
The Reebok CrossFit Games Open Sectional has come to a close, thank you to all the athletes, judges and spectators who joined us weekly. We are a bigger and better gym because of YOU! Next year we hope for double the participation of this year AND to get even more athletes involved in all aspects!

Click here to access the CrossFit KoP overall results from the 5 workouts.


We have officially qualified a TEAM!! Aimee Lyons is still on the fence about going team or individual since she did qualify to compete individually at 24th in the region, so we will keep you posted on the final decision and team as we hear more from CFHQ on the timeline to enter the exact team.


  1. Congratulations to everyone at KOP who helped the team achieve a 3rd year at regionals--you did yourselves WAY proud. Awesome job, and good luck to our athletes representing! Can't wait to cheer for you guys!

  2. Way to fight for those high numbers. Good job kop!

  3. Great job and congratulations to our team!!

  4. Awesome work everyone. I went to every Saturday Open WOD and right away I understood why everyone should join....next year I will have to officially participate :)
