
W.O.D. 1.26.11

100 Burpees for time


200 Burpees for time

"Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."
- Thomas Jefferson

Danny 14:58 (200)
Cate 15:12 (200)
Ellie 9:16 (100), 19:34 (200)
Meghann 11:44 (100)
Kristin T 10:05 (100), 20:54 (200)
Pat 12:55 (100)
Kim G 11:36 (100)
Donkey 8:56 (100)


  1. Hilarious workout video. Not really WFS... I think we should add a shake weight WOD though... (this isn't the SNL clip if you were wondering)


  2. we had a crazy amount of people tonight for liquid cocaine. I have the feeling it will be the EXACT OPPOSITE for this WOD. Not sure why.

  3. Liquid cocaine is sexy. Clean and jerks are sexy. Pull ups are sexy. Burpees...not so much! I'll be there in the full glory of unsexiness....buck furpees!

    Hey coach p- thanks for tip on pullups- I will be spending some time on ring rows...building strength for better kips and so one day I can do dead hangs at a party! That will be sexy!

  4. Shoeless, hope to see you there! :-)

  5. Don't let a little flurry scare ya - the gym is open and warming up as we speak! See ya here 6 am-ers! (By the way, there won't be a burpee penalty for being late today... so drive safe!)

  6. 6am results - "Yay burpees!"

    Ellie 9:16 (100), 19:34 (200)
    Meghann 11:44 (100)
    Kristin T 10:05 (100), 20:54 (200)
    Pat 12:55 (100)
    Kim G 11:36 (100)

    Great job all! Impressive performances, especially by Pat (way to keep up that pace) and Kristin T (way to go for the full 200!) Kristin stopped after 100, rested for 45 seconds, then decided to hit another 100. Her 2nd 100 (finished in 10:04) were faster than her first 100 (10:05)!

    Everyone stay warm and be safe today!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, and great job Kristin for getting 12-13 feet up the rope today! Next time you're touching orange!

  9. This one's for you Peterson:


  10. If you've never seen the South Park shake weight episode, you are missing out. It is just *so* wrong.

  11. Haha, I wish Cate! I was gonna show up early and do 1000, but the snow is really screwing me up today. Doesn't look like I can make it. I promise I'm working on my burpees though!

    And I second Charles' comment about the SP episode, lol

  12. Phoning it in from the UK: 100 burpees, 8:56. planned on 200 but after 100, it took me 5 minutes to stop feeling like i was going to throw up. took that as a sign to shut it down. fastest i've ever burned through 100 though.

  13. Danny 14:58
    Cate 15:12

    200 obviously! and steph - it was sexy.
