
W.O.D. 7.19.11

Killa & Liz

Three rounds for time of:
135/95 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders

2010 Northwest Regional Event 1

Community Notes:
CF Endurance Class with Coach Pappas is tonight at 6:30PM during our regular CF Class which will be occurring at the same time. CFE counts as a regular class.

"If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win."
- Carl Lewis

Jay E 13:21 Rx
Nina 14:48 Rx
Megs 6:26 (65#)
Mike S 12:15 (45#/SU)
Mike P 9:53 (75#/SU)
Nicole S 17:47 (65#/DU)
Kevin B 14:15 (95)
Meg B. 11:19 (15)
John G 14:24 (115/95)
Keith 14:15 rx
Victor 9:08 (45, SUx3)
Donkey 11:15 (65, SUx3)
KARA 7:51 (45, SUx3)
Aimee 6:16 rx
Cate 8:34 rx
Panos 7:35 (115, SUx3)
Jason 4:48 Rx
JZ 8:42 (95/SU)
Clay 7:29 (95)
Dorothy 6:29 (75)
Mel 8:24 (55/SU)
Arin 8:19 (35/SU)
Rob Ph 6:07 (135/SU)
Jeff 7:35 (95)
Olan 13:03 (115)
Karen 9:15 (65)
Sharon 11:00 (35)
Steph V. 10:08 (25DU)
Killa B 6:27 (75)
Brendan 5:45 (75)
Liz 10:14 (65)
Breanna 7:35 (45/SU)
Alison 18:03 (35/DUA)
Sandy 7:28 (45/SU)
Miranda 7:20 (75)
Toddy B. 6:54 (65)
Shawn 7:32 DC
Jason B. 8:20 115#
Rob P. 8:37 95#
Travis 12:36 85/su
Erica 7:35 45/su
KSB 12:09 65#
Kristy 6:35 35/su
Drew 9:33 45/su(50)
Danny 3:57 Rx
Charles 9:42 65#
Kristin T. 13:57 75#


  1. "Chris Spealler, of CrossFit Park City, crushed the Overhead Squat/Double Under workout with an amazing time of 2:39" Really? wow

  2. oh yeah, that was his body weight at the time too. just sayin....

  3. Breakfast Club Results

    Jay E 13:21
    Nina 14:48

    Megs 6:26 (65#)
    Mike S 12:15 (45#/SU)
    Mike P 9:53 (75#/SU)
    Nicole S 17:47 (65#/DU)

  4. Coach Tim,
    I assume we are meeting at the box today for the endurance class?

  5. CROSSFIT ENDURANCE training will be at the box tonight, yes! Do Not Forget Water, and stay hydrated today as well. -TP

  6. 9:30 results

    Kevin B 14:15 (95)
    Meg B. 11:19 (15)
    John G 14:24 (115/95)
    Keith 14:15 rx
    Victor 9:08 (45, SUx3)
    Donkey 11:15 (65, SUx3)
    KARA 7:51 (45, SUx3)
    Aimee 6:16 rx
    Cate 8:34 rx
    Panos 7:35 (115, SUx3)

  7. 6:30 crew

    Jason B. 8:20 115#
    Rob P. 8:37 95#
    Travis 12:36 85/su
    Erica 7:35 45/su
    KSB 12:09 65#
    Kristy 6:35 35/su
    Drew 9:33 45/su(50)
    Danny 3:57 Rx
    Charles 9:42 65#
    Kristin T. 13:57 75#

  8. Hello Danny! Nice Job!

    and kudos to Todd for making the 100 DU board!

  9. digging the new shirts, nice choice for the design

  10. I used the speed rope with the pink handles...hands down fastest rope.

  11. Miranda- Thanks!

    Danny- ohhhhh- I knew that was it again! Your lucky pink rope!

  12. Easter egg outfit = GROSS...thanks mel!

  13. Killa l like your outfit. Looks like I need to do a better job with keeping my chest up...

  14. Killa you make the easter egg look sexy. I love when you coordinate your headband and sneakers..hot!
