
W.O.D. 8.21.11

Warm up:
1 Mile Run

20 Rep Back Squat Max
For this workout of the day, you need to rep 20 back squats with your maximum weight. However, take note that you HAVE to complete the 20 reps in a single attempt. If you rack the bar the set doesn’t count – make sure you are executing proper back squats for each and every rep you’re getting below parallel.

Take your time warming up you legs prior to your attempt, but don’t overdue it as you want to make sure you have enough gas in your tank. You may want to try 65% of your 1-rep max your first go around at this WOD.

Community Notes:
Happy Birthday JZ!

"Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.”
-Ralph Marston


  1. Happy Birthday JZ -- hope you have a great day!

  2. Happy birthday, JZ! Enjoy your day!

  3. Happy birthday! Have a great day!

  4. JZ, you are one cool cat! Hope you have a great birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday JZ! Have a great day!

  6. Happy Birthday Wod-father

  7. Jonathan,
    Back at Transaxle we were a team for human wheelbarrows and blew the competition away. It was from that day that I knew how funny, thoughtful, and sharply dressed you were. Ok, maybe not from that day, but the rest is true. Happy birthday buddy!

  8. 9AM class results:

    Dianne 75
    Peterson 145
    Kim G 95
    Steve Z 85
    Kit Z 205
    Joe G 70
    Mike F 225

    10AM class results:

    Shoeless 185
    Cindy 75
    Megs 130 (reverse hyper)
    Stasie 53
    Jess C 85
    Arin 68
    Zach 135
    Erika 75

    Good work everyone! Impressive effort pushing to use higher weights than you thought you could do!

  9. Happy Birthday JZ! Hope you're doing an AMRAP of drinks in 24 hours!

  10. Happy birthday jz! Hope you are having a great day


  11. JZ, you were one of the first people to say hi to me when I joined back at Transaxle!

    Hope you had a great day!!

  12. Happy birthday JZ! You really keep me going at the strength classes with your motivation and humor, it's always a good time sharing the bar with you

  13. Happy Birthday JZ, I hope you wowed everyone with your backsquat today!
