
W.O.D. 11.25.11

"Team Cindy"
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Teams of two complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of the triplet above. One person working at a time must complete (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups & 15 Squats) then the partners switch (one works/ one rests) and so on until the completion of 20 minutes. Score is total rounds for the team.

Community Notes:
Friends and Family are welcome FREE of charge today!
10AM Class ONLY today.

Bo/JZ: 24 (Rx)
Tim H/Clay: 21
Will/Keith: 20 (Rx)
Kate C/Jess C: 22
Lauren/JNa: 16
LP/Tim P: 27 (Rx)
Aimee/Cate: 33 (Rx)
Jeff H/Mark C: 20 (?)
Mark B/Mike S: 18 (?)
Patrick/Jeremy: 23
Arin/Sandy: 21
Scott/Anya: 20
P/Weight Vest: 11 (10 minutes)
Alexis/Jim: 21

"Children think not of what is past, nor what is to come, but enjoy the present time, which few of us do."
- Jean de La Bruyere


  1. Anyone who has to work and can't make the WOD up for a trail run at Valley Forge around 1:30? Just 5-7 miles at an easy pace.


  2. @ Tidmore - CRAP . . . . . it'd be all over that if you were doing it tomorrow a.m.

  3. Ugh, Tidmore, I wish I would have saw your post earlier:(
    Track WOD:
    6 X 200M w/2 min active recovery between each set
