
W.O.D. 5.3.11

Happy Birthday:
Chris S. and Jaime - burpees all around!!!

(p.s. Jaime - CrossFit misses you!)

As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of Body Weight Back Squat:

Immediately after the completion of the back squats a 15 Minute clock starts:

Complete 50 Double unders...and in the remaining time then:

An AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Double Unders
15 Air Squats

Community Reminders:
This Thursday starts the return of Barbell Strength @ 5:00PM coupled with the first Thursday of the month OPEN gym.

The May Running workshops with Coach Pappas will start this Thursday from 6:45-7:45pm. Click here for more information about the workshop.

Infant Swimming Resource and CrossFit Kids Preparing Children for the Unexpected - video [wmv] [mov]

"It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness."
-Thomas Jefferson

Peterson 25reps BW backsquats, 10rounds of the AMRAP
Jay E 45, 4
Dorothy 27@115#, 8
Granny 41, 14

Pat P 25, 6
Jay R 17, 4
Bekah 23, 8
Sheng-Ching 21, 6
Kim G 21@95#, 8/
JB 30, 5 du attempts
Megs 45@95#, 10
Kara 36, 8 singles/bnd
Nina 30, 6

4:30 & 5:30 (post loads, if not indicated to comments):
scores are recorded as back squat reps/AMRAP rds
Josh C. 50/7
Kevin 40/?
Killa 35/14
TP 71/14
Plentus 64/15
Jeff (135#) 64/9
Sharon 37/4
Karen 32/5
JZ 47/6
Rob Ph. (deads) 46/7
Gabe 32/6
Lisa C. (50#) 55/9
Josette (50#) 65/?
Arthur 60/?
Jess S. 45/3
Katie 40/6
Denise 50/8
Melinda (125#) 41/4
Aimee (135#) 43/13
Laura (115#) 23/14
Justin K. (95#) 58/9
Rachael 40/6
Shawn 55/8 (Rx)
Ben 37/4
Tim G. 30/7 (Rx)
Tony 48/9
Jon 33/11
Vinny 44/12
Darlene 35# 55 reps, 6 rounds
Britt 35# 25 reps, 8 rounds
Rob P. 175# 45 reps, 8 rounds
Jerry 205# 38 reps, 11 rounds
Nicole G. 53# 48 reps, 6 rounds
Danny 225# 51 reps, 8 rounds
Kristin T. 95# 41 reps, 7 rounds
Cline 95# 47 reps, 7 rounds
Maura 75# 45 reps, 8 rounds

Lisa C.
JZ on the solid squat
Jess S.


  1. Happy Birthday Chris and Jaime! I hope you guys enjoy your 80 degree day that is planned for tomorrow! Chris it's great working out with you again, and ditto the caption Jaime Crossfit misses you!!!

  2. LMFAO @ P.Lentus. right? between tonight and tomorrow, there won't be anyone who can move on Wed.

    Chris and Jaime: happy birthday! hope you both enjoy your special day!

  3. Happy Birthday Chris!

    Happy Birthday Jaime!

    Out of curiosity, how many burpees is this????

  4. Happy birthday Chris, I wish I had your shoulders!
    Happy birthday Jaime, I wish I had your psychoanalytic skills! (and baking skills)

  5. Happy Birthday Chris and Jaime! Hope you both have great days! And I don't want to think about how many burpees this is...

  6. Happy birthday guys. Glad you didn't come to my class. :-P Plus, I figure I got enough damn burpees in yesterday....

  7. Happy birthday Chris and jaime. I hope you both have a great day.

  8. Happy birthday Chris, glad to have you back!! Jaime, have a great birthday and hope to have you back soon! Enjoy your day!!

  9. 6am Early lifters
    Peterson 25reps BW backsquats, 10rounds of the AMRAP
    Jay E 45, 4
    Dorothy 27@115#, 8
    Nina 30, 6

    Pat P 25, 6
    Jay R 17, 4
    Bekah 23, 8
    Sheng-Ching 21, 6
    Kim G 21@95#, 8

  10. Happy Birthday Jaime and Chris!!

    Chris your so lucky being married to the notorious "big O." Love your energy and smile at the box.

    Jaime- yes we miss you! JZ just doesn't look as cool without you on his arm, do it for him ;-)

  11. Happy Birthday Chris!! You to Jame. Hope to run in to you at CF sometime soon!

  12. 930am
    Granny 41, 14

    JB 30, 5 du attempts
    Megs 45@95#, 10
    Kara 36, 8 singles/bnd

  13. Happy Birthday Jaime! From the looks of it- lots of crossfitters miss you.

  14. Chris- Have a great day and Happy Birthday- It's a good thing to have you and 'cole back working out with the KOP squat.

  15. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Glad to be back and see so many old faces as well as new ones. If I make it in today it would be 41 burpees. But everyone might be getting off the hook as work seems determined to give you all a break.

    Happy Birthday Jamie

  16. Happy Birthday Chris and Jaime!

    I didn't Rx this work out..I did the first 50 DU as 150 SU, and eventually used the red band on the pull ups after fatiguing from dead hang. I did manage to do the DU on the AMRAP.

  17. 6:30 9 is a perfect number

    Darlene 35# 55 reps, 6 rounds
    Britt 35# 25 reps, 8 rounds
    Rob P. 175# 45 reps, 8 rounds
    Jerry 205# 38 reps, 11 rounds
    Nicole G. 53# 48 reps, 6 rounds
    Danny 225# 51 reps, 8 rounds
    Kristin T. 95# 41 reps, 7 rounds
    Cline 95# 47 reps, 7 rounds
    Maura 75# 45 reps, 8 rounds

    nice work everyone, this one deserves a nice contrast shower and some steak and sweet potatoes!

  18. Happy Birthday Chris and Jaime!!!!!!!!! Hope you both had a great day!!
