
W.O.D. 1.5.11

Back Squat

Assistance Skill Work:
3 Rounds not for time:
Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone, 2 Reps
GHD Sit-ups, 10 Reps
30 Second L-sit (if you cannot hold for 30 second keep attempting the movement)

Spreadsheet for the Primal Challenge:
Click here for the Spreadsheet to use for the Primal Challenge. Thanks to Cline and Ellie for putting these together!

CrossFit in the WSJ by Jen Murphy

How is it going? What was your first day like? What was for Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Post to comments.

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

Mike S . 140 (to 13" box + 25# plate)
JB 175
Meghann 215
Kimberly 195
Mimi 195
Karen 195
Sarah S 78
Rob Ph 305
Jim C 305
Olan 265
Aimee 185
Jen S 155
Cate 225
Deb 165
Sharon 185
Meighann 155
JZuck 225
Plentus 315 (30#PR)
Brian R 220
Todd Stack 225
Jackie H 155
CC 195
Gabe 215 (depth)
Lindsey 135 pr
Flounder 215 pr
Vincent 285
Denise 145 pr
Katie F. 115
Patti 135 pr
Sara 195 pr
Mel 135
Jessica 135
Miranda 200 pr
Melinda 210 pr
Paul F. 235
Jen N. 115
Jess C. 135
Sheng Ching 155
Steph 225
Cline 185
Conn 225 pr
Charles 105
Donkey 165 (20# pr)
Julie 80 to 21" box
Pooch 140 pr
Shawn 300 pr
Sam B. 215
Tim P. 275
Ditty 150
Laura 135


  1. Breakfast - 3 lemon paleo pancakes, 2 pieces of sausage and 1/4 cup of blueberries, with 1Tbsp of Agave. Coffee, 1/2 tsp cream

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/ClinePrimalChallenge

    Sleep is going to be the hardest part. Oh, and the whole notdrinkingatall thing.

  4. cline - how do we edit the spreadsheet?

  5. 6:30 1RM back squat results:

    Mike S - 140# (to 13" box + 25# plate)
    JB - 175#
    Meghann - 215#

    Watch out Queen Cate, Meghann's coming for you!

  6. How strict are we being about this? Like I know that when I did whole 30 before, I mad an exception for using chicken broth in cooking, because you just can't find any without sugar, but the carb load is minimal. Also, I heard about trader joes beef jerky on Robb Wolfe's podcast, but while there is a gluten free option, it has some soy in it.


  7. damnnnnn meg.....way to rock the back squat girl!!!!! the strong chicks keep multiplying around here...woot woot!!

  8. Jen: The link I posted was just to the version of my spreadsheet that I'm using to track my progress. It's read-only.

    I'm working with Aimee to get an editable version out to everyone, hopefully later today.

  9. our yummy dinner last night
    paleo peeps...

    Chicken breast sauted with garlic, coconut milk, red bell pepper, paprika, red pepper flakes, salt & pepper.

    Side of steamed broccoli.

    oven sweet potatoe fries (kids love these) cut into wedges mix with evoo, parsley, cumin, dash of hot sauce, salt, pepper, Bake untill crispy!

    I don't always love cooking but I feel so happy and satisfied when i know exactly what is in the meal we are eating, that I made from scratch!

  10. Gang- I tried to approve you who asked for the spreadsheet posted. Here are a few more options from Cline to help if needed. Please post to comments if you are still having issues and we will try to help you!

    Option 1: Download the Excel file located here: http://bit.ly/PrimalChallengeXLS
    Option 2: Make a copy of a blank Google Doc spreadsheet I've created separate from the one I'm tracking my stuff (http://bit.ly/ClinePrimalChallenge)

    Go to http://docs.google.com
    Sign in to your Google account. If you don't have one, create one and do #1.
    Go to http://bit.ly/PrimalChallengeBlank.
    When that has finished loading, you should be seeing a blank spreadsheet that you cannot edit.
    Click on the Google Doc File menu (NOT your browser's File menu) and choose "Make a copy..."
    Give it a meaningful name, and click OK. You should now have an editable version of the document in your account.
    If you want to publish a web version of this document for people to view (and not edit):
    Click the downward-facing triangle next to "Share" in the top-right corner of the screen.
    Choose "Publish as a web page" from that dropdown menu.
    Make sure that the correct sheet is chosen from the "Sheets to publish" dropdown.
    Make sure that the "Automatically republish when changes are made" checkbox is selected.
    Click "Start publishing".
    In the "Get a link to the published data" section, copy the URL text in the bottom-most box.
    Paste that link wherever you want someone to see your progress.

  11. I opened the spread sheet on my computer and it was the blank template. Then I minimized it while I was doing some work. I pulled it back up later and some of the blocks were filled in with someone elses food and WOD info??

  12. JZuck: Which spreadsheet?

    (1) http://bit.ly/PrimalChallengeXLS - Will take you to an Excel file.
    (2) http://bit.ly/PrimalChallengeBlank - Will take you to a blank Google Doc spreadsheet (follow the instructions Aimee posted to make a copy).
    (3) http://bit.ly/ClinePrimalChallenge - Will take you to a read-only version of the spreadsheet I'm using to track my personal progress.

