
W.O.D. 4.7.11

"What's wrong with this picture?"
Danny-Singing a song? Hitting the high notes!
Any one remember that poison control shirt Donkey wore last summer?
Plentus or Pappas- You decide!
The Donkey
Ditty- with a rockstar performance
Sam B. locked out overhead without a doubt!

John cranking out 69 reps, 34.5 rounds = LEGIT!

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
165/110 pound Squat clean
165/110 pound Jerk

Skin the Cat

Community Notes:
T & P adventures will run rain or shine this weekend at 10AM on Saturday & Sunday.
There will be NO kids class on Sunday at 11:00AM this weekend.

We read your requests and have tried to accommodate as many of your wishes as possible. Starting on Monday 4/25 we are changing the schedule and adding a 7AM class on Mondays and Thursdays. We are moving the Thursday 6AM class to Tuesday at 6AM.

Today's work out is Open Sectional WOD #3. If you are on the KoP Affiliate Team and normally come to the Thursday classes you will have the ability to have your time validated earlier in the day if necessary.

"Most great men and women are not perfectly rounded in their personalities, but are instead people whose one driving enthusiasm is so great it makes their faults seem insignificant."
-Charles A. Cerami

Kristin T: 42 (85#)
JB: 36 (95#)
Steve K 48 (65#)
Kristen SB (practice)
Bre 32 (22#)
Bekah 24 (80#)
Seth 23 (135#)
Daniela 32 (33#)
Nina 24
Dorothy 15
Jay E: 24
Tim G: 7
Jason 40
Mike F. 29
Olan 22
Dom 44
Kevin 27
Karen 1
Jeff 14
Mike T. 17
Danny 40
Cate 46
Aimee 44
Steph 49
Shoeless 5
Tim P 25
Nicole 1
Donkey 19
Killa B 11
Vinny 25
Megs 0
John 69
Miranda 26
Melinda 35
Chris 36
Sam B. 36
Laura 13
Nikki 50
Ditty 9
Mike V 54


  1. Good luck to everyone doing the sectional WOD!

  2. Good Luck on WOD 11.3 !!!

    Please keep in mind I'm gonna clear out the box by 6:45pm in order to start the April running session 1 of 3. If you are planning on coming to do this sectional wod, you also should plan on being done by this time so the 8 signed up athletes can be set and ready to improve their running skill can have the floor. I don't see this as being a problem because the wod is "only" 5 minutes(haha...) and we should get everyone formally judged without a problem, but want to give you the heads up so you know what's coming when you hear me come pitter-pattering after your arse.

  3. I am loving the quote for today.

  4. hey peeps,

    Philly cow share delivered tonight. Everyone picked up their boxes except for Donkey and Sarah J., those boxes are in the freezer. Also, for anyone that is interested, she gave us free organ meat (liver, heart, tongue) and bones (marrow and ox tail). Some are loose in the freezer and the rest is in the big cooler on the floor with ice. Feel free to take whatever you want; there is about 2 cows' worth of bones and organs! first come first serve

  5. Correction: I came by tonight and picked up, so all the organ meats and bones are now in the freezer. Open that door CAREFULLY...it's not really the most stable arrangement. You do not want this stuff falling on your foot!

  6. If you bought from one of the first cows, how much meat do you have left? I have less than half a box from the ground meats, and just over half of the box of full cuts left. I'd imagine that the meat will disappear faster once the weather warms up (and the grill gets a new propane tank).

    Is anyone thinking about when to order the next one yet?

  7. Can I have the cow tongues and some bones ? Yum!


  8. I would like at least two bones for marrow. YUM

  9. Tim - we are almost through the ground beef and burgers, and have a bunch of the steaks left. Like you, I expect now that weather is warmer and I also just refilled the propane tank, we'll start going through those quickly. I'd be up for another order in May some time.

  10. Will you always be offering the sectional WOD as the WOD on thursday? I would like to just get it done in the morning but I go to bed so early I don't know till the next day...

  11. @ TIM - we have a lot of the ground meat left, but have moved through a good portion of the steaks, as soon as there are enough of us we can get another cow. Does anyone else have interest who missed out on cow #1 and #2.

    @ NINA- next week the open sectional WOD 11.4 will be offered on Saturday for the regular class/when we host ( not Thursday) and then depending on the programming the next two WODS 11.5 & 11.6 will most likely be on Thursday.

  12. OMG i have not done Skin the Cat since i was maybe....12? i am so trying this after the sectional WOD.

  13. also- i think i have a little less than half of each left.

    i'm actually already trying to decide... another 1/8th or a buying club like this: http://farmtocity.org/Home.asp?mname=Sweet+Stem+Farm

    does anyone here belong to a buying club like that?

