
W.O.D. 8.11.11

Steph J. & Rachael focused on the task!

“300 Rep Salute”
This workout is in honor of the U.S. Troops who gave their lives this weekend and were killed in Afghanistan as a NATO helicopter was shot down. Click here to read more.

For time complete the following:

30 Cal Row
30 DB Push Press
30 DB Front Squat
30 DB Swings
30 DB Walking Lunges
30 DB Jump Over Burpees
30 DB Deadlifts
30 DB Thrusters
30 DB Hang Power Cleans
30 Hand Release Push-Ups

WOD by Vagabond CrossFit

Scale DB weight according to level and ability.

Community Notes:
The vending machine is now restocked with your favorite "Steve's Original" goodies and we now have Paleo Crunch cereal, Just Jerky & the Coconut Paleo-kit, in addition to the Original Paleo-kit and the Paleo Krunch Bar available for sale at the box. Get 'em while they are hot!

"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."
-Lucille Ball

Jonathan S 30:05 (15#)
Kara 23:40 (#15)
Nick 31:35 (25#)
Cline 28:25 (25#)
Steph J 29:13 (10#)
Becca 29:48 (15#)
Ciera 30:56 (15#)
Victor 29:32 (20/15/8#)
Nicole Mc 28:56 (10#)
Keith 28:00 (35#)
Rakia 29:48 (8#)
Kevin B. 26:34 (35#)
Megan 25:27 (15#)
Donkey 27:51 (25#)
Rachael 26:30 (20#)
Diego 34:05 (25#)
Aimee 16:59 (25#)


  1. Does the 5pm class do this workout?

  2. Great deal on shakers:


  3. 7:00am Results

    Jonathan S 30:05 (15#)
    Kara 23:40 (#15)
    Nick 31:35 (25#)
    Cline 28:25 (25#)

    7:00am gang emptied the tanks on this - way to go...I hope no one has to go to work after this WOD!!!

  4. @TomH,
    The reason that I am focused on Olan is because he talked smack.

    On 7/30/10, he went to the nooner and did the Hell-en workout. When I got to the box for the 4:30 class there was a little note on the board challenging me.

    Here are the results
    Olan - 30:15
    Dorothy - 27:32

  5. Everyone:
    Good luck and have a blast on Saturday. I am sorry I can't make it but will read about it Saturday night.
    My bet is there will be a bunch of late risers on Sunday (and sore).
    Kevin B. (Byrnsey)

  6. Endurance 630pm Class Results

    8x200m sprints, walk then jog recovery of 200 until back to the start

    Nice speed work on the track last night, which will only build a quicker turnover for the running WODS, I really liked seeing the intensity !

    Mike P 33/37/37/37/-/-/39/34
    Jen S 35/-/39/40/39/40/41/36
    Nicole S 44/-/46/50/51/51/51/47
    Howard 38/-/-/48/49/51/47/-
    Rachael H 38/-/42/42/46/45/45/43
    Kathleen 45/50/-/47/-/48/49/-

  7. Chris T. the 5PM workout does not do this WOD. The 5PM class will be the barbell strength class.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bummed I missed this workout, but today is a rest day . . . in case any of you are interested in military charities, I'll be participating in the GoRuck Challenge on September 11, 2011 at 12:00a in NYC to raise funds for the Green Beret Foundation . . . you can find out more and make a donation at: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michaelpetrizzo/goruckchallengenyc911

  10. I saw two things recently posted on CFNE's site.

    This is a quote from a member of their Games team.

    “I am the lucky one to have gotten to train with the other CFNE athletes that push their envelope and set the bar as high as they can for the people around them. What you give to the WOD you give to the community and help build the culture of personal accomplishment that is the core of CFNE."

    Whether or not you wod to catch fish, compete in the games, or to get "toned" we all contribute to the culture of CFKoP. What do you want your contribution to be?

  11. And here's the second one...sounds alot like things Jason and Aimee have said.

    I am so proud of the community we have built at CFNE. Individually you are all amazing people, but collectively we are something special; we are unique. We represent something that is not commonly found in our society. We are the exception. We are supportive, kind, and friendly. We are trustworthy, passionate and driven. We support and cheer for the underdogs. We are willing to give up the temptations of today for the rewards of tomorrow. We realize the value of hard work, and we know that there are no short cuts. We know that relationships and friendships are what’s important in life. We know the feeling of supporting others and having others support you. We know that the score on the board doesn’t dictate who you are, but the effort you gave does.

  12. This looks like a burner, I'm going to have to plan it for an open gym.

    Hope to see everyone at King and Queen this Saturday - its a great and really fun event!

  13. Nice work tonight in the unofficial kop enduro wod: bryn mawr running co 5k - great job Coach Tim, Kristin T, Megs, and Kate :)

  14. Big shout to Donkey for sticking with the 25# big boys!
