
W.O.D. 3.22.11




Mike T.

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

20 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
10 Power Cleans (65#/95#)

Community Reminder:
CrossFit KoP will be hosting a FREE Yoga class with Tori on Sunday 3/27 at 12:00. Hope to see you all there!

“A man's errors are his portals of discovery.”
-James Joyce

Chris 8 (26/45)
Kara 8 (26/45)
Lindsey 8 (35,26/65)
Steve 7 (35/65)
JZ 8 (45/75)
Jeff 8 (rx)
Megs 9 (Rx)
Dorothy 7 (Rx)
Karen 8 (18/55)
Nina 7 (18/63)
Christine 8 (18/45)
Kathleen 7 (35/45)
Aimee 12 (Rx)
Killer B 9 (Rx)
Roman 7 (Rx)
Tim G 7 (Rx)
Gina 7 (26/45)
Peterson 7 (Rx)
Kim G 7 (35/53)
Miranda 9 (Rx)
Mike T 7 (Rx)
Kevin 9 (Rx)
Howard 7 (35/75)
Sandy 8 (26/40)
Jessica S 7 (35/45)
Steph 10 (Rx)
Mike F 8 (Rx++)
Chris S 4 (Rx ouchie)
LP 11 (Rx)
Paul 6 (45/85)
Jerry 8 (Rx)
Melinda 8 (Rx)
Donkey 9 (Rx)
Jason 8 (Rx)
Ditty 6 (Rx)
Arthur 7 (45/65)
Vinny 9 (Rx)
Brittany 7 (25/35)
Darlene 9 (35, 26.5/45)
Shawn 5 (Rx)
Jon 6 (Rx)
Tony 9 (Rx)
Sheng Ching 6 (Rx)
Jen N. 8 (26.5/45)
Kristin T. 7 (Rx)
Sam B. 9 (Rx)
Cline 7 (35/65)
Sharon 7 (35/55)
Charles 7 (45/65)
Danny 9 (Rx+ 70#)
Nicole S. 8 (Rx)


  1. I know I may regret saying this but I think I am really going to enjoy this WOD.

  2. me too! This is our type of wod Mike!

  3. Oh, kettle bells and power cleans is a okay by me. However, I think that this wod will destroy me.

  4. nom nom nom. i am so happy this is my tomorrow.

  5. Don't under estimate this one Guys, the sectionals couplet was similar, but at least it was only 10 mins, this is double the time! You'll def get winded on those KB swings too.

  6. Glad you pointed that out, Laura. I saw 20 minutes, and was already winded by this. Should be a rough one for sure.

  7. I have refreshed the Crossfit Games website 243 times since Sunday to see how much my ranking has changed.....what is everyone else up to today?

  8. Danny- Jason might have you on that one!!! I think he's at 578 refreshes!

  9. i think Laura is right. this one is harder than it looks. that said, the 9:30 results are:

    Chris 8 (26/45)
    Kara 8 (26/45)
    Lindsey 8 (35,26/65)
    Steve 7 (35,65)

  10. I think that he got me this time around.....little does he know that after the scores are posted for the 2nd wod, the refresher tracker starts back at zero.

  11. i am boycotting refreshing because my name just gets lower and lower. i am however, addicted to refreshing for aimee. lol.

    i will likely finish in top 33%...i will take that. i need oly cft to come up and then i have a chance at top 25%

  12. hell, i'm just thrilled i'm not last. friggin' double unders.

  13. CFT coming up...let me fantasize about that for a minute!!!

    Its pretty freaking cool to be somewhere in the middle even for one week. I'd do the math to get my percentage....but then again Im not a geek like jason.

  14. So if I wanted to do this qualifier WOD (not saying I do) when would I have to do it? I figure after 3 weeks off, it should be really ugly and might be fun to try.

  15. 6:30 back breakers

    Ditty 6 (Rx)
    Arthur 7 (45/65)
    Vinny 9 (Rx)
    Brittany 7 (25/35)
    Darlene 9 (35, 26.5/45)
    Shawn 5 (Rx)
    Jon 6 (Rx)
    Tony 9 (Rx)
    Sheng Ching 6 (Rx)
    Jen N. 8 (26.5/45)
    Kristin T. 7 (Rx)
    Sam B. 9 (Rx)
    Cline 7 (35/65)
    Sharon 7 (35/55)
    Charles 7 (45/65)
    Danny 9 (Rx+ 70#)
    Nicole S. 8 (Rx)
