
Get to know your fellow CFKoP CrossFitters
(...by posting your responses to comments)

1. How long have you been CrossFit?

2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?

4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

7. How has your impression of it changed over time?

8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?


  1. 1. Started in June 2010 (just passed my 6 month mark).

    2. I was hooked before I even tried it. Read an article in Men's Fitness about it and knew it "rang true."

    3. Since I started CF, I look a lot better naked (sorry, you can't see. You'll have to take Lindsey's word for it.) Really, though, I've never felt this strong, done any of these types of lifts (other than BP). My friends/family/coworkers tell me I never shut up about CF. I've always talked a lot, but now at least I have a common theme. Also, I've tried to implement some of the regimen/discipline I use to do a CF workout in my daily work and other routines which has definitely let me get some more things done that I thought I couldn't. It's also really helped my stamina in volleyball.

    4. I get discouraged every time I'm at the half way point of a WOD. I try to stop thinking about the workout as a whole and just dwell on that round only. Finish this set, break a large set into smaller sets, and then boom, you're in that last round, and you can go all out. Also, as a note to anyone, if I look like I'm dogging it at the end of a WOD, FEEL FREE TO YELL AT ME! I get really encouraged with this and find some reserve of energy (or at least keep the same output) when I felt like I had to quit 2 seconds before.

    5. Goals: Deadlift 500 lbs. Do all the ladies RX. be able to do squats where I don't have to groan during every single one. Take less breaks during the WOD's that I'm decent at.

    6. My first impression of CF was that it looked like something I would like to do instead of just going to the regular gym. When I went through my baseline with Jen N., I felt like I was about to pass out (now a common feeling... thank you Annie Sandwich). I remember coming home feeling exhausted and describing this to Lindsey, and she couldn't understand why I was so excited about! And that I wanted to go back! I continue to bug her for a month to go and do her baseline so we could start at the same time.

    7. It's definitely more than something that I just "like to do" now. It's become a great part of my life. I love getting to know everyone in the box better. I never expected this community to be as open/friendly/awesome as it is. When I tell friends/family that I went to a big party at my gym, they give me the strangest face. (What, you don't talk/drink/workout with all the people at your gym??) The group aspect of every workout is just so encouraging and keeps me coming back. I took 3 weeks off over the Christmas break, and Lindsey didn't. Every time she came home after a workout she'd tell me that someone was asking about me, where was I, how was I doing. It's just awesome.

    8. I still haven't gotten to try all of the girls, but being able to do Angie (even though it was with a band at the time) was so great. It's just so intimidating before (there's no way in hell I can do 100 pullups!!!) but afterwards, you just feel like you're a bad ass.

  2. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    Started May 2010
    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    Less than one month
    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    I have new friends and the mental discipline I try at the box has crept into work and other tedious tasks I hate.
    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    I get discouraged a lot because I don't like doing things I'm not already good at, hate being the worst/last, but then I remember there are some things in Crossfit I can do just fine and the improvements I made in such a short time are mind-blowing.
    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    By the end of the year do an unassisted dead hang pull-up, wolverine, doubleunders Rx in a WOD, pushups Rx in a WOD.
    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    Physically intimidating but socially warm and supportive.
    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    I feel less like an idiot when I can't do one of the skills.
    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    If I have to pick a lady, its Grace, but haven't done all of them. My favorite benchmark is really 300.

  3. Peterson, I think it's awesome that we posted together - it's some kind of weird synergy that we do everything in crossfit together ; )

  4. Haha, Jen. That is really funny. I guess we just have that "baseline bond."

  5. 1. I have been Crossfiting since Valentines day 2009.

    2. I was hooked right away. I loved the intensity and the variety.

    3. It has made me want to find other physical challenges like obstacle/mud runs. It has impacted my diet as I am more conscious of what I eat. It has also made me more confident. Best of all I have made a lot of new friends.

    4.I wouldn't say I am burned out, but I have become lax. Some days I get home from work and don't want to workout. The best thing to do is drag my butt to the box so I don't get out of the routine. Once the WOD starts I am glad I am there. I also don't ever want to here, "Where have you been? Haven't seen you for a while. Not that a few days of rest is not needed. If I am feeling completely wiped I do take a few days off.

    5.I want to get over the 8 ft. wall, do handstand push-up, string double-unders without the little jump in between, 400lb. dead lift, 200 pound clean, follow a paleo diet for at 5 out of 7 days after the challenge.

    6.My first impression was, "I wish I would have known about this sooner." and "This is very humbling."

    7. My impressions are pretty much the same. I am just glad that it has caught on and we have a lot of new people at he box. Being one of the people who was at Crossfit KOP in the Atlas days, I am thrilled that so many people have joined the box. I am also happy that so many people have stuck with it.

    8. Grace, "I lift things up and put them down."

  6. Great idea Aimee! Here we go..

    1. Started July 7, 2010, so about six months

    2. The same length of time it took to make some friends and get past the phase where my only goal was to finish each wod, which was also about the same length of time my first 10-visit punch card lasted (3 weeks maybe?)

    3. I structure my days a lot better now, waking up earlier and going to bed earlier and at more consistent times. I rarely go out and/or drink during the week anymore, even before the 30-day challenge, because I know I want to be well rested and energized for work and my next workout. Perhaps most importantly, I feel like I really belong in a group, which I haven’t really felt since college. In the outside world, I feel like I owe everyone an explanation for everything, like why I won’t eat the free pizza management ordered for us at work and eat the lunch I brought instead. Running barefoot in the past led a lot of people to demand explanations from me, sometimes in an almost hostile way, where they act like I’m ignorant and/or crazy. You all just get me, which is a really refreshing and emotional feeling for me.

    4. Yes, this happened after a few months of coming to the box 5-6 days a week, back when I was new and didn’t think I needed rest. I hit a plateau, and realized I was only setting new PRs all the time because I was so out of shape when I started. Nikki and Plentus generously gave me a lot of advice, and I decided to take of for 8 days straight and start to make changes in my diet. (Fun fact: I was a vegetarian for 14 years until I started to eat some meat again in the spring of 2010, and even then, it was only 2-3 servings of meat a week..now it’s 2-3 per day.) Two other things I did were set a very specific goal which I believe I can attain if I work really hard (100 pushups) and play around with a new exercise (discovering the reverse hyperextension was like discovering crossfit all over again).

