
W.O.D. 3.11.11

Kit...the ULTIMATE wingman
Congrats on your first flight!!!

5 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Kettlebell Swings (55#/70#)
10 Snatch (65#/95#)

Happy Birthday Dianne

A Dose of Intervention and The Land of Dr. Oz by Gary Taubes

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
-William James

(Rope scale if applicable/KBS/Snatch)
Jay E: 15:16 (rope scale/70/95)
Meghann: 17:37 (rope scale/35/65)
Peterbutt: 18:45 (70/75)
Lindsey: 18:56 (rope 2/3 climbs/35/35)
Granny: 16:15 (KTEs/85# back squats)
Todd: 26:24 (70/75)
Pat: 20:13 (rope scale/70/65)
Mike V: 13:05 (Rx)
Sharon: 31:09 (rope attempts/45/35)
Donkey: 26:36 (55/53)
Daniela: 26:33 (scale rope/18/15)
Kristen SB: 27:42 (rope attempts/45-35/55)
Arthur: 18:20 (3 climbs/53/50)
Randy: 14:38 (35/65)
Karen: 13:14 (rp/35/40)
Olan: 19:23 (DC depth)
Kevin: 16:02 (Power Snatches)
Roman: 18:14 (55/65)
Dorothy: 18:05 (35/53)
Sara B: 14:52 (15PU/35/33MS)
Jessica S: 14:03 (rp/35/35)
Katie F: 14:47 (rp/35/35)
Denise: 13:43 (rp/35/35)
Sarah S: 14:32 (18/10db snatch)
Tim G: 21:23 (DC depth)
Tim P: 12:55 (Rx)
Jerry: 17:50 (70/75 depth)
Chuck: 19:18 (2 climbs/45/45)
Howard: 16:50 (rp/53/65)
Dianne: 17:49 (rp/26.5/25)
Rob 15:26 (Rx)
Tony 19:24 (Rx)
Jon 15:52 (45/55)
Nicole 24:31 (33/55rus)*
Shawn 19:41 (Rx)
Jen N 16:35 (20/35)
Melinda 26:24 (55/55)*
Tyler 14:05 (75/55)*
Cline 20:12 (55/45)
Kathleen 14:55 (35/45)
Sandy 16:16 (35/35)
Jim R 17:48 (Rx)
Jeff Hi 20:10 (75/55)
Charles 22:51 (45/53)
Sam B 22:04 (Rx)
Rob P 21:10 (Rx)
Jen S 18:53 (53/55)*
Kristin T 21:26 (43/45)
Sheng Ching 25:35 (53/45)
Miranda 20:20 (65/55rus)
Joe A 29:16 (Rx)


  1. Congrats Kit!! That is awesome!

  2. 6AM class (results as rope climb/KB weight/barbell weight):

    Jay E 15:16 (rope scale, 70/95)
    Meghann 17:37 (rope scale, 35/65)
    Peterbutt 18:45 (Rx rope, 70/75)
    Lindsey 18:56 (rope 2/3 climbs, 35/35)
    Granny 16:15 (Rx rope/KTEs/85# back squats)
    Todd 26:24 (Rx rope, 70/75)
    Pat 20:13 (rope scale, 70/65)

    Nice work everyone!

  3. Congrats, Kit!! That is an awesome achievement!

    Happy Birthday, Dianne!! Enjoy your day!

  4. Congrats Kit. Looks like you are having loads of fun.

    Happy Birthday Diane.

  5. Mainsite had a note about tightening your core as much as possible during the kb swings with pictures a few days ago that I tried to think about during this WOD.


    For the kettle bell swings, I really tried to focus on tightening my core during it. On round 3, I forgot though, and it killed me. Then in round 4, I was able to get through all 10 KB swings without dropping it since I really tightened my abs.

  6. Happy birthday Diane...its always great to see you...your love and support is always apparent!! Have a great day!

  7. kit, that looks like the red barons plane...does that one go fast?

    when do you get to go in a jet that has guns?

    dianne, happy birthday...i hope you recognize the progress that you are making. be proud

  8. Kit, BA! hopefully see you soon buddy

    Happy birthday Dianne! My favorite moment so far has been the warmup with low/fast box jumps and how you decided step ups were too slow so you just JUMPED Timmy-style. nice work

  9. Yeah Kit!!!! That is so hot! Congratulations.

    Happy birthday Dianne! I hope you have a great day.

  10. Happy Birthday Dianne, hope you have a great day!

    Nice picture Kit! Don't mind Jason, he doesn't know that even the Marine planes with training wheels for landing have guns!

  11. happy birthday Diane and congrats, Kit! you both rock, hard!

  12. Happy Birthday Dianne, keep up the great work!

    Kit, way to earn those wings buddy.

  13. the nooners:

    Mike V 13:05 (rx)
    Sharon 31:09 (rope attempts, 45,35)
    Donkey 26:36 (rx rope, 55, 53)
    Daniela 26:33 (scale rope, 18, 15)
    Kristen SB 27:42 (rope attempts, 45-35,55)

    Congratulations to Daniela on her first class!!! Welcome!

  14. Happy birthday Dianne, You have come so far wth crossfit and your education,I'm so very proud of you, your buddy, Kimberly Lane

  15. Happy birthday Dianne, keep up the awesome work, and hope you had a great day.

  16. Yeah Dianne: You owe a LOT of birthday burpees. Your birthday plus 30 for being late. :)

  17. 5:30 and 6:30 results
    Rob 15:26 (Rx)
    Tony 19:24 (Rx)
    Jon 15:52 (45/55)
    Nicole 24:31 (33/55rus)*
    Shawn 19:41 (Rx)
    Jen N 16:35 (20/35)
    Melinda 26:24 (55/55)*
    Tyler 14:05 (75/55)*
    Cline 20:12 (55/45)
    Kathleen 14:55 (35/45)
    Sandy 16:16 (35/35)
    Jim R 17:48 (Rx)
    Jeff Hi 20:10 (75/55)
    Charles 22:51 (45/53)
    Sam B 22:04 (Rx)
    Rob P 21:10 (Rx)
    Jen S 18:53 (53/55)*
    Kristin T 21:26 (43/45)
    Sheng Ching 25:35 (53/45)
    Miranda 20:20 (65/55rus)
    Joe A 29:16 (Rx)

    *completed all 5 rope climbs!

    Congrats to Jeff Hi and Kristin T for getting their first full rope climb!

  18. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I love being with you all at the box...every single one of you inspire me whenever I'm there to push myself, work on my form or try something new. And Jason, I will get started on those birthday burpees asap! It might take me till my next birthday though!

  19. Thanks all for the great posts! I'm loving it! Thanks for all the support...Jas...no guns yet, except for the two I have on me at all times...The safety is always off on those bad boys. I like the WOD too...!

    miss you guys
