
W.O.D. 5.23.11

Welcome to our newest athletes Bonnie & Keith

Toes to bar - check!

Chris T. on the walking lunge!

For time complete:
20 Calorie Row
20 Burpees
20 Ground to Over Head 65#/95#
20 Toes to bar
200 Feet of overhead walking lunges 25#/45#
200M SPRINT!!!

"We've Been Fed a Pyramid Built of Processed Food Bricks" from Balanced Bites.

Mobility Monday:
Mobility for the desk-bound CrossFitter @ 5:30 & 6:30PM. We'll go over key problems associated with prolonged desk work, and strategies for dealing with them. Breathing, upper body alignment, and why your chair is limiting your squat will all be covered. Bring questions!

Memorial Day weekend Schedule:
We will run a consolidated schedule this weekend, on both Saturday and Sunday we will offer a 10AM class only. Keep your eyes open for some of your favorite Hero WOD's...they may just appear!


"We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us."
- Marcel Proust

Tom S: 13:21 (Rx)
Josh S: 14:55 (75/35)
Kristin T: 13:23 (DC)
Karin: 15:26 (53,attempts,15)
Nina: 14:29 (attempts)
Killa - 12:30, Rx
Kevin - 10:50, Rx
Ditty - 15:05, Rx
Plentus - 9:30 (not beastly at all...), Rx
Bonnie - 17:40, (35,At,10)
Jeff - 14:36, Rx
Brynsie - 13:32, Rx
Tim P - 10:11, Rx
Megs - 12:42, Rx
Jackie - 15:00, (63, At, 15)
Jessie - 15:37, (35, At)
Fluffy - 14:22, (43, At)
BrianR - 11:22, Rx
StephV - 15:11, (Blue)
Kathleen - 16:26, (53, At)
SarahS - 12:50, (35, At, 15)
KSB - 15:21, (55)
MikeT - 10:17, Rx
Fab - 14:55, Rx
Keith - 16:48, 75#
Olan - 12:00, Rx
Tom H.- 16:29, 75#, 25# plate
Chris T. - 15:26, 65#
Kara - 15:10 65#, 15# plate
Nicole Mc - 15:30 35#
Jason 11:39, Rx
Melinda - 14:04, Dc
JZ - 13:13, 85
Miranda - 12:14, (50 thrust)
Patrick - 13:13, Rx
JenS - 11:14, Rx
Denise - 17:41, Rx
KateF - 14:49, (45,At,15)
Vincent - 14:20, Rx
Kurt - 12:26, Rx
TimH - 17:10, (At,25)
JenN - 14:26, (45,At,15)
StephJ - 14:30, (35,At,15)
Kate - 11:10, Rx
ChrisS - 12:32, Rx
Laura - 10:00, Rx
SamB - 10:36, 27vest
Charles - 15:46,65/25plate
Danielle - 12:31,45bar
Justin - 11:26,Rx
Travis - 16:04,DC
Peterson - 11:22,Rx
Erika - 15:15,10plate65bar
JessS - 16:40,toes scale
NicoleS - 13:03,Rx
Lindsey - 15:16,toes scale
Liz - 12:42,53bar
Shawn - 12:03,Rx
Rob Pl - 11:08,Rx


  1. donkey not doing shimmering boobsMay 22, 2011 at 11:24 PM

    these are NORMAL burpees, right? i'm not showing up for any boob shimmer burpees. just sayin'.

  2. I really wish I could make this mobility class.. I sit at a desk all day, but when I do get up to get more water I go up and down our stairs 2X and its about 4 stories. Any key points that anyone wouldn't mind posting would be great :)

  3. Nina- Wall sits or HSPU's in your cube!!! I bet yoru co-workers would love it!

  4. sandi:

    if you read this, did you get tickets?

  5. Nina, follow Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD. This one in particular talks about being at a desk:


  6. I just noticed the mobility class (which I can't go to). Finally, I have a good excuse for why my squat sucks. It's the chair I'm sitting in all day! It's not me being lazy and not working at squatting more! Man I'm gonna sleep well tonight now that I'm not worrying about that one!!

  7. 430 Class

    Killa - 12:30, Rx
    Kevin - 10:50, Rx
    Ditty - 15:05, Rx
    Plentus - 9:30 (not beastly at all...), Rx
    Bonnie - 17:40, (35,At,10)
    Jeff - 14:36, Rx
    Brynsie - 13:32, Rx
    TimP - 10:11, Rx
    Megs - 12:42, Rx
    Jackie - 15:00, (63, At, 15)
    Jessie - 15:37, (35, At)
    Fluffy - 14:22, (43, At)
    BrianR - 11:22, Rx
    StephV - 15:11, (Blue)
    Kathleen - 16:26, (53, At)
    SarahS - 12:50, (35, At, 15)
    KSB - 15:21, (55)
    MikeT - 10:17, Rx
    Fab - 14:55, Rx

  8. Thanks Chris, I checked it out..I will attempt this tomorrow..My hips are very tight.. most of the coaches might say my squats are pretty pathetic :/ I'm working on it..
    Melanie-I have yet to encounter a wod with HSPU's...so I may knock over my cube, and being new I don't want to upset my boss:)

  9. 530 Class

    Melinda - 14:04, Dc
    JZ - 13:13, 85
    Miranda - 12:14, (50 thrust)
    Patrick - 13:13, Rx
    JenS - 11:14, Rx
    Denise - 17:41, Rx
    KateF - 14:49, (45,At,15)
    Vincent - 14:20, Rx
    Kurt - 12:26, Rx
    TimH - 17:10, (At,25)
    JenN - 14:26, (45,At,15)
    StephJ - 14:30, (35,At,15)
    Kate - 11:10, Rx
    ChrisS - 12:32, Rx
    Laura - 10:00, Rx

  10. 630 Class

    SamB - 10:36, 27vest
    Charles - 15:46,65/25plate
    Danielle - 12:31,45bar
    Justin - 11:26,Rx
    Travis - 16:04,DC
    Peterson - 11:22,Rx
    Erika - 15:15,10plate65bar
    JessS - 16:40,toes scale
    NicoleS - 13:03,Rx
    Lindsey - 15:16,toes scale
    Liz - 12:42,53bar
    Shawn - 12:03,Rx
    Rob Pl - 11:08,Rx
