
W.O.D. 11.4.11

Kipping Pull-ups

"Death by Thruster" (65#/95#)

The word "death" in any workout is just plain scary. And believe us, this one is no exception. With a continuously running clock, perform thrusters every-minute-on-the-minute (1 in the first minute, 2 in the second minute, 3 in the third, etc) for as long as you are able within your allotted time. For example: 10 thrusters in your tenth minute -- If you only get to 9 and that minute runs out, your workout is complete.

Oh, but there's more ...

3 rounds of max rep pull-ups with 3 minute rest in between

Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind, than in the one where they sprung up.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes


  1. Crap, crap, crap . . . badly needed skill work and WOD that sucks???????? I am so upset tomorrow is a stupid rest day.

  2. Hey everyone. This is a public service announcement that you are officially on your own for FitView. I have entered 3 months of data for you. I would strongly encourage you to continue with it. You will need to enter your workouts as your own. If you need help in learning how to do this, please see me after the class. Just out of curiosity, how many people even check the information that was put in? I am currently entering information for 132 people so I want to know how many are using it.

    Again, it is now up to you. I hope that you saw the value in what we put in and I hope you keep it up. Again, see me for any problems.

  3. Jason: thank you on behalf of all of us for entering all that information in this whole time. I was always astonished that you did it. I like the tracker but am not sure if I'll keep it up. I have been lax overall with tracking this year so I appreciated the information even more.

    This WOD looks evil for sure.

  4. Jason,
    Is there a user name and password?

  5. I have FitView up as one of my permanent tabs on Firefox. I look at it probably once every two days just to see where my number stack up and reinforce my need for metcons. Also, I use it for tracking my weight.

  6. Hey Aimee -

    Can you send me an email with all the coaches email addresses. I have something to send to you all. Tidmorec@yahoo.com. I mentioned it to Chris and Melanie already

  7. 6AM jump-on-the-day'ers:

    Becca N 9/23 (45#, blue)
    Joy 10/18 (45#, blue)
    Pooch 9/29 (65#, green)
    Mike S 8/15 (65#)
    John K 12/31 (75#)
    Lee 11/16 (75#, red)
    Megs 13/30 (45#)
    Bekah 10/33 (55#, ?)

    Nice work, class, great intensity for the thrusters! Kudos to everyone who challenged themselves with higher weights or smaller bands (or no bands!) for the max pull-ups! Remember that "loosey-goosey" on the pull-ups hinders, not helps, keep that core tight!

  8. 930 Results

    Cate K 14 Rnd Thrusters/ 45 Total Pullups
    Mike V 13/66

    Paul F 10/24 (95#, blk)
    Kathleen 11/34 (45#)
    Krista 11/28 (35#,blk)
    Susan 13/23 (45#,red bnd)
    Chris T 11/17 (55#,bnd)
    Kara 12/25 (45# bnd)

  9. noon results:

    Kate C 13/41
    Kevin B 9/39
    Dorothy 12/45

    Becky C 10/45 (33)
    Denise 10/19 (55)
    KSB 11/27 (45)
    Mark 7/30 (80, blue, mf, and first kipping pu!)

  10. Jason, FitView is great. I use it every day. Thanks for getting this up and running for us!!!

  11. 430 Results

    Rob Ph 11/26
    Brian R 10/46
    Olan 10/70
    John C 12/60

    Jerry 11/67 (BoxDepth)

    Dawn 10/28 (35#)
    WW 10/20 (85#)
    Steph V 13/21 (65#,bluebnd)
    Sandy 9/35 (50#,grn)
    Joe C 10/26 (75#)

  12. 530:

    Tony (13) Rx/ 40
    Nathan 11 (15) / 30 (black)
    Ditty 8 (65)/ 5
    Pete O 8 (65)/ 13 (FIRST KIPS)
    Stone 11 (65) / 11
    Oleg 9 Rx / 30
    Ben 10 (65) / 18
    Vincent 10 (Rx) / 35
    Rebecca S 7 (35) / 31 Green/MF
    Jen S 11 Rx /40
    Justin 8 Rx / 34


    Rob Pl 12 Rx/ 39
    Sam B 12 Rx / 90
    Patti 6 Rx / 15 MF
    Katie 11 (45) / 20 Thin blue
    J Schell 9 Rxs / 32 Band
    Jason B 10 Rx / 51
    Alison 11 Rx / 37 Green FIRST KIP!
    Shoeless 10 Rx / 30
    Conn 8 Rx / 33
    Eddie 10 (75) / 42
    Evan 5 (75) / Ouchie
    Randy 8 (75) / 22 Green
    Miranda 12 Rx / 24
    Vinny 13 Rx / 62

    AWESOME work tonight!

  13. Jason,
    I was tracking for about a month and then couldnt fgure out to change the wods and delete ones, so I stopped. Maybe I should email you or grab you after class.