    5. Wow, lots. Right now my priority goals are an unbroken set of >100 pushups and a 3-minute L-sit (on floor) by spring.

    6. My first impression came from an explanation from Plentus at a time when I was doing some traditional gym work and just started learning about the less conventional more functional stuff. So, when I heard about Crossfit from Plentus, who I respected and trusted a lot, I knew it was what I needed. When I finally got to KOP, my first impression was that everyone was really accepting and supportive. I have really specific memories of Kevin greeting me and introducing himself at my first class; Tim P helping me with my deadlift form in Dianne, my first workout; Jeff Handler helping me with my rowing form in one of my first wods; and Miranda helping me through my burpees in the Filthy Fifty. The beautiful thing about all these is that all of this happened before I reached out to any of these people, before I was called shoeless joe, even before I said a single word to any of them. I was just some random new kid, and they didn’t owe me anything, but they really embodied what I came to realize was the crossfit kop spirit.

    7. My impression now is similar, but now it also based more on what I’ve seen other people do, while before it was really based on the things people said to me. Some of the athletes I respect most are not the firebreathers, but the ones who have glaring weaknesses that they won’t give up trying to overcome. Like, its amazing to watch the big guys lift barbells that are multiple orders of magnitude more than everyone else’s, but even more amazing is watching them put themselves out there in a running workout and finish with a modest time but making a good effort to get closer to their goal of being an overall fit person. This in turn made me let go of the way people perceive me and focus on the important stuff.

    8. Dianne. My first ever workout. I can’t wait to Rx this one.

  7. Great idea Aimee! Here we go..

    1. Started July 7, 2010, so about six months

    2. The same length of time it took to make some friends and get past the phase where my only goal was to finish each wod, which was also about the same length of time my first 10-visit punch card lasted (3 weeks maybe?)

    3. I structure my days a lot better now, waking up earlier and going to bed earlier and at more consistent times. I rarely go out and/or drink during the week anymore, even before the 30-day challenge, because I know I want to be well rested and energized for work and my next workout. Perhaps most importantly, I feel like I really belong in a group, which I haven’t really felt since college. In the outside world, I feel like I owe everyone an explanation for everything, like why I won’t eat the free pizza management ordered for us at work and eat the lunch I brought instead. Running barefoot in the past led a lot of people to demand explanations from me, sometimes in an almost hostile way, where they act like I’m ignorant and/or crazy. You all just get me, which is a really refreshing and emotional feeling for me.

    4. Yes, this happened after a few months of coming to the box 5-6 days a week, back when I was new and didn’t think I needed rest. I hit a plateau, and realized I was only setting new PRs all the time because I was so out of shape when I started. Nikki and Plentus generously gave me a lot of advice, and I decided to take of for 8 days straight and start to make changes in my diet. (Fun fact: I was a vegetarian for 14 years until I started to eat some meat again in the spring of 2010, and even then, it was only 2-3 servings of meat a week..now it’s 2-3 per day.) Two other things I did were set a very specific goal which I believe I can attain if I work really hard (100 pushups) and play around with a new exercise (discovering the reverse hyperextension was like discovering crossfit all over again).

    5. Wow, lots. Right now my priority goals are an unbroken set of >100 pushups and a 3-minute L-sit (on floor) by spring.

  8. 6. My first impression came from an explanation from Plentus at a time when I was doing some traditional gym work and just started learning about the less conventional more functional stuff. So, when I heard about Crossfit from Plentus, who I respected and trusted a lot, I knew it was what I needed. When I finally got to KOP, my first impression was that everyone was really accepting and supportive. I have really specific memories of Kevin greeting me and introducing himself at my first class; Tim P helping me with my deadlift form in Dianne, my first workout; Jeff Handler helping me with my rowing form in one of my first wods; and Miranda helping me through my burpees in the Filthy Fifty. The beautiful thing about all these is that all of this happened before I reached out to any of these people, before I was called shoeless joe, even before I said a single word to any of them. I was just some random new kid, and they didn’t owe me anything, but they really embodied what I came to realize was the crossfit kop spirit.

    7. My impression now is similar, but now it also based more on what I’ve seen other people do, while before it was really based on the things people said to me. Some of the athletes I respect most are not the firebreathers, but the ones who have glaring weaknesses that they won’t give up trying to overcome. Like, its amazing to watch the big guys lift barbells that are multiple orders of magnitude more than everyone else’s, but even more amazing is watching them put themselves out there in a running workout and finish with a modest time but making a good effort to get closer to their goal of being an overall fit person. This in turn made me let go of the way people perceive me and focus on the important stuff.

    8. Dianne. My first ever workout. I can’t wait to Rx this one.

    Sorry for the length

  9. I read this blog everyday, but have yet to post a single comment...this seems like a pretty good place to start!

    1) First fundamentals class on 10/26/10

    2) I was hooked after the first fundamentals baseline I did with Tim P. Thanks, Tim!

    3) Some of you know I actually live in Chicago, but I work in KOP Mon-Thurs every week. It's tough living life on the road sometimes and Crossfit KOP makes my time spent out here so much better!

    4) I burn out about halfway through every intense WOD we do. I try to break down the reps into smaller manageable sets. It also helps a TON when the coaches tell me to get my butt off the ground and keep moving.

    5) To reach the intermediate level for all lifts in the Basic Strength Standards (www.crossfit.com/cf-journal/WLSTANDARDS.pdf). Deadlift 300 lbs. Do crazy pullups like Plentus.

    6) Awesome. So glad I'm finally doing it.

    7) 2.5 months in...Still awesome. So glad I'm still doing it.

    8) I don't know the WODs by name yet, but I like the 300 workout.

  10. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    Since Oct 2009 (1.25 years)

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    0.0000000000000000001 seconds

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    About 5 years ago I bought a giant TV. It took all of my might (and 3 attempts) to lift it up from the floor onto the 2ft high stand. Last week that same TV died. I deadlifted that sucker and carried it 100 yards out to the road without even blinking an eye.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    When my body feels tired, I take a day off. I recently took an entire 10 days off due to a hip issue. I was surprised that I hadn't turned into a complete weakling during that time and I was actually stronger. Lesson learned: Don't be such an addict. Time off can be a good thing, especially if I use that time to focus on mobility.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    Beat Olan AND Melinda

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    Nikki was the first person to welcome me to CFKOP besides Aimee. I loved the community and couldn't wait to be part of it. People cared and wanted me to succeeed. That's pretty awesome.

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    I've learned to not be intimidated by the firebreathers. They were beginners once too, so they don't think of me as a loser. I don't feel scared to talk to them anymore.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    Grace is my benchmark for myself only because of the 1st time I RX'd it. I don't really like to talk about it. I went somewhere in my mind that day that still scares me. That's what I need to overcome if I want to get to the next level.

  11. 1. 1 year & 8 months

    2. Probably about a month.

    3. What life outside of CFKoP? Just kidding! CFKoP is HUGE part of my life, but it's still just PART of it. I think the biggest impact CFKoP has had on my life is giving me a new perspective on what it means to be healthy and fit, and helping me zero in on my nutrition and sleep. Also, especially since becoming a coach, I've become a lot more confident and better at speaking in front of groups.

