
W.O.D. 9.26.11

Congratulations to the families of our newest CrossFit babies...
Sasha Avery - 8 lbs 6 oz

Chase Williams - 8 lbs 2 oz


Cash out:
Max body-weight deadlifts in 3 minutes*
*If you do not have a body weight deadlift, you can scale this to about 50% of your 5RM.

The Deadlift by Greg Glassman

Mobility Monday:
Shoulders. We'll work on shoulder rotation to help over-head movement, from pull-ups to monkey bars to weights (presses, jerks and snatches). Having proper shoulder rotation makes working over-head easier, allows more weight to be lifted, and prevents injuries. Meet Jeff at 5:30 & 6:30 PM.

Community Notes:

CrossFit KoP will be hosting a CF Level 1 Certification on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd; therefore we will NOT have our regular weekend schedule. We will be hosting ONLY a 10AM WOD on both Saturday & Sunday outside. Meet and park at Frosty Falls for Vinny & Jeff's outdoor adventure. All are welcome.

Happy Birthday:
Shoeless Joe!

"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other the conviction and the will to carry on."
-Walter Lippman

Jon Sch. 225/16
Mike P 345/62
Lee S 145/55
Doreen 185/28
Oleg 215/31
Cline 265/38
Keith 325/49
Susan 155/34
Kara 173/37
Paul 300/21
Clay 315/ 48 bw
Kevin B 225/ 50 @ 95 SLSumo
Karen 85/ 75 @ 45#
Joy 145/ 64 @ 75#
Becca 135/45 @ 75#
Dorothy 175/ 18 @ BW
Travis 285/ 32 @ BW
Alexis 120/ 43 @ 65#
Sharon 245/ 30 bw
Gabe 225/40 bw
Arin 130/45@ 70
Mark B. 185/50@ 115#
Katie V. 110/65@ 70#
Jeff 275/33 bw
Mel 180/50 bw
Diego 225/35 bw
Kathleen 113/40 @63
Lauren 105/ 36 @65
Joe C. 235/ 21 bw
Steph V. 275/ 22 bw
WW. 250/ 22 @ 205
Aimee 225/ 51 bw
Justin K 275/ 33 bw
Kate 233/ 61 bw
Shoeless 375/ 65 bw
Jerry 275 taper/ 52 bw
JNa 165/ 32 bw
Flounder 225/ 32 @ 155
Peterson 365/ 53 @ bw
Bekah 175/ 24 bw
Akeem 225/ 23 @ 135#
Vinny 385/ 65 @ bw
Evan 205, 31 BW
Borden 345, 31 BW
Conn 345, 40 BW
Danny 415, 72 BW
Olan 335, 66 BW
Ben 155, 20 BW
Kristin T 220, 57 BW
Debbie 108, 43
Stasie 108, 45
KSB 175, 24 BW
Erika 145, 19
Tidmore 245, 56 BW
Randy 220, 31@80%
TimHenn 295, 12 BW


Clay...happy to be at the top!
Welcome to Karen (above) & Alexis (below)...


  1. Awesome!!!!!! Congrats and continued blessings.

  2. . . . . and Happy Birthday, Shoeless!

  3. Love the Xfit Babies!!! :) So happy for both families!!!

    Happy Bday Shoeless!!! Tomorrow's WOD I will be "shoeless" in your honor ;)

  4. Congratulations to both families for their little bundles of joy!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Shoeless! Have a great day.

    Congrats to the new parents!

  6. Happy B-Day, Shoeless...you're a great guy.

  7. Congratulations to the families on the new additions! And Happy Birthday Shoeless, it will be an honor to do todays deadlifts without shoes!

  8. Congratulations to the new additions to our KoP families! I'm so excited to meet them :)

    Happy Birhtday Shoeless, have a great day, and a great shoeless wod too!

  9. Happy Birthday, Shoeless! I hope you have a great day.

    Congratulations to Tom and the Buzby's!

  10. Congrats on the beautiful babies! Glad to see everyone is healthy and happy!

    Happy Birthday Joe!! Hope you did some celebrating this weekend.

  11. 7/930 Results

    Jon Sch. 225/16reps
    Mike P 345/62
    Lee S 145/55
    Doreen 185/28
    Oleg 215/31
    Cline 265/38
    Keith 325/49
    Susan 155/34
    Kara 173/37
    Paul 300/21

  12. great looking kids, congratulations!

  13. Todd- Congrats on the new addition to your family! Super happy for you guys.

    Joe - hope you have a great birthday. Its been fun watching all of your dedication and hard work pay off.


  14. Congratulations & much joy to the new parents and happy birthday, Shoeless! Blessings all around!

  15. Congratulations to the new parents!

    Happy Birthday Shoeless!

  16. Thank you all for your wishes! Andrea and I excited for you all to meet Chase. Hopefully he can start some muscle ups at the open gym next week.

    Happy Birthday Shoeless!

  17. That CF Kids class is going to be huge in a few years.

    CFKoP: 2031 Affiliate Team Champs!

  18. Congrats to Tom and the Buzby's on the new additions to your families!

    Happy Birthday Joe!

  19. Happy B-Day Shoeless. You should be allowed to do a SICK Sumo deadlift today!

    Kevin B.

  20. Congratulations to both families on your new additions!

    Happy Birthday Shoeless!

  21. Happy birthday Shoeless! I'm proud to say I knew you in college and you have gotten SIC strong over the past year+. You are truly a student of life and of CrossFit and your thirst for knowledge is your best trait. Keeping learning and setting the great example of hard work that you do.

  22. Congratulations again to Tom and family on baby Sasha and Todd and Andrea with baby Chase! Love those XFit babies!!! Best wishes to you all.

    And Shoeless, hope you've had a great birthday my friend!!!

  23. 630 Results

    Evan 205, 31 BW
    Borden 345, 31 BW
    Conn 345, 40 BW
    Danny 415, 72 BW
    Olan 335, 66 BW
    Ben 155, 20 BW
    Kristin T 220, 57 BW
    Debbie 108, 43
    Stasie 108, 45
    KSB 175, 24 BW
    Erika 145, 19
    Tidmore 245, 56 BW
    Randy 220, 31@80%
    TimHenn 295, 12 BW

  24. Correction.....I got 51 reps on the cash out!

  25. Thanks so much everyone for all the birthday wishes! I've been so lucky this past year to have the advice, coaching, support, friendship, and contagious enthusiasm of the entire crossfit kop community.

  26. congrats on the new babies & happy birthday Joe!
