
W.O.D. 3.9.12

Chris T. jumps high!

Welcome to Shannon, second class on Double unders and she's a rock star already!

Mark B - 75# Sandbag!

Matt and the Ladies take to the sand bags at 9:30AM

5 Rounds for time of:
200M Sandbag run (35/75#)
30 Double Unders
3 Muscle Ups

Thoughts on Reebok CrossFit Open WOD 12.3 by C. Plentus

Community Notes:
On Monday 3/12 we will be hosting a special NEON WOD, yes you guessed it, kinda like the 80's but more fun. Wear your best and brightest neon clothes. Wear it loud and proud, the winner will receive a piece of gear from the CFKoP store (winner must WOD in full gear). We are telling you in advance so you can prepare your outfit accordingly!

"Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into realities."

Keith 19:06

Cline 19:40 mu trans
Becca 15:54 mu trans
John S 16:03 mu trans
Roni 16:05 mu trans, SU
Bob W 16:28 mu tran, SU
Nicole S 18:52 mu trans
Kim G 17:38 mu trans, SU
Dianne 19:46 mu trans
Lauren M 17:10 mu trans SU
Reid 18:52 mu trans, SU
Chip 17:08 jumping mu
Matt 25:45 (MUT)
Lisa A. 27:43 SU/25SB/MUT
Chris T. 22:56 (MUT)
Kara 14:13 (4rds) (MUT)
Susan 23:36 (MUT)
Liz O 19:15 SU (MUT)
KSB 21:35 (MUT)
Sarah W 34:20 25#SB/SU/MUT
Mark B 19:15 MUT
Russell 25:52 MUT/SU
Robin 25:39 MUT/SU
Shannon 21:35 MUT/DUA/SU
Kathleen 18:47 MUT
Ph 17:11 MUT/150SU
Brian R 15:38 MUT/150SU
Shoeless 23:14 12/15 MU
Travis 25:12 HG Pulls
Joe P 20:34 MUT/DUA/MU/35# (1st Muscle Up!!!!)
Becky 21:21 MUA
Nathan 19:32 DUA/MUT/35#
Deb 24:12 SU/Dips
Lisa C 25:00 DUA/MUT
Josh: 20:35 35/SU/MUT
Kyle K: 16:00 35/SU/MUT
Kyle B: 21:57 75/DU/MUT **First MU!!
Shawn T: 15:35 Rx/JMU
Nick: 19?35 75/DU/JMU
Tidmore: 18:58 75/DUA/JMU **First MU/First DU!!
Tracy: 16:15 25/DU/MUT
Diego: 19:40 35/DUA/JMU **First 2 MU
Joy 16:57 25/DU/MUT
Matt G: 19:58 75/SU/MUT
Alexis: 15:52 25/SU/MUT
Mrs. Peterbutt: 25:37 35/DU/MUT
Mr. Peterbutt: 17:05 75/DU/MUT
Derreck: 20:22 75/SU/Ring Rows
Randy: 21:21 75/SU/MUT
Akeem: 21:38 35/DUA/MUT **First DU!!


  1. Kate C. you are currently 6th in the Mid Atlantic region...take a screen shot!

  2. Haha nice! 40 minutes later I'm already down 3 spots, it is kind of depressing watching myself continue to drop!

    For those doing it Saturday, 18 minutes is a long time. Make sure not to blow yourself out too early, I did that and failed on a handful of toes to bar near the end. My shoulders and lower back are on fire this morning! Good luck everyone!

  3. Thanks for the advice Kate and awesome job!

  4. This is a tough WOD, those presses get heavy fast! Kate and Didi both did impressive things last night.

    For me the tricky thing was knowing when to take an extra second to rest and when to go for the next rep... I blew a lot of energy on no-reps with the push press.

    Good luck to everyone who is doing it on Saturday!

  5. 6/7am

    Cline 19:40 mu trans
    Becca 15:54 mu trans
    John S 16:03 mu trans
    Roni 16:05 mu trans, SU
    Bob W 16:28 mu tran, SU
    Nicole S 18:52 mu trans
    Kim G 17:38 mu trans, SU
    Dianne 19:46 mu trans
    Lauren M 17:10 mu trans SU
    Reid 18:52 mu trans, SU
    Chip 17:08 jumping mu

  6. So for this WOD today... I know I can't string MU's. I don't know if i'll even be able to do more than 1 at all. I feel like the toughest part for me is the strength necessary for the entire movement. Any recommendations for scaling? Jumping MU's aren't terrible for me. Should I try ring pullups? Just do dips (I really suck at these in general)?

  7. Mr Butt.

    My vote would be to practice the transition and I will show the 4:30a new way to work on this. It is my belief that we get strength in other areas that will help with the MU but we can rarely practice the transition. The scheme I can show you practices the transition and the dip...all without the band. Yippie. That is just me. Other coaches may vary their strategies. I have been working the new transition for a few days now and I got up on the rings again...my wrists are just not where they need to be. :(

  8. Mr. Butt, LOL

    Aimee- are we going to have appropriate 80's music for Monday's neon WOD?

  9. Mr. Butt,

    I might have you do ring pull ups and dips on another set of rings. I think you have the transition butt perhaps working the strength movements will help in the long run.

  10. Mr Butt- have you ever worked the negative of the muscle up?

  11. Mel- please bring a playlist if you have one!

  12. Coach Tim: "Cline, you're doing the 75lb bags, right?"

    Cline: "Yeah, it's only 200m."

    Coach Tim's brain: "HA HA HA HA!"

    My guardian angel: "Screw it, he's on his own. I'm getting a bagel."

    This was the first time I used the 75lb bag, and effing A, those extra 40lbs of sand make one hell of a difference. Pretty much prevented me from ever catching my breath.

  13. Cline - that is BY FAR the funniest thing I've read all day.

  14. 530

    Josh: 20:35 35/SU/MUT
    Kyle K: 16:00 35/SU/MUT
    Kyle B: 21:57 75/DU/MUT **First MU!!
    Shawn T: 15:35 Rx/JMU
    Nick: 19?35 75/DU/JMU
    Tidmore: 18:58 75/DUA/JMU **First MU/First DU!!
    Tracy: 16:15 25/DU/MUT
    Diego: 19:40 35/DUA/JMU **First 2 MU
    Joy 16:57 25/DU/MUT
    Matt G: 19:58 75/SU/MUT
    Alexis: 15:52 25/SU/MUT

    Mrs. Peterbutt: 25:37 35/DU/MUT
    Mr. Peterbutt: 17:05 75/DU/MUT
    Derreck: 20:22 75/SU/Ring Rows
    Randy: 21:21 75/SU/MUT
    Akeem: 21:38 35/DUA/MUT **First DU!!

    Congrats to all the first timers tonight! Way to go!!

  15. Correction- it was DU :)
