
W.O.D. 6.9.11

Have you been up the new cargo net yet?
Our CrossFit Kids have!

Welcome to Jodi- up the net during her first class!


3 Rounds for time of:
30 Hang Power Cleans (65#/95#)
20 WallBalls (14#/20#) to 9ft/10ft
10 Bar facing Burpees over the bar

"Zone Chronicles: Terminal Survival" with Pat Sherwood - video [wmv] [mov]

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
- Andre Gide

Katy C 12:07 form 15#
Hannah O 12:09 form 15
Ashley 10:18 33#, 15#wb
Graeme 11:27 form 15
Maura M 11:51 form 15
Nina 14:54 Rx
Mrs Peterson 15:44 45/10
Sheng-Ching 18:26 Rx
Dianne 20:5343/8
Todd B 18:56 Rx
Cline 19:51 75
Josh S 15:09 85/20
Keith 19:59 Rx
Kevin 20:31 Rx
Karen 19:19 (45/14 to 8ft)
Sam B 11:33 Rx
Jodi15:57 (15/8)
Olan 15:54 Rx
Shoeless 19:32 Rx
Calvin 24:24 (95#/20#)
Kate 12:07 Rx
Sharon 23:38 Rx


  1. 7amers Results

    Katy C 12:07 form 15#
    Hannah O 12:09 form 15
    Ashley 10:18 33#, 15#wb
    Graeme 11:27 form 15
    Maura M 11:51 form 15
    Nina 14:54 Rx
    Mrs Peterson 15:44 45/10
    Sheng-Ching 18:26 Rx
    Dianne 20:5343/8
    Todd B 18:56 Rx
    Cline 19:51 75
    Josh S 15:09 85/20

    Nice work, it's 82 already and it's before 9am!

  2. I don't know the first four people! Hi newcomers! Tell us something about yourself.

  3. It was a Hot Chick Invasion this morning.

    Umm... To add to our overflowing stable of Hot Chicks, that is.

    (whew, that was close)

    Totally different note: I've been stopping at Santangelo Cafe on Ridge (http://goo.gl/maps/HZZc) for post-7AM WOD breakfasts, and I highly recommend it. Small, friendly, and they make giant omelettes with asparagus and bacon. Not super-cheap (aforementioned omelette is $8.50), but worth it.

  4. The first 5 girls are our friends from the new lululemon king of prussia store. Yes Cline, it was hot even early this morning, we all know this.

  5. You better watch it Cline. One of those hot women is my wife... :-P

  6. Talk about no-win. I've got a Peterson on my butt either way.

    In any event, good job locking that down.

  7. When I went to Lulu, I was coaching one of the girls on the actual standard to the chest to deck pushup. ;)
