
W.O.D. 7.16.11

Arin on the Tire Sled!

Lesha - home stretch!

Krista fighting for the Pull-ups!

Justin K. - PULL!!


KoP Dash
Cargo Net climb
Wall Ascent 6ft
Wall Ascent 8ft
Rope Climb
Flying Pull-up bars
Tire Sled Drag 100 feet (95#/135#)
Monkey Bars
20 Burpees
100M outdoor sled pull (135#/200#)
100 M Prowler push (100#/200#)
100M Tire flips
400M Sandbag Run

You receive two scores, one will be total time for completion of all of the above and the second score will be a point total for each station you complete as prescribed. If you cannot complete a station you will do 7 burpees in place of that station. There will be some scaled options if necessary.

Scoring example
Athlete A = 8:47 10 points

Community Notes:
Good luck to all the CFKoP Athletes competing in the Warrior Dash - Miranda, Jen S., Shoeless, Todd & Mike V!

Happy belated birthday to Josh S & Flounder!!!

"Comfort is the difference between the way things are and the way we expect them to be. Comfort is an illusion. It is neither present nor welcome here."
-Mike Burgener

Tim H. 12:29 scaled
Arin 20:48 scaled
Megs 30:33 8 Rx
Jay E. 39:53 8 Rx
Josh Sw. 11:33 scaled
Cline 22:00 10
Aimee 19:36 11 Rx
David 26:34 11 Rx
Christine 24:23 10Rx
Becca 28:20 scaled
Krista 22:30 scaled
Ciera 21:40 scaled
Peterbutt 22:55 Rx
Lesha 24:04 10 Rx
Joe L. 23:09 12 Rx
Howard 32:21 8
Hanna 21:09 10 Rx
Ken 31:29 11
Justin 33:17 10


  1. Shoeless, Miranda and Todd- hope the Warrior Challenge was great! I really missed you guys today. Can't wait to hear about it.

  2. Happy belated Josh and Flounder! Both great guys to have around at the gym.

  3. Important question:

    Is "shoe" just "shoeless" wearing only one shoe?

    I'm guessing that these two are mortal enemies. It get's even scarier when "shoes" joins the party. Or "vibrams." And it's a free-for-all when "socks" arrives!

  4. Peterson are you drunk?? If so don't drive the St. Peterson mobile!!

  5. That was actually a Peterbutt family special! Lindsey added the socks joke...

  6. Please put my stats on the board.... I felt it... :)

  7. Mine wasn't scaled. Jason can attest as he watched me lying on the floor, trying not to throw up, after I finished.

  8. Let the record show that I scaled the weights, but not the exercises.
