
CFKoP Member Survey:

A. Is there an interest in adding a regular CrossFit class on Thursday night?

B. Would you like to see a Westside Barbell Class added to the schedule? In our Westside class we would offer a rotating series of strength and assistance moves targeting specific muscle groups. Lifts will include Deadlift, Bench, Squat and a HUGE variety of assistance work.

C. Would you like to see us continue the format of the Regular Barbell Strength class? and the current time/day?


  1. C. I like the class as is. That way I can work on whatever my weaknesses are. Like it unstructured. I can add westside on my own if I want right?

  2. Dorothy: The Westside classes would be in addition to the existing schedule, not instead of. We're talking about Monday and Friday evenings at this point.

  3. A. Yes, but I wouldn't want it to interrupt the strength class.

    B. Yes, this would be cool to have. I would definitely like to incorporate some of this stuff.

    C. I am happy with the current format.

  4. I would love to see additional classes on Thursday. It is difficult for me to make any afternoon or morning classes so this will offer more options.


  5. Then yes, I would like a Westside class added. That way I could work on strength 2 days a week and lift heavy stuff like the donkey kong.

  6. I'm interested in Thursday night classes and I am interested in a westside barbell class friday nights would be good.

  7. Yes to A and B. I would like to have a strength class of any sorts a little later in the evening.

  8. b. Definitely interested in west side classes.
    c. Barbell classes are hard for me to get to twice a week, so I feel like the wendler is pretty impossible for my schedule. Is there any way that a barbell class could be held right after the regular WOD in the morning..or just another barbell class during the week? Just curious..

  9. B. Yes - Westside class would be great! I need the extra strength stuff...I'm still benching what I squat, which is an imbalance I need to work on....This would be a big help in that regard for me personally.

    C. I do love having the thursday night and Saturday barbell strength class, I think we need a day to work on weaknesses and correct form in that type of setting. I know that most of us follow the wendler program in these sessions, but there have also been opportunities to work on goats as well during these classes.

  10. Yes!! Thursday evening class would be great.

  11. Thursday evening classes would be awesome! I also think the Westside classes would be great too. I don't really have anything to say about the barbell strength class because I have never been to one.

  12. Thursday night class would be great. I haven't done a barbell strength class but if they were at different times I might be inclined to try one.

  13. A. Yes, as long as it does not interfere with the barbell strength class.

    B. Yes.

    C. Yes, yes. I really like the barbell strength class as it is. I don't think the format or time should be changed.

  14. A. Thurs evening class at 6:30 pm would be great.
    B. Westside barbell would be great too! Either in the evening or 7 am?
    C. I would really like to get back into the strength class, but the times have been difficult for me to get to. I can never make 5 - 6 pm on Thurs (needs to start at least at 6 pm) and Saturdays are generally difficult in the summer. Instead of Sat, maybe Sunday morning....or Monday evening?

  15. Is the Westside class meant solely for strength training? So no chipper / metcon work added? I ask because doing some linear progression say once or ideally twice week might be a great addition to also doing the more typical CrossFit WOD. But a more intense version of the daily WOD would benefit somebody else more than me. Thanks!

  16. Tom H: it will include lifting and assistance work intended to increase your strength. the assistance work, if it's banded, may have a metcon-type impact (if you're moving fast through banded lifts, your heart rate will rise) and certainly sled and prowler pushes will get you moving...but we won't be doing things like running, or burpees, or other familiar metcon activities.

  17. Donkey, thanks. Prowler pushes sound like fun.

  18. I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this, but I wanted to think about this a few days - sorry I'm just posting now (and for writing what is probably too much).


    I don’t think you’ll ever get any negative feedback about adding more class times! Some of us seem to have gotten into the habit of doing strength on Thursdays, and I’d hope we could still have the opportunity to do that. But having evening classes five days a week would be a huge benefit for the community as a whole, especially for those who maintain strict schedules such as 3 on, 1 off or those who are unable to attend other evening classes or Thursday day classes. For me personally, there’s certainly been more than one time in the past when I got really excited for a workout after reading the blog Wednesday night, only later to hit myself in the head and realize that I won’t be able to do the workout because I forgot the next day is Thursday. Thursday evening classes would be a huge step forward in solving this problem, which I can only suspect other people have faced as well.


    I think a Westside class would be an outstanding idea! As passionate as I feel about the strength class, over time it can feel monotonous and less than encouraging if we are not making significant gains in our lifts or learning new assistance exercises. I know we already do banded deadlifts and reverse hyperextensions sometimes, but I fear most of us probably don’t do this regularly enough to make a significant impact, or have the resources to do any of this stuff at home or anywhere else. A Westside class could jumpstart people’s motivation and help them learn how to get past plateaus, and we’d get to learn a lot more stuff. I wonder if it would also encourage more people to compete in powerlifting events.


    I still love the strength class because since starting it last August, I’ve had a lot of success with improving my one rep maxes, which I doubt would have happened if I only followed the regular programming. Since I don’t belong to any other gyms or have any weights at home, this is my only chance to regularly work with barbells. The timing of the Thursday night class has been especially good in the past, since there hasn’t been (until possibly now?) a regular Crossfit class, and instead of being forced to take a rest day (or do burpees in my backyard), I could do this instead. A lot of people seem content with the Saturday morning classes too. Personally I can almost never get to these, and I really liked the previous time of Mondays at 7:30, but I won’t object if so many people are happy with the existing schedule. As far as the format of the strength class is concerned, I like continuing the Wendler progressions. Combining this with more structured focus on assistance at strength classes – similar to how it was when it started last August - might make it even more effective.

    Thanks for continuing to give us more and more opportunities and reaching out to us for feedback. Hope this helps.