    Also, I've always been a fitness and health nut, and it's great to have found a community where most my friends are as nutty about it as I am. There's an Ani Difranco quote that says "you know, taken out of context I must seem so strange." When the context is CrossFit and all of you are my context, I feel like I belong. To the rest of the world I'm just strange!

    4. I definitely get discouraged sometimes when my performance isn't what I want it to be. I've gotten better at accepting that not every day is going to be a PR, and understanding that there are MANY factors outside of the gym that can affect my performance.

    One change I've made that's helped me to not burn out is to RELAX and take more rest days! There's no need to be afraid of rest days, or even multiple rest days! Wednesdays and Sundays are my days off, and I stick to that as religiously as I can. If my body is telling me it's tired on a Tuesday, I'll give myself that day off, but still take my Wednesday off as well. I also make myself take a deload/taper week every month or two. In the month of December, I started off with a taper week, then got sick, and then went home for the holidays. I worked out a total of 11 days in December, with 20 rest days. Instead of being frustrated, I just feel reinvigorated and ready to CRUSH sectionals training!

    5. I'd love a 300lb deadlift, 50 pullups in a row, and a sub 3-minute Grace. Other than that I just want to keep making progress in my lifts and be able to represent KOP proudly at competitions. My other big goal is coaching related - I'd love to get my level 2 cert at some point.

    6. I didn't understand it at all. My third workout was Fran. I used 55# and did deadhang pull-ups, one at a time. I remember Jason standing in front of me and telling me to go faster, not put the bar down, etc. I didn't understand why I had to go faster; I was already out of breath and my muscles ached. I guess I should have gone to an intro session and learned about the "intensity" piece!

    7. Now I know that intensity is EVERYTHING in CrossFit. The goal is to always push yourself as hard as you can at that very moment. That intensity will differ person to person, but over time you should get better at pushing yourself harder. I'm still not the best at it - I take breaks too often and too long. But I'm (continuously) working on it!

    8. Favorite benchmark lady wod - probably Helen. That workout pushes me to a higher intensity than any other.

  12. i love these things. lets do them everyday...

    1) How long have you been CrossFit
    My first workout was in September of 2008 or something. I attempted Chelsea…attempted is the key word. I finished the workout and then Aimee drug me to bodypump…I could not take off my shirt when I got home or touch my face.
    2) How long did it take you to get hooked on it
    It was a process. Initially I did it because Aimee did it and it gave us something to share…I wanted to understand her passions. I would say that I became addicted at my L1 cert…so 2/14/09. I went to get it so I could help when we had a baby…I had no intentions of coaching and one thing led to another. I love the science behind it.
    3) How has CF impacted your life outside of KoP
    Aimee had surely added years to my life, which is good because I get to spend them with someone pretty awesome. When I read this question, I cannot help but to think about embracing the suck. None of us quit workouts, we start our energized and finish on adrenaline and we find a way to get through those awful middle rounds. Your marriage, your job, your other hobbies are no different. Never quit.
    4) Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    I definitely get discouraged, especially when a WOD with muscle-ups or pistols comes up and I cannot demo it for the class. You would think in 2 years, you would be further than you are but than you realize it is a lifelong journey. I overcome it by trying harder…sometimes I fall backwards but in the end, I pick myself up again and try again. I will get you MU!
    5) What Future CF goals have you set for yourself
    I posted them somewhere; here is what I can remember:
    a) Run a sub 7 mile (9 something current)
    b) Deadlift 500 (445 current)
    c) Snatch my body weight in December (165 current)
    d) Clean and jerk 250 (225 current)
    e) Weigh 185 by year end (212 current)
    f) 50 consecutive KBS with 70#, Box jumps, Wall Balls
    g) Proficiency in MU
    h) Proficiency in Pistols
    6) What was your first impression of CF?
    Before I started it, I honestly thought it could not be that bad. I did Chelsea, realized how out of shape I was and had a whole new respect for everyone in the videos.
    7) How has your impression of it changed over time?
    I have accepted that I will never be a true fire-breather and that it is more important for me to understand every aspect of why I am doing what I do. I now treat CF as a way to extend my life so I can enjoy my wife and daughter for a longer time. If I happen to post a good score or I can use my score to push someone else, so be it, but it is nowhere near my priority now. In the past, I would routinely sacrifice form for a score. My Karen time on the board was 7:24…there is no way I did that legit so I erased it and put up 10:57. I try to hold myself as accountable as possible…I no longer care what my number is as long as I tried my hardest…it took a LONG time to get there.
    8) What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    My favorite is Grace, not because I am pretty good at it, but because the pain ends quickly. Although, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Fran (she never gets easier and I fear her more every time) and Eva (she is everything that I am not so I like butting heads).

  13. I was thinking about a month ago that we should do one of these again.

    1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    I have been crossfitting for about a year and 2 months now.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    I was hooked from the moment I watched my first class. I signed up for and took my first fundamentals that night.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    CrossFit has made me want to me a healthier person and really mean it. It is no longer a New Years resolution, it is part of my every day life.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    This is one of my major problems. I come across a lot of mental road blocks and I think, no, I know it holds me back from being more badass. But I am a slow progressor and I am fine with that. I am learning over time that it isn’t always about the Rx or the PR and to just be able to finish each WOD feeling that I did my best, used good form, maintained intensity and I got in a great workout. I need to try and beat myself up less for having a bad day or small set back. Eventually, those PR’s will come and I will be able to Rx more workouts. It just might not be at the same rate as others and that’s cool too.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    I want my double unders to looks as cool as Jason’s! I want to get full ROM HSPU and be able to do ring dips without the band in a WOD by the end of the year.

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    The first time I heard about CrossFit was from a former Marine friend of ours. I went to the homepage and was immediately intimidated. The second time I heard about it was through another friend of mine who I used to run with. I spoke to him about it and I heard the passion in his voice that had for it so I thought I would check it out. From the time I walked in the door, I knew it was something special. I could see the hard work, the camaraderie, the coaching, encouragement and support that people received and the friendships that seemed to be there. I never saw that in ANY globo gym I ever walked into.

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    My initial impression still stands and is part of the reason why CrossFit KoP is so addicting for me. The community really makes it as much as the coaches. I really love the people I get to work out with and getting to know each person and watch others improve. And I have learned more than I ever expected to in a short period of time so that has exceeded my expectations and made coming to CrossFit an awesome thing for me.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    I am find I am loving metcons more and more so I will say that Cindy is one of my favorites (especially now that I can do pull-ups)!

  14. 1. December 2009

    2. Took me a while "to get hooked" actually, and honestly, sometimes it's a week-to-week (love-hate) thing for me.

    3. "I lift things up and put them down." For real though, I have noticed a different in my overall happiness and my energy levels and my willingness to give things a try, at least once.