  13. I had received an email from crossfitkop with a link that said "primalchallenge" so I click that to open it up. It wasn't your read-only file because I was able to edit it.

  14. It actually opened in Google Docs, so I will save it or just use the excel sheet. Thanks!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cline, I just tried sending you an email and I was told the account does not exist?

  17. Anyone else get their first headache last night?

  18. First headache? Nah, I've been married before.

    And the reason your email failed is because I'm an idiot. I confused my various email personas. My email is absentcommish AT hotmail DOT com.

  19. And putting "Crossfit" in the Subject line will help ensure I don't lose it in my Junk folder.

  20. sent again.

    charles is cheating...lol...your punishment is to buy me some hennessey and i will change my mind!

  21. The WSJ article is funny.

    Under "The Workout" it says that CF does not really focus on cardio! lol. Wow, clearly she is missing some of the intensity factor.

    What made me chuckle was they mention that the knee should never extend past the ankle in a lunge...love it...but then in her picture, she is doing exactly that! I guess the two coahces per athlete trick is not working. lol.

    Still good for exposure though. It is amazing how much growth CF has seen in 3 years.

  22. Jason,
    When I did it before, I never really got headaches, but I was really foggy for the first week. And the blood sugar crashes SUCKED, especially since I was trying to cut down on fruit as well. You will wake up and have to eat something immediately.

  23. Jason, I was cracking up when I read that bit about not focusing on cardio too.

    Did I run over a mile yesterday during a workout? Hell yeah.

    Did I fall on the floor after Cindy on Monday (even though there "wasn't any cardio")? HELL YEAH.

    Article should have said that it doesn't ONLY focus on cardio like so many other workout systems out there.

    And, she's only been going for a month. Maybe she kept going on strength days.... :)

  24. Noon Results:

    Kimberly 195
    Mimi 195
    Karen 195
    Sarah S 78
    Rob Ph 305
    Jim C 305
    Olan 265
    Aimee 185
    Jen S 155
    Cate 225
    Deb 165
    Sharon 185

  25. Costco has excellent organic chicken broth(Kirkland) with no sugar, no gluten or additives. It comes in a six pack (green and white box ).
    It is not salty like other store brands. Check it out, Charles.

  26. I've been in a no grains, no sugar mode since late October at probably ninety percent compliance. The difference is noticeable for me. My times aren't great but most of that war is in my head. My waist size is down and I am told by Grans that I am less a chin. Last night was part of the 10 percent, we had "paleno" brownies...and they were worth the deviation! With rigorous compliance, I am sure you will all have tremendous results. Good Luck!

  27. "paleno" best word of the day.

  28. I have been off grains and sugar for over a year now. and i feel the best I have mentally & physically. its just part of me now...the way i eat. i love it. 90lbs off my body helps with the progression towards RX pull-ups too.

    I am open for being a resource and support as so many embark upon the challange.

    Focus on the gift your giving your body, enjoy nurishing it!

    poor vincents doing level one and keeps finding out "what else" has sugar. I almost feel bad.

  29. enough chit chat about paleo and food...those are some HUGE numbers people put on the board today. way to go, strong people!

  30. 430pm Results

    Meighann 155
    JZuck 225
    Plentus 315 (30#PR)
    Brian R 220
    Todd Stack 225
    Jackie H 155
    CC 195
    Gabe 215 (depth)

  31. Lindsey 135 pr
    Flounder 215 pr
    Vincent 285
    Denise 145 pr
    Katie F. 115
    Patti 135 pr
    Sara 195 pr
    Mel 135
    Jessica 135
    Miranda 200 pr
    Melinda 210 pr
    Paul F. 235
    Jen N. 115
    Jess C. 135
    Sheng Ching 155
    Steph 225
    Cline 185
    Conn 225 pr
    Charles 105
    Donkey 165 (20# pr)
    Julie 80 to 21" box
    Pooch 140 pr
    Shawn 300 pr
    Sam B. 215
    Tim P. 275
    Ditty 150
    Laura 135

    I guess these 2 days of the Primal Challenge have worked. Tonight was a PR party!

  32. Yeah Seriously! Those are some big numbers. I will have some of whatever Cate is having.

    And it looks like Olan has a new girlfriend. Ha Ha! I heard he likes 'em big, round, and hard.

  33. Last spreadsheet post for a while I promise, but at Jason's suggestion, I changed the way the Exercise column works. "W" & "R" instead of 1/0. Previously 4 days of rest would have counted as a point for the week.

    Also, I should have read the "Partyer" description closer. Was only focusing on the booze and not on the fries I had at lunch the last 2 days as a treat. Dammit.

  34. About the headache question, yes and yes. My head is killing me. I was at work last night and I was feeling foggy for sure. Its better today I'm not as cloudy. Also my husband is doing the no grains with me. Poor guy is not enjoying this challenge yet:)) his birthday is tomorrow so I don't think hes gonna be 100% compliant. I hope I can stay strong and say no to the yummy cake the kids and I are gonna make for him!!
    Im really not craving the bread and pretzels today as much as yesterday.
