
W.O.D. 4.10.11

T & P Bridge Adventures
Meet Coaches Tim & Plentus for the newest Adventure WOD. The Workout begins promptly at 10AM. Park at Frosty Falls and meet under the Gazebo.

CrossFit KoP is hosting a Kids Certification this weekend and we will not be running any regularly scheduled classes. We apologize for any inconveniences, but know T & P will take good care of you!

Happy Birthday to King John! Hoping you catch some big fish on your birthday!

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”
-Helen Keller


  1. Happy birthday John!! I love how you are unabashedly yourself- a true unique individual! Super glad to know you and hope ur birthday is great!

  2. Happy Birthday John, hope you have a great day!

  3. Happy birthday John!!! I hope you enjoy your day!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, John! Hope you have an awesome day!

  5. Happy Birthday John! Thanks for helping to push me through the WOD on Fri night!

  6. Honor to know you Warnek! Happy Birthday! Grans

  7. Today's Adventures with T&P

    in teams of 3 or 4, rotate stations and accumulate as many reps of push ups and box jumps as possible.

    overhead walking lunge with slamball, 20 meters
    push ups
    box jumps

    Team Killah (Kim G., Joe G., Sheng Ching, Kristin T.) 458 reps with 15# ball

    Team 127 hours (Lizzie, Shawn, Jason Ba.) 531 reps with 25# ball

    Team 667 (JZ, Howard, Jess C., Justin W.) 667 reps with 20# ball

    great job everyone, solid form on push ups and opening your hips on those box (log?) jumps. Pictures can be found here even if you're not on the Book:


  8. Warnek, happy birthday buddy. You're a force not to be reckoned with. I feel bad for any fish on the other end of your line.

    I'd send you to Kamchatka to go fly fishing, but I don't have 150,000 rubles to spend on you. Instead, here's a free trailer to the documentary, "Eastern Rises" about the place and the awesome fishing it has.


  9. John, happy birthday!!! I hope you got to spend the whole day fishing.

  10. Warnek, Happy Birthday, you are a genuinely good dude, and it must be a great feeling that many people look up to you with the most respect. Have an awesome day.

  11. Happy Birthday John!! Have a great day!

  12. Happy Birthday John! Ditto what everyone else has said.... hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  13. Happy birthday John! Hope you have a great day.

    Sam B

  14. Happy birthday Warnek, hope you got to go fishing today!

  15. Hey all,
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. No fishing today but a lot of getting things ready for moving. Fished all Friday though. It's been a blast training with you all at KOP for the past year.

  16. Happy birthday dude. you are one strong mofo. One of these days I will beat you on a wod...it is when my donation to tonya harding actually pays off.

  17. Happy birthday John! Great getting to know you this year

  18. congrats to Mike F. on finishing the tough mudder!

  19. Happy birthday, King John! Hope it was kick ass :)

  20. Happy Birthday John!!!! Sorry, this is belated! I hope you enjoyed your day!