    4. I take a few days off, and then I just naturally want to come back. I get hyper if I go more than two or three days without being at the box - I literally need to run around the block to get the hyper-ness out.

    5. I would like to get the damn kipping pull up that is evading me, and also climb the rope this year.

    6. "WTF am I thinking, I cannot do this."

    7. "WTF, I might as well try it."

    8. I don't have a favorite "lady" (ok, maybe Annie) but I really like the baseline workout, as it helps me realize if I'm getting better every few months.

  15. alright, here ya go...
    1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    End of March 2010, but if you count the 1.5 month hiatus...Just kidding - March 2010.
    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    About the time that I got over the fact that inevitably I was going to have to do pushups...whenever that was.
    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    I still play sports so I think it has really helped me get stronger in that aspect.
    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    Not really - I've been playing sports my whole life so this is just a different way to keep me going. But I do have to agree with Nikki that it's good to take some time off here and there (from anything really)... makes you come back refreshed and wanting it even more.
    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    Still trying to figure that one out... we'll see. I'm always striving to become better, faster, and stronger - just have to work out the details.
    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    Well, my twin told me I should try it and he has been in the military for years now so I wasn't too surprised..although I did see a video (before I started) of people doing muscle ups and I swore I would never try one of those.
    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    I'm willing to work on the muscle ups... I think that's quite a big step. ha ha...
    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    Oh, those crazy girls...They're all pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

    As a side note: I also always told people that when I became rich, I wanted a personal trainer to kick my butt every morning. Still not rich, but CrossFit surely fits the rest of the description.

  16. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    Since June 2010
    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    Almost right away - I never wanted to come to the gym so bad in my life!
    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    It has been great getting to know everyone and being constantly surrounded by a community of people that care about nutrition, exercise and health in general. It is really motivating and inspiring! Also, I generally have more self-confidence outside of the gym - at work, in social settings...if I can do those crazy wods, I am pretty bad ass....I feel like everything else is easy! Also, I just feel stronger and my clothes fit better!
    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    I got discouraged last night with the wall climbs and toes to bar....and everytime I try to do a pull-up. Basically, I just force myself to practice with the hope that one day I WILL get it and that will be the best day ever!
    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    By the end of the year do an unassisted kipping pull-up, doubleunders Rx in a WOD, 1 handstand push-up, increase my 1 RM on the barbell strength exercises, improve technique on clean and jerk and snatch
    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    AWESOME and bad ass - but I was a little worried that I would look silly when scaling every wod
    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    I just generally feel more comfortable with everyone - the other members and coaches; it has been amazing to get to know all of you and I truly feel lucky to be part of it all! I know that the Rx is deficult for me now, but if I listen to myself and keep up the intensity, I do see results...and that's all that matters!
    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    Karen b/c that was my first Rx!

  17. 1. 1st WOD- September 21, 2009

    2. I figured I could only afford 2x week membership after the first week I asked Aimee to add money to my membership to make it 3x week, the cost no longer matter I was HOOKED.

    3. Let me COUNT the ways. I’ve met and made friends with the most amazing people. Not just at our box but people in the wider CF community. Became better at accepting the SUCK outside of the box. Learned the way to overcome fear is to go right through it. Became more present (wods are my moving meditation) I can tackle any physical challenge that comes my way with confidence, whether it is running around with Jovina, going rock climbing, high ropes, running 5k, shoveling, lifting shit, whatever! Freedom to wear many more styles of clothes!! Learning that I am strong. Have the change to compete physically for the first time in my life…and learn I absolutely love the rush. Realizing that anything is possible. And that each small step (rep) adds up.

    4. Since September I increased my membership to unlimited and it takes more listening to my body, when it really needs a rest day (even when I don’t have it scheduled). I also find it more of a challenge to reach the intensity I had no choice but to experience in the beginning IN EVERY WOD. Have to dig down for it now more often. However after over a year of CF its still often times the last thing I think about before I sleep and the first thing when I wake up. Kool-aid IV up in here.

    5. I Crossfit to practice presence and as an expression of my self-love. Through Crossfit I experience joy in using my body while discovering what my highest possible self is in the physical realm. That’s #1. The goals are secondary but here they are for 2011. You may notice there are no Lifting # goals. I just want to get strong as my body can be and lift as much as a can with that strength, focusing always on improving my form;
    Number 7 completed before the new year turned- CF rocks!
    1)Always the best athlete I can be in each moment with joy
    2) participate in competitions and physical challanges
    3) improve the form of all movements, especially the lifts
    4) improve the speed and stabilty of my squat
    5) rx kipping pullups in wods
    6) get a dead hang pullup unassisted
    7) 21" box jumps in wods
    8) 60 du strung together
    9) kick into and hold a handstand unassisted
    10) rx kte & t2b in wods
    11) ring dips with blue band
    12) rx Isabelle
    13) get over 6ft wall
    14) sub 20 Annie rx
    15) ghd sit-ups in a wod
    16) get up the rope

    6. I just jumped in, didn’t let myself think much about it (if I would have I probably never would have joined otherwise) I knew it felt right…it felt kismet and I have know doubt that it was meant to be.

    7. I never had a sport. Now I do….CF is MY Sport. The deeper I get into my sport the more my love grows for it.

    8. I like grace…because I can kick hiney on it. But what I love most is any WOD where I experience the greatest intensity. Being a Fire-breather is not for the elite alone. If you finish a WOD…and puke, or collapse in a pile of sweat, taste blood, feel like your chest is bleeding, your heart is pounding in your chest like a bass drum, your throat literally feels on fire (and/or/all of the above) ….then my friends you are a FIREBREATHER. That is the INTESITY that I love…and I want to experience that as much as I possibly can

  18. 1. I started June 2010.

    2. About 10 minutes after I finished the baseline when I no longer felt like puking and could breath again. I never felt more alive than I did and understood why Chris was so excited about cf.

    3. I am more determined to see things through to the end. I naturally tend to take the long road and get frustrated a lot along the way but I'm learning to enjoy the fight along the way. I'm also more confident and proud of my body. I've always had a love-hate relationship with it. Being able to meet physical demands makes me feel proud of my body instead of insecure.

    4. The Handler Birthday Bash killed me. It was right when I started and there were 100 burpees somewhere in the beginning. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely HATE burpees. I felt like giving up so many times that day but I made it through the burpees and everything else, and now it's a memory that always makes me smile - to know that I can accomplish something like that.

    5. Handstand pull-up, learn how to kip, get better with the GHD and use it more often, and string more double-unders together

    6. "Oh Hell No!" and "You are crazy, I can't do that!" I think I may have said both out loud when I came to my baseline. I was watching everyone do Grace and I had never picked up a barbell in my life.

