
W.O.D. 11.24.10

Complete each of the below exercises for the ascending and descending time domains listed below:

:30 - :45 - 1:00 - :45 - :30

Air Squats
Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
Weighted Step up (25#/45#(dumbbell)
Push Press (55#/75#)
Situps (unanchored butterfly sit ups)
Mountain Climbers

Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
-David Thomas

Steph V: 100/126/160/125/117=628
Miranda: 160/201/196/167/150=874
Peterson: 121/162/188/139/115=725
Conn: 101/132/135/110/81=559
Rachael: 114/138/205/126/107=690
Denise: 88/107/130/100/93=518
Beth: 114/145/157/133/111=660
Laura: 176/246/323/246/184=1,175
Rob: 136/168/197/141/116=758
Shoeless: 117/163/192/136/119=727
Bell: 115/139/161/124/101=640
Olan: 92/143/170/122/88=615


  1. Great job to my 6AMers! It was wonderful having such a big class - I hope to see you ALL at another Wednesday 6am in the future!

    I loved seeing everyone's intensity today. Even though we weren't keeping score, you all really pushed yourselves! It's a nice reminder that. even though we're often motivated by the clock, or wanting a certain score on a WOD, in the end it's about pushing ourselves to our limits and having fun doing it.

    Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to everyone heading out of town!

  2. ok Tonight, after the box we can meet around 630...how does Guppys sound?
    Text me if you want to go 484-576-3938.

  3. I decided to have the 4:30 class track their reps each round. I wanted to do this for the following reasons.

    1) You can calculate reps/second or minute and see where you start to fall off significantly. This will show you were you may want to focus your time domain for future workouts.

    2) You can compare your first 30 second round with your last 30 second round and see where your endurance is...you can see if you are constant or if you fall off and finish strong

    I saw a lot of great stuff tonight. I saw that everyone was trying to beat their first round with their last and some were successful. For those that were not, next time. Beth and Denise rocking the 55# push press. Beth rocking the 35# bell for the first time. GREAT stuff here tonight..Laura being a robot. Keep up the good work and look at your data and see what you can learn about yourself and identify your weaknesses to train.

  4. I was at the nooner and did the Aviator WOD right after the daily WOD. 15:46 - messed up at first 35, second 40 (several times)