  14. Hey...does anyone know if Jelly is coming to watch sectionals tonight? I havent heard back from her....she is ignoring me

  15. And for anyone wondering, it came to about $6.22 a lb. Considering grass-fed ground beef is 5-6 a lb, it's a great deal. All of those steaks are well over $10 a pound on any given day.

  16. @Karen: I had the delmonico steaks last night. That stuff is SOOO good. It's tender and not tough like the grass fed beef I get from Wegmans.

  17. I would be in for some cow share on the next round - our freezer is finally emptying out from the crap that was in there, and I'm sure the roommates would share now that it's grill time.

  18. Jelly will be at Rock Bottom tonight about 7ish

  19. Who is Jelly? That is Jenny's Orr's nickname and she is a badass but I doubt she will be there as she lives in FL.

    For all that remember her, Devin got 22 clean/jerks. She is pretty strong...that scared me.

    My projected number gets lower every time I read something.

    You will pass out before you die...it is only 5 minutes. I need to think that.

  20. Jason...I think Jelly is some sort of strange doll that some people encountered at Screwballs this weekend.

  21. Yeah, yeah, we all know that beer isn't "paleo friendly" but when has that stopped me in the past???

    Saturday, May 14th is the Media Brewfest and is one of my favorite brewfest's of the year!!! Who's In???


    Get your tickets early because this event (like all beerfests) WILL SELL OUT!

    If you come, there will be a pre and post-fest at our house.

  22. Jelly is much more than a doll....she is a direct representation of what happens when chemically enhanced individuals (or in this case an individual) who have lost themselves in the time-space continuum meets the desire to achieve wonderment on a global scale through a local synergestic establishment such as Screwballs. Yep, that about sums it up. Add on pink hair wigs, George, Rocky, hair bands, etc and you begin to enter complex version of the Matrix.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Jelly is a goddess, you all bite your tongue!

  25. and i thought i was the craziest in the community...thank you danny and killa b.

    i am now normal....

  26. A big shout to the nooners today! A lot of work on form for the newbies and solid PR's and Rx performances from Nina and Dorothy! Congrats to all!

    Who's ready for tonight?
    Anyone betting on the max reps for Cate? Warnek? Danny? Jay E?

  27. I will set over unders on all of them...then we can bet.

    1) Warnek: 37 rounds
    2) Cate: 31.5 rounds
    3) Danny: 29.5 rounds
    4) Jay E: 25 rounds

    place your bets!!!

  28. Hey Aimee,

    Can only the folks who are on the affliate team do the WOD tonight or anyone is welcome? I was going to try come earlier tonight for the running seminar and maybe jump in and do a scaled WOD...or I'll just be part of the cheering squad. :)


  29. Sheng-Ching- You are welcome to come give it a try!

  30. Aimee - I'd be interested in a cow share. Especially coming up on Father's Day. Nothing says you are a great dad like a nice Delmonico steak!

  31. Yeah Megs, me and Lindsey got our respective fathers a big thing from Omaha steaks (i know it's not all grass fed/paleo, but DAMN does it taste good). They love it and it lasts a while too.


  32. Hi aimee
    I would be up for the cow


    sam b

  33. My Dearest Dorothy - you ROCKED this WOD today! I was just in awe of you today!

    @Nina - you kicked ass in this WOD. So glad I finally got to meet you.


  34. Tim and Danny you should def make those your facebook profile pics!!!

  35. Vinny, you're lucky I wasn't there to YELL AT YOU...nice numbers, just not nice thumbs

    TP, good work, wait, was that me? wait...

    Yeah Ditty! PR city! that's my girl

    Warnek, nice Lulu shorts. Let's work on getting you lifting shoes now.

  36. Aim, -- Jeff and I would be in for a cow .

    To all who did today's Open WOD -- you all ROCK! This was an intimidating amount of weight and you all stepped up. So proud!!!!

  37. Wow! The ladies killed this one. Kudos to Nikki! You are all an inspiration...I am so proud of each and every one that attempted this Rx. Way to set new PRs, Ditty and Dorothy, and anyone else I missed!
    You all ROCK, girlfriends!!!

  38. it must be the milk warnek, holy shitster!!!

  39. I heard cow and on ears perked us immediately! Him in if there is any left! And aimee. Think you made a monster out of me already. I came home and used my body bars to practice..... I have issue! Haha

  40. I would be up for another cow share too - but the one towards the July/Aug. Plus I have 2 work people that would be interested in this next one.
