
W.O.D. 9.10.11

Front Squat

Cash out:
3 Rounds for time:
10 front squats at 70% of your 3 RM
20 Kettlebell swings 35#/55#

Eat to Evolve by L. Pappas

"Life is not about discovering our talents; it is about pushing our talents to the limit and discovering our genius."
- Robert Brault


  1. 9AM

    Becca: 80, 6:47
    Dorothy: 125 (135x2, 15#PR!), 7:00
    Krista: Form, 7:05
    Arin: 100, 8:07
    Clay: 205; 6:57
    Kim G: 95, 8:33
    Nick: 160 (PR!), 10:16

    Dan G: 170, 10:00
    Mel: 110 x3, 115x2, 5:05
    Mark: 185, 8:55
    Sandy: 80, 6:37
    Katie V: 45, 5:46
    Pooch: 135, 10:19
    Mike S: 125, 11:21
    Flounder: 115, 7:44
    Shoeless: 215, 10:57
    Luci: 65, 6:22
    JP: 175, 7:39
    Travis: 155 (PR), 9:04
    JB: 175, 5:50

    Love those high elbows! You guys did a great job of keeping your chests tall and your elbows high--remember to roll those shoulders back and SQUEEZE to help you with your form.

    Great job killing that nice little cashout too--great max effort.

    Finally, congrats to Mel for getting her first legit jumping muscle up! SWEET!

  2. Please let me know if anyone is interested in fitview tomorrow. If not, I will continue to visit my family. Thanks.
