
W.O.D. 1.28.11


At 80% of your 1RM perform 3 cleans on the minute for 5 minutes.

"Exercise is king; nutrition is queen. Pull them together and you've got a kingdom."
-Jack LaLanne

Shawn 215 (PR)
Sandy 70 (PR)
Tim 185 (PR from floor)
Sharon 103 (PR)
Liz 83 (PR)
David M 185
Borden 185 (PR)
Sara B 125 (PR)
Jim B 165 (PR)
Conn 165
Rob P 195 (PR)
Charles 85
Sheng-Ching 105 (PR)
Lindsey 103
Meghann 115
Howard 125
Ellie 98
Mike S 103
Pat 145
Rachael 85 PR
Kristen 95 PR
Sarah S 70 PR
Kathleen 88 PR
Brian R 175
JZ 145
Gabe 135
Rob Ph 175
Jim C 195
Vincent 165
Jeff Hi 155
Ditty 110
Dorothy 110
Shawn 215 (PR)
Sandy 70 (PR)
Tim 185 (PR from floor)
Sharon 103 (PR)
Liz 83 (PR)
David M 185
Borden 185 (PR)
Sara B 125 (PR)
Jim B 165 (PR)
Conn 165
Rob P 195 (PR)
Charles 85
Sheng-Ching 105 (PR)


  1. 6AM Chilly Cleaners:

    Lindsey 103
    Meghann 115
    Howard 125
    Ellie 98
    Mike S 103
    Pat 145

    Nice work everyone!

  2. new post on vibram five fingers:


  3. Inov8 F-230 lites now come in green!!!!! Just thought you'd want to know if you hadn't seen them. Who will be the first to sport those???

  4. Nooners:

    Rachael 85
    Kristin 95
    Sarah B 70

    PR's for everyone!!!

  5. PR party 5:30 - 7:30 Friday Night

    Shawn 215 (PR)
    Sandy 70 (PR)
    Tim 185 (PR from floor)
    Sharon 103 (PR)
    Liz 83 (PR)
    David M 185
    Borden 185 (PR)
    Sara B 125 (PR)
    Jim B 165 (PR)
    Conn 165
    Rob P 195 (PR)
    Charles 85
    Sheng-Ching 105 (PR)

    Awesome awesome work today! Days like this make me LOVE being a CFKOP coach! Special shouts outs to Rob P for some of the fastest elbows I've seen at the box, Liz for your determination to stand up with 83# on your shoulders, and Sara and Sheng-Ching for some HUGE PRs today!

  6. Thanks Nikki, your cues made all the difference!
