
W.O.D. 1.11.11


5 Rounds for max reps of:
Body-weight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)

There is NO time component to this WOD. Your score is the total reps of Bench Press and Pull-ups totalled at the end of 5 rounds.

(compare to 8.27.10)

Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs by Chris Plentus
4 Tips to transition from a Modern Diet to a Paleo Diet

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.”
-Henrik Ibsen

Ironman 94
Kev 106
Olan 113
Tim P 141
Sam B 210
Jerry 136
Vinny 118
JZ 79
Plentus 169
Todd 86
Robb 192
Rob Pl 129
Paul F 110

Mimi 122 (85#)
Kimberly 105 (85#)
Sarah 112 (53#)
Deb 57 (110#)
Chris 96 (65#)
Kara 96 (65#)
Jim C 77 (185#)
Nik 140 (110# 87.5%)
Kathleen 105 (55# B)
Mike F 53 (225#)
Karen 99 (65# Bk)
Liz 80 (75)
Steph V 62 (110/B)
Sharon 82 (95)
Gary 77 (115/Bk)


  1. Wanted to check before I brought this dish to Donkey's... My vegetable has honey (2tbsp) in a pretty large batch, would that be an OK thing to brig or would that exclude the "perfectionists"? Kim G

  2. When I get sick, I usually drink tea with lemon and honey. What's a compliant alternative?

  3. I thought honey was ok. Preferred to be organic, raw but still approved per paleo as it is a natural source from mother nature?

  4. @ Kim G I think that it will be ok for the Paleo Perfectionist since you are using honey - depending on what your vegetable is though think about does it really NEED the honey? I often skip or half the recommended sweetening even in paleo dishes. I made Plentus' pumpkin muffins on Sunday and just added about 2 Tbsp of natural applesauce instead of the honey and they still turned out great.

    @Charles you can still do tea with lemon and honey - just use honey in moderation and I wouldn't use it as a "sweet treat" Keep the honey minimal. Honey actually has some healing properties, especially raw honey - which is a little more $ but probably cheaper than cold medicine!

    @Mel - yes honey is ok but don't abuse it :) and you've got it best is organic raw but regular honey is still ok too.

    For the Paleo Party Tim and I are going to bring Pulled Pork. Remember to bring your recipies!

  5. I am going to make paleo meatballs in my gravy. I can do them in a crockpot so it's perfect.

  6. Attention science geeks....i have my bllodwork down this week and bloddwork from before i eliminated grains/sugar. Been clean for a year. Would any of you be interested in analyzing the difference? One thing to note my vit D is low! i take a supplement 1000iu daily....for a long time now.

  7. Steph: It would be interesting to see. 1000IUs is probably not nearly enough. Most people recommended 2000 at the absolute minimum and many recommend a minimum of 4 to 5.

  8. Steph- I'll look at it for you, I got a lot of info on that stuff when I went to the nutrition cert in June

  9. 530pm RESULTS

    JZ 79
    Plentus 169
    Todd 86
    Robb 192
    Rob Pl 129
    Paul F 110

    Liz 80 (75)
    Steph V 62 (110/blue)
    Sharon 82 (95)
    Gary 77 (115/blk)

  10. 6:30 push 'n pullers

    Jay E. 56 (245#)
    Danny 94 (215#?)

    Granny 121 (95#)
    Miranda 62 (85#)
    Ditty 55 (75#)
    Peterson 84 (135#)
    Shoeless 112 (115#)
    Roger 67 (135/115/90#)

  11. Attempt to make my own mayo: FAIL
    Tasted like ass, and by ass I don't mean Donkey.