    7. I love it! Now, it's I'll give it a shot. I used to be afraid of heavier weights (hell I was just afraid of the bar at first) and now I try until I fail (or my form gets bad).

    8. I think that would be Grace or Fran. I haven't done a ton of them so I don't really have much to compare to.

  19. 1. i started at crossfit KOP in mid july, so a little over 6 months.

    2. as soon as i finished the baseline. jason pushed me through it and as soon as i was done, i collapsed on the floor and people started clapping over by the whiteboard. the encouragement, the rush of adrenaline and the total depletion of physical and mental strength hooked me. i signed up that night. and went home and told my husband that i finally found "it", the thing to keep me moving.

    3. i'm learning a lot about myself. that in itself isn't something i take out of the box, but i can apply the things i learn to more than just lifting heavy weights:

    some observations about myself have been positive.
    - i am motivated by community and i thrive on actual face to face communication.
    - i can achieve anything if i push myself. i can do anything for thirty seconds longer.
    - weight, a number on the scale, is not the only indicator of health.
    - i am lucky to have the opportunities i do to work with motivating, positive people.
    - i'm not perfect, but i can be the best at being me.

    some observations about myself are my weaknesses.
    - i tend to shy from challenges that intimidate me, often avoiding them. being mindful of this has helped me work on it.
    - i don't always push myself as hard as i could have.
    - i am often negative about things i don't like, and complain.

    4. hell yes! i try to be mindful of what's going on in my head (and am not always successful) and i work on stopping the negative thoughts from creeping in. it sounds stupid, but i am my own worst critic when i'm not actively listening to myself. actively listening helps me get past it.

    5. i have a lot of them: http://karenthewhiteboardwarrior.blogspot.com/2011/01/achieving-goals-setting-goals.html

    6. holy shit, those people are the kind of crazy i used to love to be and want to be again.

    also: holy shit, its effing HOT in here.

    7. holy shit, we ARE crazy and i like it.

    holy shit, its hot/cold in here.

    in all seriousness, i did not expect for a gym to become such a part of my life. i didn't expect to be hooked on working out, and to love the community i do it with. i didn't expect to have someone run out after they completed their WOD to run back in with me or to have people yell at me to PUSH! i didn't expect to learn things in the box that have made me a better person, and things that i can work on and become better.

    people can tell you about crossfit. they can tell you about the community, and the WODs and how addicting it is and how you'll never look back. explaining it might get people in, but the words are not even close to adequate in decribing what you will experience.

    8. i don't have one yet, though that bitch Annie taunts me. i guess if i had to pick, its helen. only because she was my first lady. and the second time i met with her, a few months later, i crushed my time by over two minutes and it felt DAMN good.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @shoeless: this phrase really rang true with me too- "Perhaps most importantly, I feel like I really belong in a group, which I haven’t really felt since college. In the outside world, I feel like I owe everyone an explanation for everything..."

    i feel the same way. people don't "get" me, but in the box, they do!

  22. 1. Crossfiting since the old days @FAC started in November of 2008! Been hooked since

    2. I actually hated it at first, but its cause I was intimidated. Then I met Han & Nicole and I loved it after a month!

    3.It has changed the way I look at life and everything I do. I'm now a more confident woman. I love being part of this community and I have made friends with so many genuinely good people.

    4. Um, yeah. I took about a week off when I was injured and came back hitting PR's. Haven't you ever seen tears in my eyes at the end of a wod? I am slightly competitive but its all in good fun. Angie makes me cry still

    5. Beat Melinda in everything! Ha, kidding! But for real, 10 pull ups in a row, 1 dead hang. 300lb dead. 100 du, 25 pushups in a row

    6.Whoa! What are they doing down there?? And how can I start

    7.Now its wow, I CAN do that! Who wants to join me?

    8. Hands down Grace!
    Love you peeps!

  23. This feels like one of those chain emails we used to send over AOL…remember aol and dial up??

    1. How long have you been CrossFit(ting?)?
    Almost 3 years. Heard about it from Ditty’s dad, took it as a cool workout, but wasn’t until I watched a documentary on the movie “300” when I realized they used CrossFit to get in shape. Started January 31, 2008 at my college gym. Had to scale everything and then some. BrandX Martial arts was a great resource since it provided scaling at different levels and I could post my results to share.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    Negative 2 months. I spent about that amount of time just on mainsite watching videos before even physically attempting it. This was my first actual WOD entry on the BrandX forum:
    Three rounds for time of:
    225 Deadlift, 15 reps (modified to 95#, 10 reps)
    15 Handstand push-ups (modified to box hspu’s, 10 reps)
    15 Pull-ups (modified to strict pull ups, 10 reps)
    95 pound Thruster, 15 reps (modified to 65# first set, had to drop to 45# 2nd and 3rd sets)
    12:42 – does anyone work running into workouts?

    The next day’s wod was a 10k. The day after that was a chipper with rope climbs, ring dips, just ridiculous stuff. One of the better known contributors to the forum wrote:

    Plentus-you’re cracking me up, as you remind me of when I was a young pup and new to all of this, a long 5 months ago. I remember looking at a WOD and thinking “20 minutes? That’s not enough exercise. I need more than that.”
    Now are you ready to add a 5-10 mile run to today’s festivities?

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    More focus on sleep and definitely nutrition. I hated biology but now coaching makes me very interested in anatomy and physiology, plus nutrition. Taking a break from a soccer league, but noticed significant improvements in endurance and stamina when I was playing. Most importantly, it makes me realize that how someone looks does not necessarily relate to what they can do. Plenty of “in-shape” people walk in, but get blown out of the water during the intro. It relates to the adage “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    Not really because if there is something I’m not good at, I realize it’s my own damn fault for not practicing! I wasn’t allowed to jump rope in the school gym, so I never had double unders until I joined KoP. There was a wod where we had to do 500 double unders, but if you missed, you had to do a round of ‘Cindy.’ I had to sub 1500 single unders and did about 16 rounds of Cindy. Just ridiculous. After recovering for 2 days, I practiced du’s for a week until I finally had them.
    In terms of burning out, I am a fan of rest days when I feel I need them. I never have a routine because my schedule can look like 2 days on, 1 day off, 5 days on, 5 days off, etc.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    Clean and jerk 1.5x bodyweight: 225# (current clean is 215)
    Convential deadlift 3x bodyweight: 450# (current 435)
    Squat snatch bodyweight: 150# (current 125#)
    Backsquat 400# (current 315#)
    30 muscle ups for time (never did it)
    200 consecutive du’s (current 192)

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    They’re cheating on those pull ups!
    What do you do for abs?
    Where is the cardio/running?

