
Team KoP...at the start of Day 2
and Team KoP... post WoD #4

Our athletic supporters...and cheering squad!
Congrats to Todd at the top of the chart on the spectator challenge-fastest 500M Row
Nikki and John dominate with a 2nd place finish in WOD #5

Congratulations to Team Kop who finished the Mid-Atlantic CF Regional in 8th place overall. We made it to day three which was an awesome feat in itself and meant we were one of the top 10 teams coming out of day 2. The team was comprised of Nikki, Aimee, Cate, John, Mike V & Danny. All athletes qualified to be on the team through the open sectional process.

These were the six workouts completed over the course of three days, the athletes who competed & the results:

WOD #1
For time:
4 x Row 750m
4 x Row 750m

Aimee, Mike, Danny & Nikki = Time 25:46 = 11th place

WOD #2
Thruster Ladder

John - 225#
Cate - 140#
Total 365# = 6th place

WOD #3
21-15-9 reps x 2 for time of:
Deadlift (275/185lbs)
Box jump (30”/24”)

Cate & John =11:01 = 16th place

WOD #4
For time:
250 Chest to bar pull-ups
250 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
250 Double-unders
250 Overhead squats (95/65lbs)

Aimee, Nikki, Mike & Danny - 29:22 = 10th place

WOD #5
Team “Amanda”
9-9-7-7-5-5 reps for time of:
Squat snatch (135/95lbs)

Nikki & John = 17:05 = 2nd place

WOD #6
For time:
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
30 Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45/35lb DBs)
30 Toes to bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45/25lb plate)
50 foot Sprint

Danny, Mike V, Cate & Aimee = 20:08 = 9th place


  1. Fantastic job, Team KoP! You should be super proud of yourselves. I know everyone back home at CF KoP is so very proud of you! Thanks for posting pictures. Love to see our KoP family represent and look so darn good doing it! Seriously, you all look like you are having the time of your lives and so happy to be doing what you love surrounded by family, friends and loved ones. Congrats on your achievement!

  2. Great job all around! (Some killer WODS). & as KSB said, the pics look fantastic.

  3. Great job everyone! You represented KOP well! Be proud of your accomplishments this weekend

  4. That's some great stuff KOP...will be sure to brag about you guys,

  5. Great job team - the competition keeps getting more fierce every year and you guys definately kept the bar high. Awesome work respresenting an amazing community, I'd have any of you as my spokesperson any day!
