
W.O.D. 10.28.11

Push Press

Cash out:
Max Double unders in 5 minutes

"Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!"
– Charles Dickens

Mike P 155#/60 DU
Tidmore 135/1
JKing 135/12
John K 135/93 cal (row sub)
Steve Z 95/9
Ali Z. 53/2
Joy 70/13
Mike S 105/325 SU
Dianne 83/328 SU
Rebecca S 100/46
Pat P 175/3
Pooch 145/15 DU attempts
Nina 125/104
Travis 135#/45 DU
Chris T 93/70
Susan 100/96
Kara 83/20
Paul F 195/62
Jeff 165/201
Keith B 195#/194 DU
Byrnesey 195/182
Dan G 155/54
Bo (formerly Dorothy, now Beat Olan) 120/239 (DC at 125, no rebending but some foot movement)
Diego 125/37
Kathleen 88/108
Barb 69.5/3
Kyle 170/65
Shoeless 165/76
Cate 150/143
Dawn 68/?
Jason: 200 - 287
J. Schwag: 175 - 73
Tony: 190 - 74
P: 215 - 374
Aimee: 130 - 260
Josh S: 175 - 92
Ph: 195 - 640 SU
Brian R: 185 - 66
Joe C: 155 - 121


  1. blog post: Top 5 Questions (and Reactions) about Eating Paleo


  2. #1: will it help me with my tall cleans?

  3. 6AM class:

    Mike P 155#/60 DU
    Tidmore 135/1
    JKing 135/12
    John K 135/93 cal (row sub)
    Steve Z 95/9
    Ali Z. 53/2
    Joy 70/13
    Mike S 105/325 SU
    Dianne 83/328 SU
    Rebecca S 100/46
    Pat P 175/3
    Pooch 145/15 DU attempts
    Nina 125/104

    Great work everyone, good form and intensity. Several PRs for double-unders this morning, way to set the bar high for the rest of the day!

  4. Mike P, WOO HOO way to do double unders in the cash out!!! awesome

  5. Graicas, Megs! I'm hoping to start stringing them . . . for now, I have to so a single under or two in-between my DUs.

  6. thats how we all start!!

    PS now you can never go back to SU!

  7. Mike P: Yup, everyone starts there. The one tip that I have for everyone at that stage is to try and remain upright. You have to do that skip in between because you lean forward when doing the double under. You don't have to jump high once you get your wrists in order, but even if you jump higher to begin with, pretend that you are skiing moguls or something. Practice every day before class as a warm up, and you'll be there. If I can get on that double unders board *anyone* can.

  8. 9:30 class:

    Travis 135#/45 DU
    Chris T 93/70
    Susan 100/96
    Kara 83/20
    Paul F 195/62
    Jeff 165/201

    Great work everyone, several PRs on push press and double-unders today!

  9. Nooners:

    Keith B 195#/194 DU
    Byrnesey 195/152
    Dan G 155/54
    Bo (formerly Dorothy, now Beat Olan) 120/239 (DC at 125, no rebending but some foot movement)
    Diego 125/37
    Kathleen 88/108
    Barb 69.5/3
    Kyle 170/65
    Shoeless 165/76
    Cate 150/143
    Dawn 68/?

    Outstanding effort! Congratulations to those with PRs, and congratulations to Kyle for his first muscle-up!

  10. a new day a new muscle up club member...who's going to continue the trend??

  11. ummmm...can i have some of the muscle up gummi berry juice that everyone is drinking?

  12. do more tall cleans

  13. Correction: Byrnsey 182 Double-unders (nice job!) BUT I should dock you 30 DU because you did not put the rings away after your muscle-up practice. Old guys rule!

  14. Jason: 200 - 287
    J. Schwag: 175 - 73
    Tony: 190 - 74
    P: 215 - 374
    Aimee: 130 - 260
    Josh S: 175 - 92
    Ph: 195 - 640 SU
    Brian R: 185 - 66
    Joe C: 155 - 121

  15. Hey "old man" I duped you with the old "hey i'll get your ipod and I turned out the lights in the men's room" and then left like the wind.

  16. Don't feel bad Jason. I'm still swinging from the rings like a douche bag.

  17. Old man, take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you. ;)

  18. 530:

    Nathan 65/123 SU
    Ditty 105/73
    Oleg 165 (PR) / 64
    Alison 115/77
    Miranda 125/163
    Ernie 150/71
    Stasie 63/2
    Charles 135 DC / 301
    Justin 155 (PR) / 82
    Denise 95/ 81
    Vincent 175/ 56
    Becky 98 (PR) /37


    KSB 80 (PR)/ 20
    Sam B 205/150
    Erika 90 (PR) / attempts
    Nick 155 (PR) / 61
    J. Schell 205 (PR) / 9
    Randy 105 (PR) / 1 * first DU!!
    Katie 80 (PR) / 3
    J. Na 70 / 42

    If you were among those who got their first DU and i missed the notation, I apologize.

    Nice job of keeping the weight in the heels and pushing through--remember to rack with the shoulders in external rotation. Way to push through the DU's as well.

    Kudos to Jay E for stringing 16 DUs (PR), Tim G for a MASSIVE 45# Backsquat PR, and Joe A for a 20# Backsquat PR-- after only 2 cycles of Westside! Kick A$$!
