
Our CrossFit Endurance Dates are set for the next two months, mark your calendars today!

Tues 5/15 5:30pm UM Track
Wed  5/23 6:30pm UM Track
Thur  5/31 6:00am UM Track or CFKOP

Wed 6/6 5:30pm UM Track
Tues 6/12 7:00am UM Track or CFKOP
Wed 6/20 630pm UM Track

We have added an AM session as requested to this series, hope to see you then.

Running Notes:
The Bryn Mawr Summer 5k Series #1 is Thursday night 6/14 at  7:00 pm in the South Ardmore Park. This is a well run even, if you have been trying to get a solid 5k time, this is a great way to do it; Speak with Coach Tim for more information!

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