
September CrossFit Endurance Dates

Wednesday 9/7 at 6:30PM
Tuesday 9/13 at 5:30PM - bring your bike!
Monday 9/19 at 5:30PM

*Meet Coach Pappas in the lobby at the box for these CFE classes. Regular classes will run at the same time. Post questions or comments to the blog.


  1. Ohh a biking WOD, that is something I need some more practice on! I'm definately in for that one.

  2. Does this include a "how to ride a bike" tutorial?

    Where's a swim wod? :)

  3. Kate, you beat me to the post, but I was going to answer this same type of question.

    1.YES, from now on, we can post the endurance wod a day or two before the date as this can help you avoid doubling up too much when not necessary.

    2. The Sept 13th date is just to feel out a group road cycle ride. We will cover maybe 10-15miles depending on how you are feeling and we will train keeping in mind power output, and interval work similar to what we have done on the track. This will actually be like a spinning class, but on the actual bike. We will use the river trail just over the bridge form the box as a start and ending point.

    I've done lots of miles on the road training for various distances in triathlon over the past few years so I am excited & confident in my experience that you will enjoy the benefits of this conditioning ride. Also, quite a few people have asked about this, so grab your bike and lets ride together, keeping it constantly varied.

    @Megs Let's let the river simma down a little first before we go jumping into it.
