
W.O.D. 12.9.11

Welcome to Heather

...and Amanda!

Nicole S takes on 75# - solid!

Danny - did you like that warm up?
Did those plates slow you down?

Jess C. - Elbows high!

Squat clean 95/135#
Push Press 95/135#
Box jump 24/30"

The 100 Most Influential people in Health and Fitness - 2011

“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”
-Mark Victor Hansen


Danny 13:07
Aimee 14:52
Mike 14:54
Cate 16:28
TP 18:02
Olan 27:56
Vinny 19:18

Megs - 16:14 (65#,20")
Mike P - 21:12 (95#)
Gina - 13:23 (35#,13")
Tidmore - 18:42 (SU,95#,24")
John K - 17:26 (95#,25")
Kate K - 13:25 (45#,SU,17")
Rebecca S - 19:06 (45#,21")
Steve Z - 23:26 (63#,13",DU/SU)
Lee - 14:35 (75#,SU,25")
Mike S - 24:11 (65#,SU,25")
Jay E - 21:29 (24")
Kara 17:34 (DU/20"53)
Christ T. 16:41 (DU/20"/53)
Amanda 14:21 (SU/20"/35)
Lisa C. 21:07 (SU/24"45)
Jordan 17:24 (SU/24/35)
Heather 14:12 (SU/17"45)
Bekah - 16:00 (65#,SU,21")
Kristin T - 18:06 (85#)
Jess C 22:39 53#
Travis 20:42 95#
Keith B. 12:00 95HPC/30"
Flounder 23:17
Katie V. 24:05 17"/60
Denise 22:18 - 65#
Kevin B. 25:02 - 115#
Nicole S. 23:48 - 75#
Becky 20:37 63#/25DBSC

Sandy 17:44 50/45/SU/StepUps
Conn 15:58 Front Squats @75/PP@95
Borden 20:28 95#
Oleg 15:55 95#
Chip 23:29 95#
Giovanni 27:36 95#/45#
Diego 20:38 75#
Rachael (?)
Sam B: 20:29 115#
Randy 21:33 75#/24"
Akeem 20:35
Stasie 18:58 50#/Step/SU
Miranda 19:36 85#
Alison 17:57
J.Na 20:05 55#/DUA/17"


  1. blog post: CrossFit Garage Gym: DIY Pull Up Bar


    don't expect consistent blog posts from me for the next four years

  2. 6:00am results

    Megs - 16:14 (65#,20")
    Mike P - 21:12 (95#)
    Gina - 13:23 (35#,13")
    Tidmore - 18:42 (SU,95#,24")
    John K - 17:26 (95#,25")
    Kate K - 13:25 (45#,SU,17")
    Rebecca S - 19:06 (45#,21")
    Steve Z - 23:26 (63#,13",DU/SU)
    Lee - 14:35 (75#,SU,25")
    Mike S - 24:11 (65#,SU,25")
    Jay E - 21:29 (24")
    Bekah - 16:00 (65#,SU,21")
    Kristin T - 18:06 (85#)

    Awesome job by the 6am crew! I saw some good form progress on the squat cleans throughout the WOD. Great intensity by John K, aiming high with 95# and going all out....nice work man.

  3. Looks like Jason programmed this because of SQUAT CLEANS. I guess he really wanted to emphasize his point from Tuesday about how important the squat is ; )

  4. actually, if Jas programmed, then they would be TALL cleans

  5. Are tall cleans the new wall squats?

  6. if you practice tall cleans and wall squats for 1 month, i will bet anything that you set a pr on your clean.

  7. fyi, there is a very easy way to tell who programmed the workout if you guys have not figured it out yet. lets see who is a detective.

  8. Jason puts the ladies weights first, Aim puts them second.

    Also, Jason is squat-tastic.

    For the record, I'm only doing continental cleans from now on.

  9. Donkey- flip that...

    This one was an Aimee special, inspired by a Hero WOD :) named Carse.

  10. 530

    Sandy 17:44 50/45/SU/StepUps
    Conn 15:58 Front Squats @75/PP@95
    Borden 20:28 95#
    Oleg 15:55 95#
    Chip 23:29 95#


    Vinny 19:18 Rx
    Giovanni 27:36 95#/45#
    Diego 20:38 75#
    Rachael (?)
    Sam B: 20:29 115#
    Randy 21:33 75#/24"
    Akeem 20:35
    Stasie 18:58 50#/Step/SU
    Miranda 19:36 85#
    Alison 17:57
    J.Na 20:05 55#/DUA/17"

    Superb intensity and effort tonight all around, gang! Super job keeping elbows high and pushing through the heels on Push Press.

  11. wait!!!! I beat Sam????? this can't be right ; )
