! King, I'd remove #4 from your list. The second drop was legitimately concerning. But the first was hilarious :)

  11. If anyone is interested in another What is CrossFit lecture by me, let me know and we will get one scheduled.

    Also, be prepared to get strong! Donkey and I are working on something...details forthcoming.

  12. omg hahaha this wod looks awesome! can't wait to do it tonight!

  13. LOL- def one of my most favorite classes to coach so far.

  14. Aimee and 9:30'ers... this was a TON of fun, and a serious workout, too.

    Sy and Jess, you two are totally Epic. Thank you for being such great teammates and carrying me around with a dumbbell in my lap (yes, pix are coming). :)

  15. Jason Lyons, speaking of "getting strong", here's a cool article talking about the benefits of lifting, and functional training.

    Enjoy, everyone!


  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugOYe3quPS8

    Video of the morning partner carrys. So much awesome.

  17. Awesome video on the buddy carry this morning!!

  18. Jason, I'm interested in another "What is Crossfit" lecture. Even if it's the exact same thing, it would be very valuable to hear again.

    To everyone else, I highly recommend attending if there is another one, no matter how experienced or knowledgeable you already are. The first lecture had a significant impact on my attitude toward training. I've since become more willing to scale workouts to maximize intensity, made efficient form a higher priority, and of course finally had a good answer to that seemingly simple yet always difficult question that all our friends ask us, "What is Crossfit?"

    btw I want to get strong! I'm eagerly awaiting to here what you and Donkey got in the works...

  19. Ditto what Shoeless said on both the "what is CrossFit" and whatever Doneky and Jason are planning.

  20. you think mike is smiling for the camera and then you notice his partners hand.

  21. 5:30
    Team Sausage Fest - 10:22
    Vinny, Cline

    Team Double D! - 28:30
    Faby, Shoeless, Ditty, Deedee

    Team Vinny's B*tches - 26:50
    Erika, Sarah J, Derreck, Patrick P.

    Team 50 Shades of CrossFit/Beaver Snatch - 20:22
    Peterson, Mark B., JNa, Alison

    Team Mel^2 - 13:59
    Mel, Mel S.

    Team Bros Before Hoes - 23:31
    Justin K, Tyler, Melissa L, Pam

    Team Fearless Four - 26:40
    Steph B, Tracy, Paul S, Kyle
