
W.O.D. 9.29.11

Happy Birthday MOM
Thank you for years of support, encouragement and love!

(...and Happy Birthday CrossFit KoP...It has been three years exactly since we became an official affiliate!!)

From the 2009 CFGames
3 Rounds for time:
30 Wallball (14/20lbs, 9/10')
30 Squat snatches (45/75lbs)

"The tie which links mother and child is of such pure and immaculate strength as to be never violated."
-Washington Irving

Jay E 24:20 rx
Dorothy 24:19 rx
Doreen 26:28 DC (depth)
Lee S 20:25 (15#bar,14#WB)
Meg B 23:01 (35#bar,12#WB)
Danny 15:26 (rx)
Aimee 15:19 (rx)
Cate 14:10 (rx)
Shoeless 32:04 (rx)
Steph V ouchie
Ben 26:31 (35#)
Mel 2 rds ouchie (45#)
Jason B 2.5 rds (75#)
Diego 25:04 (55#)
Brian R 28:40 (rx)
Jeff L 22:00 (form)
Lauren K 22:50 (25#)
Arin 22:57 (25#)
Nina 17:59 (rx)
Westwood 22:30 (45#) (squat snatch / OHS)
Paige 24:29 (25#)
Tom H. 22:20 (20/14/45#-2.5 rds)
Olan 29:41 DC
Kevin B. 25:30 (20/45#)
Joy 24:50 (10/15)
Alexis 27:30 (10/15)
Kate 23:23 rx
Keith B. 24:23 DC
Paul F. DNF



  1. Happy birthday Mom! And Congrats on the 3 years!

  2. Happy Bday Momma B!!!! :)

    What an adorable pic!!

    Happy Anniversary to CrossfitKOP!!! One of the best decisions I ever made was joining this awesome community Aimee and Jason have built.

  3. Happy birthday Mom! You really make the box feel like home and the KoP community feel like a real family. Thanks for always looking out for me!

  4. Happy Birthday Mom:)))) it's always great to see your smiling face!! Have a wonderful birthday!!!!

  5. Happy birthday mom! I really appreciate all that you do for us. Without you, crossfit kop would not be the same. You are an amazing person and I am honored to know you.

  6. Happy birthday Mom!!! Thank you for everything you do for us at CrossfitKOP.

    Congratulations Aimee and Jason on your 3rd anniversary as an affiliate. I'm so happy to be a part of the CFKOP family!!!!

  7. ... and special props to Dad who is always building something new for us to play on!

  8. Happy Birthday Eileen! And Happy Birthday to CrossFit KoP, 3 amazing years!

  9. Happy Birthdays all around!!!!!!!!!

  10. I have been quiet as of late but the occasion warrants a post. Firstly, happy birthday to Mil. Secondly, Aimee and I cannot be more thankful for all that you do for us. Because of your continually help and support, we are able to put a little more time and effort into the community at CFKoP so it would be a lie to pretend that it is all Aimee and me. This gym truly is a family affair and we are blessed to have people in our lives that support our dreams and more importantly, help make them a reality. You deserve every bit a praise that you get today. Thanks again for everything...thank you very, very much.


  11. 7am "harder than we thought" WOD

    Jay E 24:20
    Dorothy 24:19

    Doreen 26:28 DC (depth)
    Lee S 20:25 (15#bar,14#WB)
    Meg B 23:01 (35#bar,12#WB)

  12. Happy Birthday Eileen ! Enjoy your wonderful day and your support "behind the scenes" with everything we do is unmatched.

  13. Happy Birthday Foxy Lady! Thanks for always being there with a welcoming smile, kind words,and valuable advice. You really look out for all of us!

  14. Happy Birthday Mom! I cant think of a time where i have seen you without a smile on your face or a nice word to say.

    happy anniversary KOP, congrats to Aimee and Jason on creating such a great community and such a successful business!


  15. Happy Birthday Mom! Congrats on the 3 years as an affiliate! I am so glad I have been able to experience the majik for 1 year.

  16. Happy birthday Mom, you deserve a great day for all the work that you do for Aimee, Jason, and the box. It's totally appropriate that today is also the anniversary of KoP as an affiliate. The community is awesome and fun to be around.

    As for today's workout, this definitely surprised the Games athletes in 2009. 75# doesn't seem like much, but guys like Jason Khalipa and Mikko Salo were suffering. Of course, their times didn't reflect that:

    Mikko Salo 8:58, Jason Khalipa 11:19, Carey Kepler 11:01 (14lb ball, 45lb barbell below knees).

  17. Happy birthday mom! You bring a warmth to the box that makes it feel even more like a second home for me! I hope you celebrate your birthday doing whatever it is you want to do! You deserve it! Thank you for all of the support you give the box and to Aimee and Jason.

    And congratulations to CrossFit KOP on it's 3rd birthday! 3 years and what amazing growth!! I am proud to be a part of this for almost 2 years now. Congrats to Aimee and Jason for creating such an amazing community and for providing us a place to come lift heavy shit!

  18. Happy birthday, Mom! It's always a delight to see you at the box--it wouldn't be the same without you and your smiling face. Enjoy your special day!

    Happy birthday, KOP! It just keeps getting more awesome around here. Thank you to the whole box for showing up and kicking ass...you ROCK!

  19. Happy birthday Eileen & Happy anniversary KoP!

  20. Happy Birthday Eileen! Have a great day!

  21. Happy Anniversary to CrossFit KOP!

    Congrats to Aimee and Jason on 3 years as an affiliate!

    The two of you, coaches, and members make the box a great place to come get your ass kicked for an hour or so.

    Keep up the good work.

  22. Happy Birthday Mom! You are truly a great mother and great person. The support you give to Aim and the rest of the community is so appreciated. Thank you.

    Happy Birthday CFKOP!! I have been adding pages to the CFKOP brag book (check it out) and I am taken a back by all the great things that are going on within this community, as well as the inpiring people who are a part of it. A&J, Chloe isn't the only amazing thing you have birthed.

  23. 4:30 Results

    Danny 15:26 (rx)
    Shoeless 32:04 (rx)
    Steph V ouchie
    Ben 26:31 (35#)
    Mel 2 rds ouchie (45#)
    Jason B 2.5 rds (75#)
    Diego 25:04 (55#)
    Brian R 28:40 (rx)
    Jeff L 22:00 (form)
    Lauren K 22:50 (25#)
    Arin 22:57 (25#)
    Nina 17:59 (rx)
    Westwood 22:30 (45#) (squat snatch / OHS)
    Paige 24:29 (25#)

    Way to battle through this WOD everyone...Much harder than it looked...Awesome turnout too, Thursday 4:30 is officially on the map!!!

  24. Olan,
    Do I get a Beat Olan since you were DC? I don't think I should be penalized because you can't get down in your squat.

  25. Happy Birthday Eileen (I can't call you Mom because you are waaaaaay too young for that designation)!! Thanks so much for all your love and support for all of us. I look forward to being half the MIL you are!!

  26. Thanks for all the love...I am lucky to be around such cool, young people. Mom aka GiGi

  27. correction: 35 lbs...I think? Better than using PVC and facing the wall like before! Hah!
