
W.O.D. 12.3.10

6 Rounds of:

Back Squat (135#/205#), 10 reps
In the following minute immediately after you re-rack the bar complete max rep sit-ups. Each sit-up will take one second off your total time. Score for this workout is total time less time/sit-ups completed.

I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
-Thomas Jefferson

Rob Ph 12:11 - 148 = 9 43
Jim C 12:34 - 156 = 9:58
Cate 10:47- 223 = 7:04
Jason 9:27-111 = 7:36
Steph V 12:17-143 = 9:54
Danny 8:44-122=6:42
Mike F 10:54-132=8:42
Shawn 11:04-157-8:27
Aimee 12:08 - 191=9:07

Meghann 11:39 - 119sec = 9:40 (@95#)
Mike S 11:13 - 88 sec = 9:45 (@95#)
Kim G 11:36 - 119 sec = 9:37 (@ 95#)
Todd 12:01 - 122 sec = 9:59 (@ 185#)
Bekah 11:40 - 192 sec = 8:28 (@115#)
Donkey 13:21 - 220 = 9:41 @ 125
Brie 9:47 - 213 = 6:34 @ 65
Kelly 12:06 - 177 = 9:09 @ 15
Brian 14:23 - 224 = 10:39 @ 165
Dianne 14:13 - 175 = 11:18 @ 65
Ben 12:33-146 = 10:07 @ 95
Peterson 12:24-149 = 9:55 @ 135
Gina 13:44-113 = 10:47 @ 95 (11:51?)
Dorothy 10:17-172 = 7:25 @ 75
Shoeless 9:50-178 = 6:52 @ 135
P 12:05-243 = 8:02 @ 185
Mel 14:08-195 = 10:53 @ 95
Lindsey 10:24-154 = 7:50 @ 65
Sharon 10:57-108 = 9:09 @ 83
Olan 16:30-183 = 13:27 @ 185
Sarah S 14:22-165 = 11:37 @ 33
Sarah J 11:03-98 = 9:25 @ 45
Vivian 11:27-119 = 9:28 @ 83
Sara B 10:48-190=7:38 (100#)
Jim B 10:18-108=8:30 (105#)
Vincent 10:45-167=7:58 (155#)
Ironman 10:45-191=7:34 (95#)
Katie 11:24-122=9:22 (70#)
Melinda 10:52-170=8:02 (120#)
Rob P 11:30-126=9:24 (135#)
Miranda 10:34-182=7:32 (95#)
Chris B 10:48-135=8:33 (155#)
Rachael 11:20-156=8:44 (75#)


  1. max rep sit ups? awesome!

  2. Donkey, you will crush this W.O.D. Wish my back was feeling better so I could do this W.O.D. with you.

  3. @kristen...sorry to hear your back is acting up! knee is still angry, so squats won't be to full ROM (and therefore not Rx), but i'll do what i can for those and kill those situps!

    heal quickly!

  4. 6:00 Early Bird results:

    Meghann 11:39 - 119sec = 9:40 (@95#)
    Mike S 11:13 - 88 sec = 9:45 (@95#)
    Kim G 11:36 - 119 sec = 9:37 (@ 95#)
    Todd 12:01 - 122 sec = 9:59 (@ 185#)
    Bekah 11:40 - 192 sec = 8:28 (@115#)

    Coaches note: nice work everyone! SIgnificant improvements in back squats and very consistent number of sit-ups for each round. And a special "wow!" to Bekah the Sit-up Machine for 192 situps, great job!

  5. Nice Job Bekah!

    Donkey, my hip is still recovering from the IT band problem. I am thinking about subbing shoulder presses for the squats so I don't aggravate it. But I am going to do the GHD for the sit ups since Bekah raised the bar.

    Anyone else have any thoughts on possible substitutions for squats?

  6. Dorothy, Good Mornings would be a good sub for squats. Jay E

  7. Thanks Jay. That's a good idea. I hate good mornings more than squats. that's how I know I should do them.

  8. Damn you Dorothy! I cant do GHD's yet! Did you talk to Dr. Matthews?

  9. Donkey 13:21 - 220 = 9:41 @ 125
    Brie 9:47 - 213 = 6:34 @ 65
    Kelly 12:06 - 177 = 9:09 @ 15
    Brian 14:23 - 224 = 10:39 @ 165
    Rob Ph 12:11 - 148 = 9 43 RX
    Jim C 12:34 - 156 = 9:58 RX
    Dianne 14:13 - 175 = 11:18 @ 65
    Cate 10:47- 223 = 7:04 RX

    omg, feel free to correct my math!!!!
    great work everyone!

  10. Miranda,
    I have an appt with Dr Matthews next Wed.

    I am having second thoughts about the GHD machine. That's a lotta situps.

  11. Thanks for a great workout Cate!

  12. dorothy...good mornings, i second that. as far as GHD, i was also going to challenge myself using it, but my knee can't handle that stress yet. so, i did butterfly situps to make it more challenging and still not stress the knee. squats i did to partial depths, maybe 2-3 inches above parallel. in restrospect i wish i'd done good mornings since i also hate them.

  13. 5:30 and 6:30

    Sara B 10:48-190=7:38 (100#)
    Jim B 10:18-108=8:30 (105#)
    Vincent 10:45-167=7:58 (155#)
    Ironman 10:45-191=7:34 (95#)
    Katie 11:24-122=9:22 (70#)
    Danny 8:44-122=6:42 (Rx)
    Mike F 10:54-132=8:42 (Rx)
    Melinda 10:52-170=8:02 (120#)
    Shawn 11:04-157-8:27 (Rx)
    Rob P 11:30-126=9:24 (135#)
    Miranda 10:34-182=7:32 (95#)
    Chris B 10:48-135=8:33 (155#)
    Rachael 11:20-156=8:44 (75#)