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    Kipping the range of motion and involves the whole body.
    Stabilize the midline. Overhead squat. Kip. Overhead walking lunges.
    Don’t need to run to be out of breath.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    It’s a toss up between Diane and Elizabeth. Fight Gone Bad isn’t a girl, but still a favorite.

  24. Plentus, I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's definitely good for people like me to see where someone like you started and how far you've gotten. Makes all those RX's look much more attainable.

  25. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    July 2010

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?
    Hooked after the first workout - It was 5 rounds:40 du/30 box jumps/20 kb swings. I could barely get through 3 rounds but pushed through to the end because I didn't want to look like I couldn't do it and quit.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    Before joining, I worked out 4 days a week, but almost always dreaded it! Now, I can't wait to get to the gym. I also met a lot of awesome people who I love working out with. I feel better about myself and much more confident. I'm not afraid to try new things!
    Because of crossfit I am more excited to move to Austin because I know I will be able to make friends easier by joining a crossfit out there, but I'm sad to leave KOP because of all the awesome friends I've made here. It just won't be the same out there! I actually care about nutrition now and am much more aware of what I'm eating and how it will make me feel.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?
    I get discouraged everyday I get up on that pull up bar and cannot get over the bar unassisted! But I know if I keep practicing, I'll eventually get it! I started with a black band and now I'm kipping with the mental floss.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?
    Beat Aimee in at least one metcon before I move!
    Deadlift 300lb
    get some kipping pullups!

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?
    Dana came to my desk and told me that I had to try this "crossfit thing" and my first thought was, "I'll try it, but there's no way I'm paying money for a gym when I have a perfectly good gym at work that is free". Well after that first workout, I signed up and haven't looked back! I actually never go to my work gym anymore! People at work ask me all the time why I don't workout anymore! So of course I have to tell them about crossfit ha
    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    My impression now is that everyone should be doing it! and why didn't I hear about this 2 years ago?
    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    I gotta say Diane, because I sure do love deadlifts!

  26. 1. Started the beginning of September.

    2. I was sort of hooked before I started.

    3. I look and feel better, and I finally went Paleo, which has helped me sleep and lose body fat. I also feel a great sense of community, which is very important to me.

    4. I have been discouraged in the beginning, until I figured out that *everyone* has troubles with something, and all you can do is try to get better every day.

    5. Unassisted pull-ups and double unders in WOD's is the big one. Squatting to full depth without a problem. Getting more endurance so that I can kick ass on the bike this summer.

    6. I've known about it for a few years, and I always thought that it was an exercise cult. I still think that it is, but I drank the koolaid. ;)

    7. Not really. I do think that it has made me feel a sense of community that I haven't felt in a long time.

    8. Helen is nice. I remember my one and only time doing helen being after a night of way too many norcal Margaritas in South Brooklyn. I also really like Annie, but I don't have the double unders yet.

  27. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?
    May of 2008

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

    I was hooked after my 1st WOD, my lower back was sore for like a week (weak posterior chain) and I never looked back after that. I did my first makeshift WOD at the FAC, I can't even remember what it was...deadlifts and presses or something to that effect. I visited a CF Box in Florida and signed up for and L1 certification that weekend! I remember calling Jason from Florida and saying I want to own a CrossFit gym, I'm pretty sure he thought I was crazy...but you all have seen the result! Oh and my WOD at CF Fort Myers was Wall balls and burpees, I was pretty impressed with my score until I realized I used a 6 pound wall ball and the rest of the class was using 14#/20# hahaha!

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?
    It has made all aspects, physical, mental and emotional better.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    Yes, sometimes...not too often though, I love this stuff! If I'm over-training I know because my body starts breaking down and I will take an extended rest (but not too long) Max rest (which I'm not promoting because everyone is different) was 10 days after Chloe was born.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

    Get my strength lifts back up and become more proficient in the gymnastic movements. Walking on my hands is a huge goal for 2011!

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

    LOVED it!! Watched all the early videos non-stop!

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?
    It hasn't...

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    This is hard. I love so many of the benchmark ladies, Cindy, Chelsea and Annie have a special place in my heart!

  28. Mike F: If you can do a pullup and you can get over the 6 foot wall, then the 8 foot wall should not be a problem. Just run, jump, and pull yourself up until you can rest on you elbows, and then it's just like the 6 foot wall.

    Just bust one out the next time you go to class. You mind is a much bigger barrier than the 8 foot wall.

  29. 1. Been Crossfitting since April 2010 (wow, 9 months!)

    2. I was hooked faster than a junkie to crack! I fell in love at the intro session.

    3. I have never been stronger. I have gained so much confidence in myself. Since starting xfit, I have made goals and actually followed through with them. I have ran 3 5ks, 1 5 miler, and I finally applied to grad school after 3 years of thinking "I wasn't good enough." (I should hear in the next week or so if I got in.
    I have gained friends with like minded goals. I don't need to go to the bar to socialize, now I go to the gym.
    My friends, family, and coworkers do NOT understand why I LOVE xfit and they are sick of me talking about it.

    4. Before xfit, I used to "eliptical away" 5-6 days a week, never hearing a lick from my body, like being sore or burnt out. Now, I know that I will feel some twindge telling me "I worked!" I have adopted a 3- on, 1-off, 2-on, 1-off; but I have learned to be flexible in my training. If I need 2 days off, I'll do it. I know it is best for me and my body.
    Also, a lot of ice & heat. The heating pad lives next to my bed these days.

    5. I really need to work on more skills. I want a HSPU, a 21" box jump (I freeze in it's presence), a deadhang (or kipping) pull up, and the list goes on.
    Most importantly, I want to keep amazing myself!

    6. YIKES! That was my first impression. However, as I went through fundamentals, I would check the blog and just be like, "I want to do that!"

    7. Nope, Yikes!! Still comes to mind. Xfit still scares me, but instead of keeping me away, I see it as a challenge!

    8. I have not done many, but I would say I like Cindy, however, want to concure Fran!

    Thank you Aimee, Jason, all the coaches, and the people. You all have a place in my heart. Crossfit has changed my life and view of myself. I could never find the right words to express what Crossfit means to me.

  30. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?

    Did Fundamentals in December 2009.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

    About a month. Some old adage says that if you want to get better at something hang out with people who are better at it than you. My first WOD was 300 which coincidentally had influenced my decision to try crossfit. But it wasn't till I did Nicole (400 meter run max pull-ups for 20 minutes) and saw people (Sam B.) banging out pull-ups like they were in a Rocky training montage, that I realized this was different.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?

