
W.O.D. 4.21.11

Congratulations to Vinny who WON the Savage Adventure Sprint Race which consists of three disciplines, mountain biking, canoeing, and foot orienteering.

Open Sectional WOD 11.5

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 power cleans, 145#/100#
10 toes to bar
15 wallballs, 20# to 10'/14# to 9'

Thoughts on WOD 11.5 by Chris Plentus

Fight Inflammation Naturally by Laura Pappas

Community Notes:
We will be running the Open Sectional WOD 11.5 tonight from 4:45 to 6:30PM for any athletes who can not make it to CF Apex on Saturday.

“Enduring setbacks while maintaining the ability to show others the way to go forward is a true test of leadership.”
-Nitin Nohria

Jay Em 98
TimGz 153
Tom S 185
Cate 282
Grans 300
Kate 193
KSB 163 (scale)
Kelly 214 (scale)
Nikki 299
John W. 312
Mike V. 311
Dom 284
Nicole 171
Plentus 251
Mike T. 230
Karen 5
Steph V. 5
Laura 275
Aimee 287
Kevin 150
Mike F. 192
Danny 305
Lesha 245
Sara B 190
Jason 247
Tim P. 254
Jeff 180
Chris S. 191
Ditty 164
Melinda 36
Shoeless 183
Miranda 192
Rob P. 220
JP 196 (scale)
Sheng Ching 194 (scale)
Sam B. 272

Photos from 11.5 courtesy of C.P.Lentus:

Sheng Ching- triple extension power!

Killa swinging from the bars!

Jason on the extension!


  1. Vinny, congratulations! That's so exciting!!

  2. Congrats, Vinny! That is awesome! Rock on

  3. Congrats Vinny! That is so awesome!!! We are all very proud of you! :)

  4. Vinny nice job! I like all the gear in the pictures

  5. Way to represent Vinny!

  6. 6am While You Were Still Sleeping Results!
    Jay Em 98 (3rnds+5+3+0)
    TimGz 153 (5rnds+3+0+0)
    Tom S 185 (6rnds+5+0+0)

  7. Congrats Vinny!!

    On another note, Chris and I could use some help from the CFKOP community. We are in a couples photo contest on Facebook, and if our photo gets the most likes, we win a free photo session. Right now, we are falling behind the leaders and need to catch up to their 100-something likes (Yikes! that's a lot!). The contest ends tomorrow at midnight - so there's not a lot of time left. Please take the minute or two to like our photo and get your friends/family to do the same so we can catch up to the leaders (or better yet, so we can win!).

    Here's all you need to do:
    1) "like" this - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rivas-Reflections-Photography/149480648408115, then,
    2) "like" us - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=204530219569824&set=a.204530089569837.46136.149480648408115&type=1

    Thanks to everyone who has already liked our pic!! :-D You guys rock!

  8. Nice work, Vinny!! Orienteering is no joke and super hard!!!

  9. Lindsey,

    I couldn't get the second link to work on facebook. Is there another way to get to your picture?


  10. Very cool race Vinny! Congrats on the win! Looks like it was a lot of fun.

  11. Yep - Sorry it didn't work. I swear I tried it this morning and it was fine. The other way to get to the photo is to click on the Photo link on Rivas Reflections Page. There's an album called Couple Contest - you'll see our picture in there. Once you are on our pic, just click like and you are all set. Thanks :-)!!!

  12. Reminder- Our new schedule starts next week. We will be adding a 7AM on Monday & Thursday and moving the 6AM Thursday to Tuesday.

  13. This is the link that works for the facbook picture of me and Lindsey.


    Thanks guys!

  14. Nice work Vinny, sounds like an awesome race, and you got good pics too.

  15. Nice work vinny - that looks awesome. Sounds like a good WOD idea for the next Adventures of T&P at Frosty Falls!!

    Sam B.

  16. That race looks awesome, very cool man!

  17. Awesome job, Vinny! that looks like a lot of fun.

  18. Wow Vinny, that looks like fun! Nice job.

    On a separate note...I just can't keep this to myself. I think this is where jason got "Narh!" from.



  19. Thanks everyone!! The race was great, KOP box played a huge role in getting me ready for this, I owe a lot to you all...thanks again!!


  20. Congrat Vinny!!

    Ed Vincent

  21. Congrats Vinny! That is awesome sounds like a fun time!

  22. Grans you killed this workout, nice work :)
