
W.O.D. 1.27.11

Brian R.
Steph V.
Warnek 97# KBS overhead

For time:
25 wall balls (14/20 lbs) to (9/10ft targets)
25 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
25 Push ups
25 KB swings (35/55#)
1000 m Row
25 KB Swings
25 Push ups
25 Sit ups
25 Pull ups
25 wall balls

Due to the Thunder Snow, we will be canceling the 6AM class on Thursday 1/27. In order to compensate for the inconveniences caused by the snow storms we will have an open gym from 5-7pm - FREE to all CFKoP members.

This Weekend:
CrossFit KoP is hosting the CF 215 Winter Affiliate throw-down on Saturday 1/29. The first bout is between CrossFit KoP and CrossFit Inspire. The activities will start at 2PM. Spectators are encouraged and welcome!! Please come cheer on your fellow athletes.

Like/Dislike by Chris Plentus

"No great thing is created suddenly."

Tim 16:44 (70KB) (Rx+)
Steph V. 23:14 (55#/RingRows)
Megs 22:36 (45#/GHD) (Rx+)
Ironman 19:15 (Rx)
Laura 19:17 (53#/GHD) (Rx+)
Brian R 21:58 (Rx)
Warnek 23:58 (97#) (Rx+)
Nikki 17:40 (10ft wallball) (Rx)
Kara 19:34 (35kbs/10#wb)
Olan 21:57 (70kbs#) Rx+
Steve K 18:36 (3rds 500m row 25 squats)


  1. LOL. Those open gyms are always on a Thursday! Have fun with this one guys... it looks like a doozy.

  2. I'm just sayin....these shoveling WODs are getting a little ridiculous!
