
W.O.D. 1.4.12

Complete a one minute rotation at each station:
Air Dyne Bike
Dumbbell Push Press (15/35#)
Kettlebell Swing (35/55#)
Calorie Row
Med Ball Clean (14/20#)
SumoDeadlift High Pull (55/75#)
Double Under
Hang Power Clean (55/75#)
Overhead Squat (one arm) Kettlebell (35/55#)
Box Jump 20-21"/24-25"
rest one minute
...then complete the station rotation one more time

Your total score for the workout will be the number of reps completed at every station with the exception of the Air Dyne, the row and the double under. These stations are inserted into the workout to make you tired but we fully expect you to go ALL OUT on these stations because after all...you are CrossFitters! Feel free to yell at people that you feel are "dogging it". Count your reps on a running total for remaining stations.

The Fat Trap by Tara Parker

Q&A with 17 yr old CrossFitter Darby Nelson by S. Vincent

Community Notes:
Thursday Jan 5th is the last day to sign up for the Post Holiday Sugar Detox Challenge and save $10. The challenge is starting THIS Saturday January 7th and runs for 3 weeks until Saturday January 28th! If you want to learn more about the challenge to see if it's right for you - stop by and ask Laura a question (or 2 or 3) during Thursday's Open Gym between 5:30 and 6:30pm and get a recipe to help get you started too. Can't make it but still have questions, email her at laurapappashealth@gmail.com.

The challenge is a great way to start thinking about your food and how it impacts your mood, energy, and training. It's not Paleo or Zone, but if you are currently following either of those diets you can stil do the detox. When you sign up for the challenge you will receive a 20+ page workbook that includes details on the challenge, information on where to find sugar in your foods and why you want to avoid it, a healthy (challenge focused) shopping list, detox supplementation ideas, food journal, and more!

Open Gym is this Thursday, 1/5 and runs from 5:30PM until 7:30PM, anyone interested in coming out to partner with one of our kids from Steve's Club - see you at 6:30PM for another team WOD.

"Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them."
- Vaibhav Shah


Paul 125 (scale)
Nicole 191 (scale OHS)
Mike P 252 (35# OHS)
Pat 182 (35# OHS)
Manny 133 (scale)
Gina 180 (scale)
Jeff 151 (35/25 PP and 45/35 OHS)
Cindy 187 (scale)
Nina 292 RX + 25PP
Rebecca S 203 (17# OHS / 26.5KB)
Alexis 154 (scale)
Drew 129 (35#OHS / 35KB)
Timmy 284 rx
Susan B 180 rx
Jordan 105 first round, lost count (scaled)
Ciera 155 (scaled)
Sharon 201 (scaled ohs)
Barb 152 (scaled)
Jonathan 169 (scaled)
Conor 224 scale
Conn 275 scale
Ernie 286 scale
Sam B 243 Rx
Kristin T 313 Rx
Kate K 239 scale
Dan Faby 244 Rx
Jason Balmer 300
Diego 184 scale
Sarah J 214 scale
Stasie 171 scale
Rachel 187 scale
Randy 167 scale
Giovanni 182 scale
Heather 258 scale
Tony 352 Rx
Kathryn 217 scale
Vinny 215 Rx+
Plentus 202 Rx+
John C. 248 Rx
Kathleen 214 scale
Roni 238 scale
Gabe 212 scale
Chris NZ 219
Rob Ph 225 Rx
Brian R 247 Rx
Byrnsexy 246 Rx
Jackie 218 scale
Clay 250 Rx
Tamas 242 Rx
Kurt 270
Travis 244
KSB 226 scale
Joe C 191
Amanda 211 scale
Fab 210 scale
Joy 224 scale
Miranda 302 rx
Flounder 204 scale
JZ 204 scale
Danielle 196 scale
Patrick 251 Rx
Alison 310 Rx
Howard 186 scale
Sandy 258 scale
Denise 234 scale
Chris S 227
Katie FM 233 scale
Tidmore 199 Rx


