
Winter Weather Schedule Change

We will be cancelling the 9:30 AM class and will replace it with 12:00 Noon today. Sorry for any inconvenience, we hope to see you at the "Nooner"! Evening classes will run as scheduled.


  1. I am now kicking myself for not bringing my workout clothes.
    Oh well....looks like today is a rest day and tomorrow is a workout day. Constantly varied, right?

  2. Dorothy, you don't want the coveted "business casual" next to your name?

  3. working out in your work clothes will ensure that everyone leaves you alone all afternoon....


  4. just a note:

    please make sure that when you sign into your account in mindbody you are not creating a new account.

    If by chance you did create a new account - no worries, I can fix this and you will keep your user name and password that you created.

    If you are having trouble signing in or signing up for classes or have any questions regarding your MindBody account please let Aimee or me know in person or via email.

    Thanks Everyone!! <3
