
CrossFit KoP Community:

We wanted to make you aware that Coach P's keys were stolen from the front room of the gym on Wednesday night. In addition to this, the thief then went into his car and proceeded to steal his wallet and all of its contents. We know that the thief was not a member of the gym but no one was proactive in approaching them. We are bringing this to your attention not for the purpose of scaring you but rather so that you can be alert and proactive if you see a stranger in the gym, particularly the front area. There are a lot of new faces in the gym and it is easy for any one, including coaches, to think it is just the newest member going through an intro or Fundamentals. If you see someone that you do not know or looks suspicious (on cell phone, constantly lookin around, not talking to anyone), please point them out to a coach or if you feel comfortable, walk up and say hello, ask their name and if they are there for a class. If they are new, they will be glad for the welcome...if they continue to be suspicious or do not seem to know what is going on, get a coach. This is especially important to mention because it is not the first time that it has happened...a few months ago Jen S had her make-up bag stolen, again by a non-member of the gym. In this instance, Tim H was proactive and let us know that someone suspicious looking was in the lobby. This prevented the thief from stealing more than just make-up.

Going forward, in order to protect your belongings, please utilize the back shower areas and all areas within the actual gym. We are currently looking for lockers to install in the shower room so that all of your belongings can be locked up if you desire. Remember that we are a very strong community and we are here to watch out for one another. Please do not be afraid to report anything that looks suspicious to you...the worst that can happen is that it is a false alarm. Thanks for your help.

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