
W.O.D. 3.12.11

Happy Birthday Adventure Coach Plentus!

T & P Adventure WOD

The surprise awaits you!

Meet and Park at Frosty Falls for the start of your favorite adventure workout

10:00AM ONLY

Friends and Family welcome

Happy Birthday Plentus and Megs!

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away“!


  1. Happy birthday Christopher!! Thank you for all your help and lifting tips, nutrition knowledge, blog entertainment, great coaching skills, oh and sense of humor. How is it that you are always making a funny face in pics? Have a great adventure filled birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Chris!! I could never thank you enough for all of your help in the past few months! You are such a great person & an awesome coach! I promise, I'll get over that wall soon!! And I definitely can never thank you enough for the spaghetti squash recipe :) I hope you have a great birthday & I'll see you at the adventure!

  3. Coach P Lentus!!! Happy birthday my friend!!! Here's to a year filled with great things. You deserve it! Thanks for making WOD's so fun, motivating, precise and entertaining!! Looking forward to the adventure this weekend!

  4. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all that you do.

  5. Happy Birthday brotha, you know a true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked!

    CFKOP is lucky to have such a first-class and virtuous coach; and I appreciate the exertion that comes along with workouts next to you.

    Note: There were no other small asian monkeys harmed in the taking of this picture.

  6. happy birthday, P.Lentus and Megs! two of my favorite people to have in the box during WODs--i hope you each enjoy your special day!

  7. Megs, happy birthday, birthday twin! You keep it real, both in the box and out, I hope your day is great. Looks like the weather cooperated!

  8. Hi Meieieghan, enjoy your saturday birthday, and the sunshine outside :) Feliz cumpleanos

  9. Happy Birthday Chris and Megs, two very cool people! Here's hoping this year is filled with fun and happiness for the both of you!

  10. Happy Birthday Christopher! You are a great coach; always willing to spend extra time helping others with weaknesses! Much appreciated.

  11. Happy Birthday Megs! Have a great one!

  12. Happy Birthday Chris! You are such a great coach! I remember when you helped me get on that 21' box for the first time! Thanks for pushing me and making me better! Also, love your blog and the recipe posts...I have tried quite a few!

    Happy Birthday to Megs too!

  13. Happy Birthday Chris! You are an amazing coach and there were many wods I would not have made it through without your support and coaching! I know you are probably just as great school counselor as you are a coach! Thanks for all you do and have an amazing birthday...sorry to be missing your adventure!

  14. Happy Birthday Megs! Thanks for all of your support! You are always smiling, encouraging, and you always work so hard! I am so glad we get to see you more often now! Have a wonderful birthday!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Plentus!

    You rock! Thanks for always being there for us when we are in a WOD, with encouragement, a funny joke, or a smile. You are an inspiration to all of us!


  16. P:
    your coaching skills are mediocre at best. i liked you better when you came all snazzied up from school. you should go back there. :) all kidding aside, you are a fantabulastic addition to kop. keep up the great work and congrats on the beginnings of your cult.

    to the person that has more lulu than the store. welcome back and keep on fighting your way to better and better health. you have made leaps and bounds from just last year. good on ya.

    happy birthday to both of you.

  17. Happy birthday Megs, hope you enjoy the sunshine today! I'm glad to see you back at KoP too. Keep up all your hard work and dedication, it's paying off, you look great!

  18. Happy Birthday Megs and Coach P!

  19. Happy Birthday, KIDS... GI GI

  20. Happy birthday Megs and Plentus!

  21. Happy birthday chris and megs!

  22. 23 people came out and broke up into teams to do:

    4 minute AMRAP 50ft. shuttle run
    rest 1 minute
    4 minute AMRAP sandbag to shoulder
    rest 1 minute
    4 minute AMRAP hatemaker*

    Team 2 came out on top with an average of 79 reps per person

    then we did AMRAP in 2 minutes of tire flips (1100# tire) in those teams.

    Team 6 came out with 13 flips.

    A lot of fun folks, come out for more T&P Adventures tomorrow at 10am (yes, that's including the time change) Meet by the gazebo again. Friends and family welcome!

  23. Happy Birthday Chris & Megs! It was a blast doing T&P adventures with you this morning.

  24. Happy Birthday Chris! Thanks for your encouragement during the WODS, you are a great coach!

  25. Happy Birthday Meg! You are a blast to work out with girl!

  26. Happy birthday chris and Megs!!!

  27. Happy Birthday Chris and Meg!

  28. Happy birthday to the ever knowledgeable, ever adventurous Plentus! Couldnt ask for a better guy to share the day with!!
