
W.O.D. 7.21.11

Kevin B...one wall climb away from 6 rounds!

CrossFit Kids on the Cargo Net



AMRAP in 15 minutes
1 Wall Ascent (6ft/8ft)
10 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
1 Wall Ascent (6ft/8ft)
10 Burpees

Cash out:
Reverse Hyper 3 sets of 20 reps

Community Notes:
Click here to check out the Philadelphia GoRuck Challenge. Is anyone up for getting a team together? Do you have questions? Post to comments.

Check out the results from the Warrior Challenge over the weekend and a few photos.

How Jacked is your Kid? By Eric Spitznagel

"A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all."
-Chinese proverb

Kara 5 (box)
Nicole S 3 (ropewall)
Doreen 5 Rx
JB 5 Rx
Mike P 6 Rx
Laura 8 Rx+(45#kb)
Kevin B 5 Rx
Olan 5 Rx+ (70#kb)
Keith B 5 (45# 6')
Sharon 4 Rx
Diego 5 (35# 6")
Victor 6 (55# gb)
Jordan 8 Rx+ (70#kb)


  1. Warrior Challenge 9th place women overall - Jen Sylvester!

    Is this you, Jen S.?

    I think I saw your backside in one of the pictures - you are holding a sandbag above your head.

    Way to go, girl!!!

  2. @mikefab: most excellent. . . . . . it's gonna be EPIC . . . last year's philly classes (021, 022 and 023) set a pretty high bar . . . . we were the first (and I think the only) city to have a 100% completion rate. . . . no one quit . . . zero, nada, zip.

    @ Jen S: congrats.

  3. I'm interested :) Mike P, I think you were doing the Sunday 12am one correct? So before I was thinking you would were doing it Sunday night into Monday(which I would rather not because of work) but just put it together that you would be gorucking all day Sunday..this is correct? No?

  4. oh and good job Jen S Thats awesomeee!

  5. 7am Results

    Kara 5 (box)
    Nicole S 3 (ropewall)
    Doreen 5 Rx
    JB 5 Rx
    Mike P 6 Rx
    Laura 8 Rx+(45#kb)

  6. @ Nina and Jerry - excellent stuff.

    Nina, I'm doing the NYC 9/11 challenge @ 12:00a and the 11/5 challenge beginning at 1:00a. The 9/11 challenge is a "Sunday" challenge, in that we'll probably end between 10:00a and 11:30a. We can discuss the next time we're both at the Box.

    @ All: I know 9/11 is short notice for most of us, but it'd be really, really cool if we could get enough people together to have our own class when the Challenge comes to Philly during the first weekend in November.

  7. I think the GoRuck sounds awesome. I'm also interested.

  8. i'm not cut out for distance events, but i'll gladly offer support to the team before and during!

  9. I'd like to do it too

  10. @ Donkey - yes, it's 20-ish miles and there are a few indian runs, but it's spread over 10 - 12 hours . . . most of the time it's fun stuff like bear/crab crawls, carrying trees, flutter kicks in the water, pushups, etc.

    @ Shoeless - woooooooooo hoooooooo!

  11. Mike P: i consider 5K to be "distance running" and anything over 10 minutes to be "endurance" :)

  12. I'm in for goruck!! We just need to get 30 of us to have our own special class...come on people- you know you wanna!! :)

  13. I'm a maybe.

    Megs is to cold as Donkey is to endurance

  14. @ Donkey, 5K seems a bit far, my distance is more in the 800M range.

  15. Jay E, my brotha from anotha :)

  16. For the record ola had six rounds- counting tally marks can be challenging :)
