
W.O.D. 10.7.11

500m Row
21 Burpee Pull-ups
500m Row
15 Burpess Pull-ups
500m Row
9 Burpee Pull-ups

Multiply Delicious

"We are our choices."
-Jean-Paul Sartre


  1. 6:00am results

    Steve Z - 17:30 (13")
    Kristin T - 14:53 Rx
    Pooch - 12:40 DC
    Rebecca S - 16:51 (13")
    John K - 10:44 Rx
    Mike S - 15:24 Rx
    Ali Z - 17:00 (17")
    Meg B - 16:21 (DC)
    Dianne - 16:53 (13")
    Pat - 14:59 (DC)
    Becca - 15:30 (squat pullups)

    Way to start the weekend off right 6:00am crew...Nice job staying after the grueling burpee pull-ups even when air was hard to come by...

  2. . . . . . . right in my wheelhouse!!!!!! Too bad today's a rest day :-(

    I crossfit.

  3. 12:00 in the dark with no music:

    Becky: 15:39 rx
    Travis: 10:15 rx
    Ross: 12:13 rx +
    Tom h: 15:26 rx
    Victoria: 15:26 (13" box)
    Kevin B: 11:55 rx
    Shoeless: 12:44 rx +

    rx + = burpee pullups to the high bar. nice work everyone!!

  4. by Vinny's request - my fight



  5. 4:30pm results

    JZ - 14:16 Rx
    Erika 14:53 Plate
    Kathleen - 14:52 box
    WW - 12:04 Rx
    Rachel - 14:06 Box
    Danielle - 14:54 Box
    Liz - 16:30 DC
    Shawn - 13:40 Rx
    Kyle - 11:41 Rx

  6. 5:30 Burpee Buddies

    Oleg 12:08 (RX)
    Jen S. 15:55 (RX)
    Jason B. 14:40 (RX+ high bar)
    JP 15:27 (scale)
    Akeem 17:42 (scale)
    Kate 12:05 (RX)
    Kelly 14:54 (scale ½ burpee PU’s)
    Mike T. 11:28 (RX)
    Elyse 15:24 (RX)
    Tidmore 11:50 (box)
    Laura 12:12 (RX)
    Nathan 15:02 (scale)
    Vinny “the machine” 9:58 (RX)

    6:30 Friday Happy Hour

    Sheng-Ching 15:56 (box)
    Steph 13:53 (plates)
    Jay 14:38
    Sam B 10:34 (RX + high bar)
    Ernie 11:59
    Justin 12:41 (DC)
    Kristen SB 18:47 (box)
    Sharon DNF pukie )-;
    Randy 14:22 (plates)

    Great work everyone! Way to keep pushing through those burpee pull-ups post row.

  7. Wow, Oleg! That's amazing. I can't imagine doing anything like that.
