
W.O.D. 1.21.11

This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter.

Minute One: 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 1 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Two: 2 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 2 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Three: 3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 3 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Four: 4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 4 Med Ball Clean* etc ...

Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD.

*Weight for the Med ball (14#/20) and SumoDeadlift High Pull (65#/95#).


Survey Says by Chris Plentus
Fructose-The not so innocent sugar by Laura Pappas

Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?
-Nelson Mandela

Mike V 353 (25lb med ball)

Todd: 246
Jay E: 250
Steph V 250
Kevin Y 267
Olan 275
Dorothy 299
Shawn 268
Karen L 164
Jim C 246
Shoeless 270
Vinny 268
Sharon 198
Seth 219
Kathleen 276
Jen S 253
Miranda 280
Peterson 264
Jerry 303
Sam B 287
Kristin T 263
Borden 245
Chris B 244
Rob P 318
Nicole S 222
Grans 346

Kim G: 214 (53#)
WW 263 (75#)
Gabe 254 (85#)
Ditty 210 (63#)
Sarah J 190 (45#/10 lb med ball)
Lisa 188 (35#/10 lb med ball)
Dianne (35/14) 262
Sarah (45) 296
JB (75) 238
Rakia (53) 184
Sara B 274 (55#)
Jess S 282 (45/10)
Jim B 212 (75/14)
Denise 244 (45/14)
Karin 256 (45/10)
Liz 253 (55/14)
Vivian 305 (35/14)
Julie Ca 202 (35/8)
Sandy 325 (45/14)
Sheng-Ching 218 (53/12)
Tobin 261 (75/20)
Charles 346 (65/14)


  1. The roads are not bad, come join me.

  2. ...he says 9 minutes before class

  3. Just two community notes...

    1) I had several questions last night while at the barbell strength class related to what people were doing. We want to reiterate that the barbell strength class is for barbell strength. It is fine to add a small assiatant metcon at the end but everyone in attendance should be doing barbell strength. I think people get confused because they see others that are training for Sectionals doing a WOD. I just wanted to make the clarification. Thanks.

    2) PLEASE make sure you are updating the white board. We are putting the best times of certain workouts on our leader board and in doing so, I noticed that some people had significantly older times for workouts. We will use that board as the guideline so if your Cindy PR is 27 but you have 11 on the board, we can only go by the 11. If you want to update them this weekend, please take the time to do so.

    3) You may have noticed the sign on the door asking people to have their extended conversations in the lobby once the next class has started. This was a request of several members so we are just passing it on. Feel free to stay and chat as much as you want but please move into the lobby once the class has started so your colleagues can hear what is going on.

    Thanks everyone and if you have questions, please let me know.

  4. To follow up on Jason's points:
    1) A quick reminder that Open gyms are the first Thursday of every month - at that class you are welcome to WOD as desired and this is a free class for all KoP members.

    2) Once the record board is set, we will be having a record breaking party! Details to follow, this will occur in February!

    3)The CrossFit 215 Affiliate throw-down will occur at CrossFit KoP on January 29th from 2-7PM, our teams are set and you should have received an email confirming. If you are not participating please come out to support your fellow athletes! Friends and family are welcome.

    4) This year the Maltz Challenge will be on Friday March 18th, this was a great event last year - I hope everyone can attend. Information and details for this year will post over the next month, Click here for last years details http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/w_25.html

    5) Congratulations again to Steph on her monumental 100lb weight loss. Her story, inspirational to all was featured on the A-blog on the CrossFit Mainpage and her quote - "MetCons are moving meditations for me. In the middle of the WOD, there is nowhere to be but where I am. I can no longer think, my mind is blank, I am completely and totally where I am." -- Steph Vincent

  5. Yeah JESS C... Way to ROCK the HEAVY TGU!!!

  6. results from the noon class:

    Sharon 198
    Seth 219
    Kathleen 276
    Jen S (stay tuned) :)

    Dianne (?) 262
    Sarah (45) 296
    JB (75) 238
    Rakia (53) 184

    Dianne, i am not sure what weight you used - post to comments, so you'll know for next time. thanks!

  7. 4:30 class results:


    Mike V 353 (25lb med ball)


    Steph V 250
    Kevin Y 267
    Olan 275
    Dorothy 299
    Shawn 268
    Karen L 164
    Jim C 246
    Shoeless 270
    Vinny 268


    WW 263 (75#)
    Gabe 254 (85#)
    Ditty 210 (63#)
    Sarah J 190 (45#/10 lb med ball)
    Lisa 188 (35#/10 lb med ball)

    Good work everyone!

  8. My weight today was 35# and I did the 14# medicine ball...thanks, Cate!

  9. BIG improvement for me: July's score was 146 with an 8# med ball and a 35# bar compared to this time: 262 with a 14# ball and the same 35# bar!

  10. Great job Dianne! A big increase in the reps and a heavier med ball! Way to go!! Nice working with you today.

  11. Dorothy, you couldn't squeeze out one more to break the 300 mark? Oh well, at least you beat Olan :-)

  12. Darn - I really want to do the Maltz Challenge and hang with the KOP peeps, but that is Day 2 of March Madness. I already put in for 17-18MAR off from work because I watch every minute of every basketball game that weekend.

  13. I didn't look at my score before I left so I don't know what it was. No worries - I'm not too concerned with numbers - for me it's about how I feel, being healthy, and being the best me I can be! :)

  14. Apparently Nikki doesn't care about numbers either... She never posted the scores from the 530 and 630 classes from last night.... :-P

  15. Friday 5:30 and 6:30 Results

    Miranda 280
    Peterson 264
    Jerry 303
    Sam B 287
    Kristin T 263
    Borden 245
    Chris B 244
    Rob P 318
    Nicole S 222
    Grans 346

    Sara B 274 (55#)
    Jess S 282 (45/10)
    Jim B 212 (75/14)
    Denise 244 (45/14)
    Karin 256 (45/10)
    Liz 253 (55/14)
    Vivian 305 (35/14)
    Julie Ca 202 (35/8)
    Sandy 325 (45/14)
    Sheng-Ching 218 (53/12)
    Tobin 261 (75/20)
    Charles 346 (65/14)

  16. Peterson - I care! But I care more about eating which is what I did when I got home, then passed out on the couch. :) Don't worry I got the results up this morning!!

  17. Correction, I was 309. I only tie with grans in my dreams?
