

Check out the new white board outside of the lobby bathrooms! One side of the board is for monthly goals and challenges. Athletes can post their own short term goal or challenge someone else to do or achieve something that month. The other side of the board is for Monthly PRs and achievements. Members are encouraged to share their success by writing up PRs throughout the month and to put other athletes on blast for the achievements they witness them make. The board is about being and celebrating our best & challenging others to be their best. At the end of the month we will erase the board and start all over again.

Also there is a new "Brag Book" in the lobby. It will feature information about our coaches, success stories & testimonials, Athlete of the Month Profiles, pictures and information about CFKoP special events and CFKoP Athletes participation in activities & events outside of the Box. You are invited to share your personal success story (with before & after photos) and photos and information from athletic events CrossFit and otherwise that you participate in outside of CFKoP. Send photos and write ups to Stephanie@radicalhateloss.com.

1 comment:

  1. steph, you did a GREAT job with this in a minute period of time. thanks for continually adding to our community!
