
W.O.D. 10.6.11

Happy Birthday Joe C!

Mike V on the KTE!

The noon "boys club"- Max rep single unders in 2 minutes-
Danny (334) edges out Meg B (313) from the 7AM class

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
10 Hang Power Cleans (95#/135#)
10 Knees to Elbows
30 Double Unders

*On the minute, no matter where you are at each athlete will perform 2 burpees.

Community Reminder:
Tonight (and the first Thursday of every month) we host an open gym from 5:30-7:30pm. What is Open Gym - this is an unstructured time where the facility is open to CFKoP members to come in and make up a missed workout, create a WOD, redo the baseline, work on strength or work on a skill.

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on".
-Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


Lee 4 Rounds, (95#)
Jay E 2, D.C. K2E
Susan 5, (53#)
Bekah 5, (65#) some DU att.
Meg 3, 65# some DU att.
Nick C 3, 115# DU attempts
Mike V 6 Rx
Danny 7 Rx
Kevin B 3 Rx
Joe C. 2 (DC)
Paul F. 5 (95/SU)
Keith B. 4 (95)
Aimee 6 Rx
Gabe - 5 (115# DC k2E)
Lauren - 4 ( 45# purple K2E)
Travis - 3 (DC k2E, 115# SU)
Rob ph - 5 (DC , SU)
Brian - 4 (SU)
Olan - 4 Rx
Ernie -3 (115#, SU)
Zac - 4 Rx
Barb - 4 (45#, KR , DU att)
Steph V - 3 (band K2E)
Dawn - 4 (45#, KR ,DU att


  1. 7am Results

    Lee 4 Rounds, (95#)
    Jay E 2, D.C. K2E
    Susan 5, (53#)
    Bekah 5, (65#) some DU att.
    Meg 3, 65# some DU att.
    Nick C 3, 115# DU attempts

  2. Last Night's CrossFit Endurance had some fun at our local track doing 4x400m runs at a good clip, and with a walk/jog recovery. I was impressed, but not surprised to see awesome intensity and drive for the full 1-lap repeats. These cats below are doing this work at their target heart rate level and above, and even though they know it is an uncomfortable feeling to have restricted breathing, they are pushing thru anyway and noticing differences. This feeling combined with the other "speed workouts" we've been doing is why they are continuing to build the lung capacity needed to excel is CrossFit WODS over that 15-20min range..
    Example: The Wolverine is coming up soon...

    Sam B 1:12/1:10/1:09/1:09 (great example of the way the splits should look)
    Shoeless Joe 1:07/1:09/1:18/1:15
    Mike P 1:22/1:29/1:20/1:16
    Lee S 1:11/1:37/1:44/1:27
    Danielle H 1:20/1:20/1:22/1:22 Nice
    Jen S 1:36/1:32/1:40/1:34
    Tracy D 1:32/1:32/1:41/1:42
    Rachael 1:32/1:32/1:42/1:37

  3. Is anyone else having hunger pains after eating?

  4. I really liked doing some new stuff last night such as the 'wall scales', Atlas stones, and monkey bars. Do you guys ever do a "pull-up ladder" on the monkey bars? I.e. 1 pull-up on the 1st bar, then move to the 2nd bar and do 2, 3rd bar - 3 pull-ups, etc... I think that would get tough as you get towards the end...

  5. I really liked doing some new stuff last night such as the 'wall scales', Atlas stones, and monkey bars. Do you guys ever do a "pull-up ladder" on the monkey bars? I.e. 1 pull-up on the 1st bar, then move to the 2nd bar and do 2, 3rd bar - 3 pull-ups, etc... I think that would get tough as you get towards the end...

  6. Dorothy, I've been getting them too.

  7. James - I like that idea!!!

    Dorothy/Shell- Will you be at OG tonight? Let's talk about what you are eating and if we can make it better so you aren't experiencing those hunger pains!

  8. I won't be at open gym tonight. I think it's the veggies that are causing the problem. My stomache seems to be excreting extra digestive juices to handle them. If I eat less veggies and more of something else (like beans), then I am ok.

    Or maybe my stomache is yelling for some dessert. It's like "Hey lady, where's the friggin cake?!?"

  9. 4:30pm Results

    Gabe - 5 (115# DC k2E)
    Lauren - 4 ( 45# purple K2E)
    Travis - 3 (DC k2E, 115# SU)
    Rob ph - 5 (DC , SU)
    Brian - 4 (SU)
    Olan - 4 Rx
    Ernie -3 (115#, SU)
    Zac - 4 Rx
    Barb - 4 (45#, KR , DU att)
    Steph V - 3 (band K2E)
    Dawn - 4 (45#, KR ,DU att

  10. Jerry, how many su's did you get the second time?? I'm thinking in the 4000's...

  11. P - I got 339... I think the rope put Jason in a trance counting. I saw him singing Pearl Jam lyrics when he was 'counting'...