  1. I will be there for Open Gym and Steve's Club.

  2. Think ill be there for Steve's club. I'll confirm Thursday.

  3. 6:00am Results

    Paul 125 (scale)
    Nicole 191 (scale OHS)
    Mike P 252 (35# OHS)
    Pat 182 (35# OHS)
    Manny 133 (scale)
    Gina 180 (scale)
    Jeff 151 (35/25 PP and 45/35 OHS)
    Cindy 187 (scale)
    Nina 292 RX + 25PP
    Rebecca S 203 (17# OHS / 26.5KB)
    Alexis 154 (scale)
    Drew 129 (35#OHS / 35KB)

    Awesome improvement by Gina on the clean technique...great work, way to stay at it. Also a big WELCOME BACK to Nina...we missed ya!!

  4. Thankss.. I miss you all so much! Nothing like waking up to Xfit and expecially Vinny's energy at class this morning..awesome Demos!

  5. Forgot to add I did singles instead of double unders. Hope Vinny still approves!

  6. Welcome back Nina and all the badassery the brings!

    Did anyone find a clear/carbon Camelbak water bottle @ the Box? I think I forgot it there this a.m.

  7. Mike P- there was a clear water bottle in the lobby area on top of the showcase last night (not sure what brand it was thought). I left it there.

  8. BC we had the best coach in the WORLD last night! Good Job Gina!

  9. Thank you Vinny! BC I practiced the scarecrow!! Haha, thank you for all your help last night, Jason!!

  10. Drew, no problem on the singles man, just make sure your trying the doubles when you come in....even if you get tripped up, just stick with it. DUs are one of those moves where you have to screw it up a set number of times before it clicks for you. You may as well get crackin...

  11. 12:00 results:

    Timmy 284 rx
    Susan B 180 rx

    Jordan 105 first round, lost count (scaled)
    Ciera 155 (scaled)
    Sharon 201 (scaled ohs)
    Barb 152 (scaled)
    Jonathan 169 (scaled)

  12. that was Cate, not melanie!!!

  13. Melanie . . . nope, that's not it. Ugh - I'm getting really forgetful in my old age.

  14. I wish I could find my set number of screw ups on the DU's and move on with my life.

  15. Hey all, if you're interested, I got an email that you can get 20% off orders at PROGENICS until 1/31/2012. Use discount code NEW2012 for 20% at ProgenexUSA.com

  16. 6:30pm Results

    Conor 224 scale
    Conn 275 scale
    Ernie 286 scale
    Sam B 243 Rx
    Kristin T 313 Rx
    Kate K 239 scale
    Dan Faby 244 Rx
    Jason Balmer 300
    Diego 184 scale
    Sarah J 214 scale
    Stasie 171 scale
    Rachel 187 scale
    Randy 167 scale
    Giovanni 182 scale
    Heather 258 scale
    Tony 352 Rx
    Kathryn 217 scale

    Vinny 215 Rx+
    Plentus 202 Rx+

  17. 4:30 and 5:30 Push 'N Pull 'N Everything in Between

    John C. 248 Rx
    Kathleen 214 scale
    Roni 238 scale
    Gabe 212 scale
    Chris NZ 219
    Rob Ph 225 Rx
    Brian R 247 Rx
    Byrnsexy 246 Rx
    Jackie 218 scale
    Clay 250 Rx
    Tamas 242 Rx
    Kurt 270
    Travis 244
    KSB 226 scale
    Joe C 191
    Amanda 211 scale
    Fab 210 scale
    Joy 224 scale
    Miranda 302 rx
    Flounder 204 scale
    JZ 204 scale
    Danielle 196 scale
    Patrick 251 Rx
    Alison 310 Rx
    Howard 186 scale
    Sandy 258 scale
    Denise 234 scale
    Chris S 227
    Katie FM 233 scale
    Tidmore 199 Rx

    good work with those 10 stations. You know it's a good WOD when everyone collapses and there's complete silence sans the breathing in the room. Those 1 armed OHS are killer!