    Its given me that no quit mentality which is sometimes needed in all areas of life.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    All the time. Rest days are important but sometimes you have to figure out when your body needs time and when your mind is just being lazy. If I get discouraged in the middle of a WOD I like to peek at people around me and realize its just as hard for them and they aren't stopping.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

    For the next 6 months
    Continue to beat Dorothy
    100 consecutive Double unders
    30 consecutive pull-ups
    strengthen posterior chain
    get a muscle-up

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

    I'm "in shape" I can do this.
    When do we do curls?

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?

    I was wrong.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?

    I would have said Lynne 3 days ago but since she is still causing me suffering I will say Grace. Amen!

  31. I walked away and thought of one more thing that crossfit has given me.... For the first time in my life, I am not striving for a pant size, a goal weight, or some quick fix to be skinny. For the first time in my life, I want to be strong.

  32. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?

    Since mid-November, though my attendance in November & December was haphazard due to late work hours, the holidays, and several other not-yet-fully-gestated excuses. Think I only fully used my 3x/week membership one of those weeks.

    The New Year has brought a clichéd, if heartfelt, re-dedication to getting my 3 workouts in every week.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

    For the diet part? Not long. Started shifting things Paleoward in December and have gone full steam ahead with the Challenge. Am loving the extra energy I have all day long AND the amount of actual cooking I'm doing.

    As for the gym part? That's still TBD. I have many years of active lethargy (jogging, playing sports, but not TRAINING) to overcome both physically and mentally. Most WODs I feel like I'm killing myself just to survive with sh1tty times and iffy form. I think once I hit some level of thriving (not resting, getting a damn-close, etc.), I expect the hooking to start.

    There's gotta be a better way to say that.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?

    Good: Ton more energy, especially at my job which is pretty sedentary. Starting to see gradual reduction in the abdominal regions..

    Bad: The ability to move certain parts of my body approximately 36 hours after the WOD.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    Haven't been doing enough to get burnt out. Discouraged? Only every WOD.

    And being one of the last to finish, with usually sub-female Rx weights is discouraging to remember how far I have to go.

    I haven't done enough of the complex lifts to get any good at them, so that's also frustrating.

    I overcome them the same way I finish a WOD, one at a time.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

    Well, I haven't really thought about that until now. A drowning man doesn't worry about what language he's going to learn in his spare time after he reaches shore.

    But now that I have thought about it, I want to be able to do a full RX WOD by the end of my first 6 months (mid-May). No idea if that's too conservative or too optimistic.

    I also need to turn the intensity meter up to at least 2. I take a lot of breaks because I'm trying to pace myself to be able to finish.

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

    That everyone knew each other already. Not in a way that discouraged new people, but there was clearly an intimacy among the regulars. A little bit daunting to someone who can be shy in new social situations. Don't worry, I overcompensate for that once I'm comfortable..

    As for the actual gym part, the overall aesthetic just made sense. It was simple and focused.

    Most importantly I could tell that I was going to be pushed. I'm not a self-starter when it comes to this stuff. This isn't cheap, but it should be worth it.

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?

    I'm starting to know people better and feeling like less of an outsider.

    The workouts are harder than I thought they'd be, and I thought they'd be pretty hard.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?

    Don't have one yet. Still playing the field.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. 1. How long have you been CrossFit? I started in November 2010, after completing Fundamentals in late October.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it? I think I was hooked before I started. I learned about CrossFit from reading an article about a CrossFit affiliate in the The Inquirer in early October 2010. That same day I learned about CrossFit KOP on the web, and I called Aimee to schedule an introductory session. I was convinced that CrossFit was for me just from reading about it. Being in it for nearly three months now, I feel the same way.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP? I’ve become a little obsessive about fitness and nutrition since shortly after starting with CrossFit. I initially disregarded what I was hearing from the CrossFit coaches about the importance of nutrition, thinking that I was already eating healthy. Later, I got to reading some of the blog posts by Plentus and Laura, and I took a look at CFJ 21. I realized that my eating habits maybe were not as healthy as I had thought. About 1 week before Thanksgiving, I decided to take processed sugar and grains out of my diet. This was a huge change for me. I was accustomed to having sweeteners in my coffee (now I drink it black). I used to have bagels or cereal for breakfast everyday (I’ve switched to mostly eggs, fruit and/or yogurt or cottage cheese). I used to have pizza at least twice a week (I’ve had it only once or twice in the last 6-7 weeks). I used to have rolls or bread with most meals (I’ve cut them out completely). I’m not ready to try going Paleo, but I’ve been more conscious about dairy since stating the Primal challenge last week. I’ve been reading Dr. Sears’ Enter the Zone, and I’ll probably be reading a book on Paleo in the near future. Before making these changes, I experienced severe headaches on a fairly regular basis (once a week or so). Since making these changes, I rarely get headaches, and when I do get them, they are mild in comparison to before, and they don’t last as long. I also find that I now have longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep, and that my energy level is on more of an even keel throughout the day. I used to experience ups and downs in my energy level throughout the day.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it? I get frustrated if I have to sit out because of soreness or muscle strain from a WOD. I’m trying to make sure that I get the scaling right so that I’m not so sore or strained that I have to sit out for a few days.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself? By the end of 2011, I’d like to be able to do an unassisted dead hang pull-up, scale the 6-foot wall, and do double unders.

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit? I was impressed with the intensity of the WODs, and the encouragement and support exhibited by CrossFitters for their classmates. I thought that the atmosphere was terrific.

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time? I’m still impressed. I love the challenge. I love the variety. I appreciate the coaching and the support and encouragement from my coaches and fellow CrossFitters. I like interacting people who are a little obsessive about fitness and nutrition.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD? I’ve had only limited exposure to the lady WODs. I’ll say Cindy for now.

  35. 1. How long have you been CrossFit?

    First baseline, October 2009.

    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

    Immediately. I drank that Kool-Aid right down. The intensity was right up my alley.

    3. How has CrossFit impacted your life outside of CFKoP?

    It's changed what I see as important; fitness used to be something i "had" to "squeeze in". Now, it's something that "get to do". It also feeds my adrenaline junkie side. And I have a ton more awesome friends now. I love going to boxes in different cities because it's a built in community of people with whom you have something deeply in common from the start.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    Sure. Most recent example was Festivus, when 85% of the people who showed up set new DL PRs and I could barely pick up 205, which is 50# less than the PR I set on 10/10. I was pretty bummed that I didn't pull more, but the reality is that old chestnut: you have good days and bad. If I have a bunch of disappointing performances in a row, it's time for a little time off because that says I'm overtraining. It's hard to say no to some WODs because you love them or it's your favorite lift but you really do need the rest days. Take them.

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

    Whole list of them. Backsquat 200, Frontsquat 150, OHS 125. Clean 150. DL 300, Bench 150. Ring dips, HSPU with full ROM. String 100 DU. String 20 Kipping p/u. String 20 butterfly p/u.

