
W.O.D. 11.6.10

3 Rounds of:
25' of Walking Handstands
15 Kettlebell swings 55#/70#
3 Rope Climbs

30 hand raises from an elevated position
(upside-down or on a box, similar to hand stand push-ups)
15 Kettlebell swings (weight to scale)
9 rope pulls or 15 towel pull-ups

Coaches Note:

Don't be afraid of this WOD. Walking handstands are a new skill at CF KoP and many of you may not feel comfortable doing it, but as always, everything can be scaled to your level of ability and with practice, you too, will one day be walking on your hands.

We are offering FREE Yoga tomorrow at 11:00AM with Tori. Everyone is welcome! Click here to read more. If you can't make it we will be offering another session on 11/20 at 11:00AM.

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare"
- Japanese Proverb

Rx Results:
Joe A 20:51
Mike V 18:02
Shoeless 21:21
Jason 25:10
Cate 27:31
Shawn 31:32

Jeff Hi. 9:55 (53#/towel/box)
Steph V. 11:22 (55#/towel/wall-bands)
Jay E. 10:16 (rope-pulls)
Paul B. 19:03 (55#)
Kim G. 12:05 (35#/box/rope-pulls)
Denise 12:14 (35#/box/rope-pulls)
Sandy 10:55 (35#/wall/rope-pulls)
Matt A. 9:45 (45#/towel/box)
Sheng Ching 13:21 (35#/towel/box)
Ken 11:51 (45#/towel/box)
Lisa C. 13:07 (35#/towel/box)
Aimee 16:40 (wall)
Hannah 23:06 (towel/wall)
Liz 24:10 (45#)
Tom D. 13:51 (45#/rope-pulls/box)
Beth 25:45 (35#/rope-pulls/wall)
Jenny 26:00 (18#/rope-pulls/box)


  1. Shawn, thanks for struggling with me! I wanted to quit on that rope climb and I'm so glad I didn't. Thank you!

  2. How was yoga, was anyone able to make it? I was out of town, but will try to make the session on the 20th
