
"Barbells for Boobs"

W.O.D. 10.16.10

30 Clean and Jerks for time

Team WOD:
Team WOD @ 2PM - 4 people on a team (4$ per team, $1 per person):
Having 2 bars set up, one with 135, one with 95, one man and woman work at a time. (4 minutes of HPC), 1 min rest, (4 minutes of air squats), 1 min rest, (4 minutes of push-ups), 1 min rest, (4 min of deadlifts). Score is total reps for the team.

Cup Competitions:

A-cup - Max rep deadlifts in a minute (135#/95#)
B-cup - Consecutive giant jump ropes
C-cup - Max Rep Wall-balls shots in a minute 14# above 9ft target for ladies and 20# above 10ft target for men
D-cup - Max wall ascents in one minute (using the 6' wall)

There will be no regularly scheduled 9/10AM class today. We are running our Re-Grand Opening Celebration and Amazing Grace Event to benefit Mammograms in Action. Doors open at 10AM Heats will be assigned based on arrival times.

Our spectacular event is finally here!!
Donate for an amazing cause-Mammograms in Action.

More Info:
Click here to view the great raffle prizes!
Click here to view our PDF flyer!
Click here to view the latest Blog Post with details on the Cup competitions and team WOD!
Don't forget Kids WOD-obstacle course starting at 12:00 and Team WOD starting at 2PM. Who needs a team?

Courage Quotes:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~Dan Rather

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. ~Raymond Lindquist

Courage is fear that has said its prayers. ~Dorothy Bernard

Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears. ~Arthur Koestler

The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next. ~Mignon McLaughlin

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