    I have recently decided to pull back a bit on weights during WODs and strive for faster times rather than Rx weights. That's going to be a bit of an ego hit because I love that "Rx" next to my name, but I do think that I have stepped on my overall progress by going so heavy. It's made me mad strong, and that's not a bad thing...but Crossfit isn't only about getting strong--there are 9 other areas of fitness.

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

    Direct quote: "No fucking way can I do that." A friend first introduced me to it by sending me to crossfit.com. I wrote him back and told him he was flat out crazy. I forgot what the WOD was, but it had 150 squats in it, and at the time I was convinced that squats were totally off limits because my knees always killed me after. Hello, bad form. That changed when I actually showed up for an intro session with Aimee. It was the right time in my life to join something like Crossfit and I'm so grateful I gave it another chance.

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?

    I truly do not know what I would do without it.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?

    Diane. because, deadlifts. If we're talking WODs generally, I'm also a huge fan of 300.

  36. Butchered this entry earlier on the Ipad...cleaned it up after my English major wife broke my balls about my sloppiness.

    1. How long have you been CrossFit?

    April 2009
    2. How long did it take you to get hooked on it?

    Right away

    3. How has CrossFit impact

    Stronger, faster, healthier and making incremental progress that is noticeable personally and rewarding.

    4. Do you ever get discouraged or burnt out? How do you overcome it?

    Discouraged, well I am married to Granny so I stopped using the clock and my finish as a measure of success

    Burn out will set in when I try really hard (hasn't happened yet)

    5. What future CrossFit goals have you set for yourself?

    To have the balls to completely burn out in the second or third round of a four or five stage WOD and be forced to quit because I have absolutely nothing left.

    6. What was your first impression of CrossFit?

    Intense sessions with great people

    7. How has your impression of it changed over time?

    WOD's don't seem to be as insurmountable, still really hard but possible.
    Watching others change and progress is inspiring and motivational.

    8. What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?

    Fuck all them bitches!

    No favorite really. My favorite part of Crossfit, I like to joke, is the ride home. True, I love the feeling of completion after a session of hard work. I really like the WOD's. The people make the difference....we have a great group at KOP.

  37. 1. April 2010

    2. I was hooked before I got to CFKOP because I had done about 3 or 4 CrossFit WOD's in Tampa with my brother and his firemen friends. Although I couldn't wrap my mind around the clean, ESPECIALLY the medball clean, I loved every minute of the WOD's, especially Met Con's

    3. CrossFit and CrossFit KOP has opened up a whole social window that I never thought existed. Coming from college in New York and about 1000miles from actual home, it's great to have this common ground with so many people, I've met tons of people that I can call "friend"

    4. I get discouraged when I am the slowest time for a WOD, not just for the class but for the day. I'm a highly competitive individual and treat the competition with others as a chance to compete with myself at the same time. Usually this frustration lasts for about an hour before I realize that I just HAD to try and RX the WOD, rather than scaling and keeping my intensity up. I overcome this frustration by coming in the next day and laughing about it, then just going as hard as I can

    5. GOALS:

    a) Muscle-Up
    b) 80-90 situps in 2 minutes
    c) 80-90 pushups in 2 minutes...or more
    d) sub 13 minute 2 mile
    e) 12 dead hang pull-ups (3 currently)
    f) an 800 CF Total (625ish currently)
    g) 100+ DU's
    h) RX LYNNE

    6. My first impression of CrossFit was non-existant because I had ZERO idea what it even was until i showed up for the classes with my brother and after the first one my impression was "this is going to be f***ing AWESOME!)

    7. My impression hasn't changed...I talk CrossFit to everyone, even those who don't care. The fact that somehow, someway, someone designed a fitness module that is essentially it's own "sport" blows my mind and I am so thankful. It is a stress reliever, confidence builider, and many more things all-in-one.

    8. My favorite benchmark lady WOD is Kelly, but I was a big fan of the Annie Sandwich

  38. 1. April 2010

    2. I was hooked before I got to CFKOP because I had done about 3 or 4 CrossFit WOD's in Tampa with my brother and his firemen friends. Although I couldn't wrap my mind around the clean, ESPECIALLY the medball clean, I loved every minute of the WOD's, especially Met Con's

    3. CrossFit and CrossFit KOP has opened up a whole social window that I never thought existed. Coming from college in New York and about 1000miles from actual home, it's great to have this common ground with so many people, I've met tons of people that I can call "friend"

    4. I get discouraged when I am the slowest time for a WOD, not just for the class but for the day. I'm a highly competitive individual and treat the competition with others as a chance to compete with myself at the same time. Usually this frustration lasts for about an hour before I realize that I just HAD to try and RX the WOD, rather than scaling and keeping my intensity up. I overcome this frustration by coming in the next day and laughing about it, then just going as hard as I can

    5. GOALS:

    a) Muscle-Up
    b) 80-90 situps in 2 minutes
    c) 80-90 pushups in 2 minutes...or more
    d) sub 13 minute 2 mile
    e) 12 dead hang pull-ups (3 currently)
    f) an 800 CF Total (625ish currently)
    g) 100+ DU's
    h) RX LYNNE

    6. My first impression of CrossFit was non-existant because I had ZERO idea what it even was until i showed up for the classes with my brother and after the first one my impression was "this is going to be f***ing AWESOME!)

  39. 7. My impression hasn't changed...I talk CrossFit to everyone, even those who don't care. The fact that somehow, someway, someone designed a fitness module that is essentially it's own "sport" blows my mind and I am so thankful. It is a stress reliever, confidence builider, and many more things all-in-one.

    8. My favorite benchmark lady WOD is Kelly, but I was a big fan of the Annie Sandwich

  40. 1) When did you start Crossfit?
    April 2010
    2)How long did it take you to get hooked?
    When I realized how out of shape I was which was somewhere in the first round of the first metcon.
    3)How has Crossfit impacted your life?
    I breathe better, I feel better, I work better, I sleep better, I have much less back pain, I live healthier and I have a better outlook on life. Is there more than that?
    4)Do you ever get burnt out or discouraged?
    I get discouraged all the time since I'm one of the weakest guys at the box, but I don't get burnt out. I deal with the discouragement by doing what I usually do - try harder.
    5)What are your Crossfit goals?
    To show up at the box M, W, F at 4:30pm for the next 52 weeks and let the coaches and the WOD and the effort do the rest!
    6)What was your first impression of Crossfit?
    I'm too old for this
    7)How has your impression changed of Crossfit changed over time?
    The box really isn't just a place to work out, it's a social thing, too. Actually, it's a cult and we're cult members and we get it but people outside the cult don't get it and that's ok, because we're happier and healthier for it.
    8)What is your favorite benchmark lady WOD?
    Let's just say I have a better relationship with the other woman and girls in my life.

    Brian R.
